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What does quality implementation look and sound like?

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Presentation on theme: "What does quality implementation look and sound like?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What does quality implementation look and sound like?
IRLA Implementation What does quality implementation look and sound like? Vanessa

2 Our WHY: Fulfilling the Promise of College, Career, and Life Readiness for Each and Every Student
Vanessa “Historically, only one in ten students who are behind after first grade ever catch up.”

3 Learning Goal: Administrators will be able to analyze IRLA data in order to determine level of implementation, engage in the Inquiry Cycle and identify next steps in order to support teachers so they can best meet student needs on any given day. Vanessa

4 Transforming Teaching & Learning in our Building
What knowledge do we need to develop in our teachers? How will we train our teachers in this knowledge? How will we ensure this knowledge is used in practice? How will we have a system of accountability? How will we provide follow up support and reinforcement based upon teacher needs? Kara

5 Effective Implementation Progression Step 1
Knowledge: To understand the progression of the foundational standards, the characteristics of each level, and how to confirm student levels Goal: 100% of the students are in accurate levels Coaching/Monitoring: Levels Check Kara

6 Kara

7 Step 2 Knowledge: To build reading ready routines in all students. (stamina, reading ready position, book shopping) Goal: 100% of the students are following the routines Coaching/Monitoring: Reading Ready Routine Form If 80% or more of my classrooms have 100% of their students following these routines, then proceed to the next step of implementation Kara

8 Kara

9 Step 3 Knowledge: To understand how to conduct a quality one on one conference with a student and enter evidence into SchoolPace. Goal: 100% of the students are receiving a quality conference Coaching/Monitoring: Conferencing Feedback Form If 80% or more of my teachers can conduct a quality conference, then proceed to the next step of implementation. Kara

10 Kara

11 Step 4 Knowledge: To intentionally plan rigorous Foundational Skill and Comprehension Lessons with the use of Unit Overview and IRLA. Goal: 100% of the classroom teachers glean evidence of students progressing in the standards throughout the day and gather this evidence in SchoolPace. Coaching/Monitoring: Classroom Visits and PLC Planning Kara

12 What opportunities do our teachers have during the Integrated Literacy Block to collect evidence of student learning? Courtney

13 How can we use IRLA as a resource to help us plan for instruction?
Note which standards state: After Read Aloud (IRLA pg , 67-69, & 90-92) What instructional implications does this have on your grade level instruction? Courtney

14 Evidence Guide for the CCSS Integrated Literacy Block

15 Why is it important to analyze our data?
Celebrate Success Reflect on Implementation Plan for next steps Determine professional development needs at the district and school level Courtney

16 American Reading Company Criteria for Levels of Implementation
High % Medium % Low % Less Than 50% Courtney

17 Where Do I find the Data?

18 NEW REPORT Courtney

19 Courtney

20 Reflections and Celebrations Reflections & Celebrations!
Courtney Reflections and Celebrations Reflections & Celebrations! Element #3: Celebrating Success

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