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Presentation on theme: "ADAM & FADEL SALES KIT Overview"— Presentation transcript:

FADEL ARC – Rights Information at your Fingertips Name: FADEL Website: Address: 111 W 19th St, New York, NY 10011 Partner Contact: Edward Rashba Phone: ext. 7009 FADEL ARC checks advertising production and distribution content against contract terms, giving you at-a-glance visibility into terms of use from directly within ADAM. From creative to delivery, FADEL ARC gives you the "rights" answer, on demand. Pain points Navigating content complexity for the creative process and for all usage – Today content is highly complex and often multilayered in nature. For example, envision the challenge of navigating rights for a promo involving actors, models, photographers, music, voiceover, photos, video and brands – all with different contractual rights based on geography, format, usage, language, timeframe etc. Risk of improper usage – Advertisers are often finding themselves in the middle of financial and legal battles having to pay out millions in penalties due to improper usage of content or potentially incurring significant costs to remedy the error. A need for speed – Advertisers are producing ad content at a dizzying rate. Having to traverse complex documents to track down media content rights can bring the process to an unaffordable halt. Cost & process inefficiencies – There is an ever growing mandate to reuse existing valuable content, assets and talent. What gets in the way is limited visibility into the inventory of creative and the associated documents. With better reuse creative teams and production teams can get to market faster, reduce overall production costs and achieve a higher return on existing investments. Better management and utilization of valuable creative assets – In the fast-paced market of advertising you are expected to produce more for your brands, with the same or an even smaller budget. Maximize your investment and better monetize your content by making it available for continued use with minimal or no additional cost? Profile FADEL is a provider of cloud-based Rights and Royalty Management software for Media, Entertainment, Publishing, Advertising and High Tech. Built on a robust and adaptable architecture, FADEL IP Management software has been recognized for its end-to-end capabilities across the IP licensing lifecycle - from negotiation to payment. The trusted authority for the tracking and monetization of intellectual property usage, FADEL's IP Management software enables businesses to verify, automate and manage the rights to use their digital assets - empowering faster time to market and ensuring corporate compliance. Founded in 2003, FADEL is headquartered in Rye, New York, and also operates offices in New York City, Los Angeles, London, and Lebanon Target Audience Top Advertisers / Big Brands – cross industry Marketing Executives responsible for advertising, campaigns, production Retail Pharma Marketing Procurement & Sourcing Advertising Agencies & Production Houses Marketing Business Affairs Brand Manager Digital Asset Manager Benefits FADEL ARC enables ADAM users to: Navigate Complex Usage Rights. No matter what media type and how complex the rights, you gain digestible and actionable information that is ready to use globally. Avoid Improper Usage. Misuse can cost millions in penalties--not to mention firefighting and rework. Create Rapid-Fire Campaigns. Having to peruse complex documents or track down content rights can cause costly stalls in production. Reuse Content. Lack of visibility into creative inventory prohibits many advertisers from getting the most out of their investments. Customers GAP / Banana Republic Ogilvy Focus on the Family SCAD Kohler USAA

2 Qualifying questions & SALES TOOLS
Qualifying Questions - Sales Positioning How do you manage the rights to your digital assets today? Is there a clearance/permissions step as part of our asset life-cycle workflow? How many assets under management? Of those assets, how many are rights-managed? Does your company currently have a rights management system in place? How is it managing acquired rights today – in a legacy system (which one)/home-grown/manually? Where are the contracts currently stored? Are the contract terms searchable? Who has access to the contracts today? Do you know with confidence what assets you can use during the creative, pre-production and post-production process? Do you have clear visibility to asset usage information – rights as well as inventory? Do your creative people have to interact with multiple systems in an attempt to piece together usage capabilities? Have you ever seen the production process slowed down because it was not clear if assets could be used or your team was waiting for green light from legal/business affairs? How long does a typical rights clearance take? Have you ever found that you could’ve reused an asset but lacked the visibility to know? Have you ever run into issues with non-compliance? Have you faced potential legal actions for accidental usage violation of digital assets? Have you ever had to scramble to fix a campaign that you lost the rights to use in some portion? Sales Tools Visit

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