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Magnetic anomalies of the Bakony-Balaton- highland volcanoes

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2 Magnetic anomalies of the Bakony-Balaton- highland volcanoes
2 Aim of project Magnetic anomalies of the Bakony-Balaton- highland volcanoes Magnetic measurements on the Lake Balaton Data processing Comparing the magnetic and seismic data Modeling basalt volcanoes Conclusions

3 To carry out magnetic measurements on the eastern part of the Lake
3 To carry out magnetic measurements on the eastern part of the Lake Verification seismic interpretation with magnetic measurements and modeling

4 High resolution and ultra-high resolution seismic sections showing magmatic intrusions

5 5 Sacchi (2001)

6 P30 6

7 Bal4 7

8 Seistec 2000_301 8 200 m

9 Seistec 2000_501 9 200 m

10 Volcanology of the Bakony – Balaton-highland volcanic fied
10 The Bakony – Balaton-highland volcanic field with the basalt outcrops encircled

11 Sediment filled craters
11 Basalt capped buttes Sediment filled craters

12 Primarily basalt tuffs and pyroclastics
12 Monks’ dwellings Geological map of the Tihany Peninsula (Lóczy Lajos, 1920) Primarily basalt tuffs and pyroclastics Basalt bombs and blocks in the wall of the „Monks’ dwellings”

13 Map of magnetic Δz anomaly of Balaton-highland (ELGI, 2006)
13 Map of magnetic Δz anomaly of Balaton-highland (ELGI, 2006)

14 Normal and reverse magnetization
Dipole field 14 Magnetic anomaly of a normal dipole Magnetic anomaly of a reverse dipole

15 15 ELGI (2006) Reverse Combined Normal

16 The measurements resulted North-South sections of a total of 140 km
16 The measurements resulted North-South sections of a total of 140 km

17 Magnetic measurements: Sept. 06-10, 2010
17 Measuring of the total magnetic field with a GSM-19 proton precession magnetometer The magnetometer was fixed in vertical position Wooden boat with the magnetometer trawling behind the motorboat Navigation by hand-held GPS

18 1. Correction of temporal variation
Data processing 1. Correction of temporal variation 18 The measured intensities corrected for temporal variation based on data from the Tihany Geomagnetic Observatory nT

19 Data processing 2. Normal correction
19 The spatial variation of the magnetic field was extracted from our data: Tθ(θ=45°) ≈ nT/km nT

20 Data processing 3. Reduction to pole 20 nT

21 21

22 22 110221 Bal-12 ÉNY ÉNy DK DK

23 23 Bal-12 ÉK DNY after Horváth et al. (2010)

24 Volume of the basalt body 3681554 m3 Susceptibility κ=0,001695
24 Parameters Depth of the dipole 300 m Volume of the basalt body m3 Susceptibility κ=0,001695 Remanent magnetization 3,772 A/m Remanent inclination -56º Remanent declination 187º Total intensity 48000 nT Inclination 63,5º Declination 2,9º

25 25 2 km Based on ELGI (2006)

26 Based on the Tihany samples the remanent magnetization was ignored
26 Based on the Tihany samples the remanent magnetization was ignored For calculating induced magnetism the susceptibility of the Tihany samples were taken as reference Map of magnetic anomaly reduced to the pole

27 Volume of the basalt bodies 14075142 m3 Susceptibility 0,004931895
27 Parameters Depth of dipole 300 m Volume of the basalt bodies m3 Susceptibility 0, Total intensity 48000 nT

28 28 [T] nT 1 km

29 Interactive Gravity and Magnetic Application System (Götze, 1978)
29 Interactive Gravity and Magnetic Application System (Götze, 1978) Bal-12

30 30 after Horváth et al. (2010)

31 31 110m 280 m 180m

32 32

33 33 Magnetic anomalies in the Balaton-highland are related to basaltic intrusions with normal, reversed and combined magnetization Understanding the complex anomaly pattern would require further magnetic surveys, rock magnetic and volcanological studies Preliminary magnetic surveys combined with high resolution seismics demonstrate the presence of volcanic intrusions below the Lake Balaton Further research can shed new light on the Mio- Pliocene volcanism of the Bakony – Balaton- highland

34 Dombrádi Endre Horváth Ferenc Kovács Gábor Lenkey László Márton Péter and Mártonné Szalay Emő Németh Kriszta, Dósa Melinda Pethe Mihály Visnovitz Ferenc


36 Magnetic anomalies in the Balaton-highland are related to basaltic intrusions with normal, reversen and combined magnetization Understanding the complex anomaly pattern would require further magnetic surveys, rock magnetic and volcanological studies Preliminary magnetic surveys combined with high resolution seismics demonstrae the presence of volcanic intrusions belw the Lake Balaton Further research can shed new light on the Mio- Pliocene volcanism of the Bakony – Balaton- highland




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