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Smart Industrial Villages Support SMEs innovation and initiatives within Smart industrial villages, an approach for renovating traditional urban industrial,

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Presentation on theme: "Smart Industrial Villages Support SMEs innovation and initiatives within Smart industrial villages, an approach for renovating traditional urban industrial,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Smart Industrial Villages Support SMEs innovation and initiatives within Smart industrial villages, an approach for renovating traditional urban industrial, arts and crafts areas and promote inclusion, accessibility, new services, smart technologies application, recreational and cultural functionalities H2020-INNOSUP-05 Peer-learning of innovation agencies Fabrizio Tollari ERVET / Emilia-Romagna TIPS Provide an appealing title or acronym as descriptive as possible of your project proposal idea Please specify the call you are going to present your project idea Introduce yourself: Tell us briefly who are you, your position and describe your organisation (activities, country, size, etc,)

2 Smart Industrial Villages
The problem we detected Small industrial areas planned according to old models, including both industrial and craft enterprises are located near or within urban areas and need to be renovated according to new models for using urban spaces and promoting innovation and entrepreneurship as well as economic and social value. An opportunity Develop and test an innovative model (Smart Industrial Village) of refurbishment of industrial and crafts areas, activating inclusinve and participatory processes, create the best sinergies with public transport, assure accessibility and commercial and recreational use, promoting enterprises, activating new «smart» services, propose forms of circular economy and sustainability. TIPS To make your project idea understandable for the public it would be good if you explain the origin of the idea. What problem you want to solve? What is the opportunity identified? Describe also very briefly the profile of your organisation to indicate to potential partners should know your capabilities in advance. Include an image if you have one to describe better the project idea

3 Smart Industrial Villages
Why is a good project? Aimed at developing a common approach supporting innovation processes of small and micro enterprises and forms of territorial development as well as a common model for renovating urban industrial areas. Peer learning include many aspects of designing, such as sustainability and circular economy, social innovation, different cultural patterns within Europe, international good practices. Who are we looking for: Agencies or other actors with expertise in the field of smart city, ecologically equipped industrial areas (EEIAs), circular economy, energy renovation, urban renovation processes, with capability to work on local case studies for testing purposes ERVET can provide its expertise and experiences about EEIAs, circular economy, energy renovation projects and work with a specific case study for testing (Roveri smart village) TIPS To make your project idea understandable for the public it would be good if you explain the origin of the idea. What problem you want to solve? What is the opportunity identified? Describe also very briefly the profile of your organisation to indicate to potential partners should know your capabilities in advance. Include an image if you have one to describe better the project idea

4 Results DOP (Design Options Paper) describing how to design projects for starting up a «Smart Industrial Village» with description of: A reference model Options for characterizing and developing the project Actors to be involved in the process Setting up and activation of the initiative with reference to specific features (industrial and arts and crafts activities located in the area, other possible candidate activities, development of commercial and recreational functionalities, branding and promotion of the area, sinergies with public transport, «smart services» etc. Mutual learning through sharing of case studies, experiences, knowledge about local projects, financing tools and applications, mutual masterclasses about innovative issues. TIPS To make your project idea understandable for the public it would be good if you explain the origin of the idea. What problem you want to solve? What is the opportunity identified? Describe also very briefly the profile of your organisation to indicate to potential partners should know your capabilities in advance. Include an image if you have one to describe better the project idea

5 Activities 3 international peer learning meetings with masterclasses
Exchange of case studies, knowledge and experiences Revision and discussion about first round of local meetings results and masterclasses Discussion about outcomes of second round of local meetings groups and preparation of DOP 2 rounds of meetings with local actors in each participating region Stakeholder engagement and discussion on projects, needs and opportunities Design options for the local Smart village Homework preparation of data and case studies, preparation and follow up of local activities, finalization of DOP TIPS To make your project idea understandable for the public it would be good if you explain the origin of the idea. What problem you want to solve? What is the opportunity identified? Describe also very briefly the profile of your organisation to indicate to potential partners should know your capabilities in advance. Include an image if you have one to describe better the project idea

6 Tentative budget Possible for 3 partners, total budget 50.000 €
€ LP (including coordination, drafting and graphical rendering of DOP) € each other 2 partners Each partner: 8.500 € participation to 3 peer learning meeting 6.500 € organisation of 2 rounds of local meetings or focus group / masterclass + homework + indirect costs 5.000 € additional for LP (coordination, drafting and graphical rendering of DOP) TIPS To make your project idea understandable for the public it would be good if you explain the origin of the idea. What problem you want to solve? What is the opportunity identified? Describe also very briefly the profile of your organisation to indicate to potential partners should know your capabilities in advance. Include an image if you have one to describe better the project idea

7 REP2Share Support SMEs innovation and entrepreneurship in the framework of Regional Energy Policies aimed at the transition towards a Low Carbon Economy H2020-INNOSUP-05 Peer-learning of innovation agencies Fabrizio Tollari Project manager ERVET - Emilia-Romagna Regional Development Agency TIPS Provide an appealing title or acronym as descriptive as possible of your project proposal idea Please specify the call you are going to present your project idea Introduce yourself: Tell us briefly who are you, your position and describe your organisation (activities, country, size, etc,) 7

8 How to use regional low carbon economy scenarios to feed the local SMEs innovation processes?
The problem we detected Regional and local government started to adopt long term visions and targets as basis for the development of their energy policies, according to higher level targets (national, European energy roadmaps) These long term visions and scenarios and the related policy implementation measures can feed innovation processes of enterprises (at process, products of managerial level), and can promote entrepreneurship through the design and implementation of new and innovative products and services. Actually we are detecting especially SMEs have a poor innovation capability related both to short term, mid term and long term scenarios (e.g. models for energy distribution, electric mobility of car sharing, buildings energy management, financing schemes, etc.) TIPS To make your project idea understandable for the public it would be good if you explain the origin of the idea. What problem you want to solve? What is the opportunity identified? Describe also very briefly the profile of your organisation to indicate to potential partners should know your capabilities in advance. Include an image if you have one to describe better the project idea 8

9 Design a common approach and functional
Design a common approach and functional tools to support innovation based on Regional Energy Policies Why is a good project? Connect public policies reference scenarios and targets with the feeding up of innovation capabilities within a field well developed and addressed bu EU policies (Energy and low carbon economy roadmaps). As we consider long term scenarios, wide possibilities for SMEs and professional skills innovation can be explored. Sharing of knowledge and experience among agencies or expert actors is essential to develop a common approach and functional tools. Who are we looking for: Agencies or other actors with expertise on regional energy planning, support to entrepreneurship, innovation within products and services ERVET can provide its recent experience about development of a long term regional energy plan and related scenarios and a relevant experience in monitoring energy policies and managing financing programmes for SMEs TIPS To make your project idea understandable for the public it would be good if you explain the origin of the idea. What problem you want to solve? What is the opportunity identified? Describe also very briefly the profile of your organisation to indicate to potential partners should know your capabilities in advance. Include an image if you have one to describe better the project idea 9

10 Results DOP (Design Options Paper) describing how to
Develop regional tools for describing and communicating regional energy policies and related implementation tools (Scenarios and drivers in a global as well as regional as well as local levels), policy instruments, financing programmes etc functional to provide a knowledget and inspirational basis for innovation Retrieve information and data from companies functional to describe needs and opportunities related to innovation processes, and their outcomes (economic, environmental, …) Design initiatives and permanent tools for supporting low carbon policies-driven innovation and monitoring the development of the regional low carbon economy connected with scenarios implementation TIPS To make your project idea understandable for the public it would be good if you explain the origin of the idea. What problem you want to solve? What is the opportunity identified? Describe also very briefly the profile of your organisation to indicate to potential partners should know your capabilities in advance. Include an image if you have one to describe better the project idea 10

11 Activities 3 international peer learning meetings with case studies, discussions and masterclasses Describing and communicating regional energy policies and related scenario s and implementation tools Describing needs and opportunities related to innovation processes, and their outcomes Design initiatives and permanent tools for supporting low carbon policies-driven innovation Possible local activities Stakeholder engagement and focus groups with companies Diffusion and testing of materials. Homework preparation of data and case studies, preparation of contributions to DOP drafting, TIPS To make your project idea understandable for the public it would be good if you explain the origin of the idea. What problem you want to solve? What is the opportunity identified? Describe also very briefly the profile of your organisation to indicate to potential partners should know your capabilities in advance. Include an image if you have one to describe better the project idea 11

12 Tentative budget Possible for 3 partners, total budget 50.000 €
€ LP (including coordination, drafting and graphical rendering of DOP) € each other 2 partners Each partner: 9.500 € participation to 3 peer learning meeting 5.500 € local activities and materials + homework + indirect costs 5.000 € additional for LP (coordination, drafting and graphical rendering of DOP) TIPS To make your project idea understandable for the public it would be good if you explain the origin of the idea. What problem you want to solve? What is the opportunity identified? Describe also very briefly the profile of your organisation to indicate to potential partners should know your capabilities in advance. Include an image if you have one to describe better the project idea 12

13 Thank you for your attention!
TIPS Include clearly your contact details Please specify again the call you are going to present your project idea We are going to publish your project proposal idea searching for partners. Please, include here your all your contact details: name, position, organisation, address and phone Fabrizio Tollari ERVET – Emilia-Romagna Valorizzazione Economica Territorio Spa Tel Skype: fabrizio.tollari 13

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