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United states travel & tourism advisory board

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1 United states travel & tourism advisory board
Mary Motsenbocker & Gary Schluter Colorado Governor’s Conference September 16, 2016

2 Travel & Tourism advisory board (ttab)
Established in 2003 Serves as the Advisory body to the Secretary of Commerce in matters relating to the travel & tourism industry in the U.S. Comprised of 32 members who represent a broad spectrum of the travel industry Advice provided aims to help the U.S. government… Address emerging issues affecting the travel sector Prioritize travel & tourism policies that stimulate growth and solve industry-related problems Board members collaborate with other government agencies as part of the Tourism Policy Council (TPC) TPC advances the development of the President’s National Travel & Tourism Strategy

3 President Obama’s Strategy Goal
Developed in 2012 by the Tourism Policy Council (TPC) Goals: Attract 100 million international visitors to the 2021 Encourage Americans to see America Travel & Tourism is the largest U.S. service export Supports 1.1 million American jobs International visitors spent $84 billion more in the U.S. than citizens of the U.S. spent in international countries Largest positive trade balance for the service industry 4% increase of international visitors occurred from January – April 2016

4 Tourism Policy Council (TPC)
Focus on: Specific actions needed for federal policies & programs Market Access & Opportunities Key Markets to progress toward achieving the goals of the National Travel & Tourism Strategy National Travel & Tourism Strategy Developed in 2012 by TPC for the Secretary of Commerce Secretary of Commerce through TPC oversees the interagency advancement of goals National Travel & Tourism Office (NTTO) is responsible for overseeing implementation of strategy Who is TPC? Secretary of Commerce Under Secretary of Commerce for International Trade Director of Office of Management & Budget Secretary of State Secretary of Interior Secretary of Labor Secretary of Transportation Commissioner of U.S. Customs Service Commissioner of Immigration & Naturalization Service President of U.S. National Tourism Organization

5 Tourism Policy Council (TCP) ----------------
National Travel and Tourism Office (NTTO) State DHS Interior USDA DOT Labor USTR SBA U.S. Army Corps Treasury/OMB EOP U.S. Travel & Tourism Industry Brand USA TTAB

6 Travel Security & Customer Experience
TTAB Travel Security & Customer Experience Visa Facilitation Key Market Engagement Research Mary Gary Ttab subcommittees Formal federal advisory committee to advise secretary of commerce

To provide quality customer service experience at U.S. airports To expand enrollment in the Trusted Traveler programs To develop practices in airport excellence through partnerships with the private sector To explore requirements for travelers to feel safe enough to travel in the face of security threats Committee Action: Mobile enrollment technology Marketing partnerships with private sector companies On-site enrollments at Convention Centers and Trade Shows

Review the requirements for acceptance to the Visa Waiver Program (VWP) and exceptions Committee Action: Looking into name change Make the interview process for Non-VWP countries smoother Increase offices and staff Expand the interview waiver program, include a video interview program Compare program with key markets Get profiles from key markets Research why key markets have high percentage of outbound travelers, but only a small percentage comes to the U.S.

Have enhanced law enforcement and security related to date sharing with the U.S. Issue e-passports Have a visitor (B) visa refusal rate of less than 3% Have timely reporting of both blank and issued lost/stolen passports Show maintenance of high counterterrorism, law enforcement, border control, and document security standards

10 Visa facilitation - expanded
VISA WAIVER PROGRAM - EXCEPTIONS Even if from a Visa Waiver country, everyone who is a National or has visited the following countries since March 1, 2011: Iran, Iraq, Syria, Somalia, Libya, Sudan, Yeman Citizens may still come to the U.S., but must proceed through standard visa process To come to the U.S. from a Visa Waiver country, you must apply & receive the ESTO form

11 TTAB Subcommittees (continued)
KEY MARKET ENGAGEMENT Goals: To address barriers & opportunities for bi-lateral engagement with the governments of China & India Committee Action: Analysis of issues & market potential 2016 – U.S./China Year of Tourism 2017 – U.S./India Travel and Tourism Partner Countries

12 TTAB Subcommittees (Continued)
RESEARCH Goals: To address ways to improve the collection & dissemination of data Committee Action: Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to further expand the use of new technology in international arrivals process

13 Past recommendations to secretary of commerce
COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS ON…. Visa Waiver Program Brand USA Matching Funds Vetting Process To stimulate Domestic Travel Integrating Travel & Tourism into Infrastructure Planning Advocate for & to Advanced Federal Effort in Support of Travel & Tourism Industry Research Restoring America’s Travel Brand: A National Strategy to Compete for International Visitors (2009)

14 Gary schluter –
THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE IS LISTENING AND REQUESTING YOUR INPUT! Please contact Gary Schluter or Mary Motsenbocker with comments and ideas. Gary schluter – Mary Motsenbocker –

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