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Nρρ和Δρρ三强子束缚态的研究 孙宝玺 (北京工业大学) 陈华星 (北京航空航天大学) E. Oset(西班牙Valencia大学)

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Presentation on theme: "Nρρ和Δρρ三强子束缚态的研究 孙宝玺 (北京工业大学) 陈华星 (北京航空航天大学) E. Oset(西班牙Valencia大学)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Nρρ和Δρρ三强子束缚态的研究 孙宝玺 (北京工业大学) 陈华星 (北京航空航天大学) E. Oset(西班牙Valencia大学)
孙宝玺 (北京工业大学) 陈华星 (北京航空航天大学) E. Oset(西班牙Valencia大学) 第14届全国核结构大会,浙江湖州 2012年4月12-16日

2 1. Vector-baryon decuplet interaction
Content 1. Vector-baryon decuplet interaction 2. N-rho-rho system in FCA 3. Delta-rho-rho system in FCA 4. Conclusion

3 Vector-vector Interaction

4 Interaction Vertex

5 Anomalous Term

6 Anomalous Term

7 Bethe-Salpeter Eqution

8 Vector meson – baryon loop function in the dimensional regularization scheme

9 Vector meson-baryon loop function accounting for the width of the intermediate states


11 Decay modes

12 S=-1,I=0 Channel

13 S=-1,I=0 Channel

14 S=-1,I=1Channel

15 Resonance for S=-1,I=1 channel

16 EPJA 44, 431 (2010)

17 Ten resonances in the different strangeness and isospin channels
Ten resonances in the different strangeness and isospin channels. Degenerate in JP=1/2-, 3/2-, 5/2-.

18 Vector-baryon octet interaction
E. Oset and A. Ramos, EPJA 44, 445 (2010). K. P. Khemchandani, H. Kaneko, H. Nagahiro and A. Hosaka, PRD 83, (2011).

19 FCA of Faddeev Equation

20 FCA of Faddeev Equation

21 N-rho-rho system

22 Two-body N-rho interaction

23 S-Matrix Single scattering Double scattering General form

24 Three-body Amplitude

25 G function with Λ=875MeV

26 Three-body Amplitude


28 Decay width of f2(1270)→ππ

29 N-rho-rho Amplitude with f2 width

30 Delta-rho-rho

31 Two-body Delta-rho Amplitudes

32 3-body Amplitudes of Delta-rho-rho with decay width of f2(1270)

33 EPJA 47 (2011) 127 Peak around 2227MeV for N-rho-rho
Peak around 2372MeV for Δ-rho-rho

34 Form factor of f2(1270)

35 Form factor of f2(1270)

36 Form factor of f2(1270)

37 Thanks

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