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Patrick Desbrow, CIO & VP of Engineering October 29, 2014

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Presentation on theme: "Patrick Desbrow, CIO & VP of Engineering October 29, 2014"— Presentation transcript:

1 Patrick Desbrow, CIO & VP of Engineering October 29, 2014
PRODUCT UPDATE Patrick Desbrow, CIO & VP of Engineering October 29, 2014

2    Product Update Agenda Overview Software Development Process
Welcome to the CrownPeak Product Update Agenda Overview Software Development Process Product Update Your Feedback

3 Section Overview Software Development Process

4 CrownPeak employs an agile development philosophy
Software Development - Process CrownPeak employs an agile development philosophy Agile principles include: Focus on customer satisfaction Response to change via adaptive action Progressive elaboration, rolling-wave planning Customer-prioritized, time-boxed delivery Small, integrated, self-disciplined teams, face-to-face communication The project team uses a product by Atlassian Jira for project issue / feature tracking Scrum for agile project management Offers advanced web-based project management and collaboration Goals is to enhance communication in the team and more

5 The Agile lifecycle is based on 5 events:
Software Development - Process The Agile lifecycle is based on 5 events: Release Planning - A high-level plan of the sprints for the release Sprint Planning - Determine which stories each team member will work on Daily Scrum Standup - Ensures that the entire development team is always on the same page Sprint Review – Present the work to the Product Owner team. Sprint Retrospective - The team considers what went well, what didn’t, and what improvements could be made in the next sprint What have I done since the last Scrum meeting (yesterday)? What will I do before the next Scrum meeting (tomorrow)? What prevents me from performing my task(s)?

6 Quality Assurance Software Development - Process
The QA team performs testing on a continuous basis Detailed QA test plans are created and issues are documented in Jira Types of Testing Unit Testing - A method to take the smallest piece of testable source code, in isolation, and ensure it behaves exactly as expected Regression Testing - The execution of test cases for existing functionality that is expected to remain unaltered by the change Automated Testing – The execution of existing scripts to exercise as much of the source code as possible CrownPeak performs far more than these traditional types of testing….

7 User Interface Testing
Software Development - Process Types of Quality Assurance Testing Traditional Automated Proactive Smoke Test User Interface Testing Security Testing Unit Testing Publishing Testing Security Scans Regression Testing Benchmark Testing Intrusion Testing Site Performance Scenario Testing Negative Testing Each release undergoes hundreds of hours of quality assurance testing We continue to work on ways to streamline and fine-tun the process with the goal of improving our overall QA capabilities

8 Monthly Release Schedule
Software Development - Process Monthly Release Schedule The CMS will be updated on the 3rd Wednesday of each month: Preliminary release notes will be available 7 days before Final release notes will be posted on Connect the days of release Wednesday, November 19, 2014 Wednesday, January 21, 2015 Wednesday, February18, 2015 Wednesday, March 18, 2015 Wednesday, April 15, 2015 Wednesday, May 13, 2015 Wednesday, June 17, 2015

9 Section Overview Product Update

10 Updates Since Last Year
Product - Update Updates Since Last Year Bulk Asset Uploader Internet Explorer 10 / Ephox Support Source Code Editor TinyMCE in Classic CDC Support for Visual Studio 2012 Marketplace Updates Tiny MCE Full Screen Mode Binary File Improves (Import, Thumbnails) IE Compatibility Mode Updates CMS Developer API Updates Volte Menu Updates Report Section Exporting FTP Connector to Hosting Environment No Dependency Publishing CMS UI Performance Improvements

11 New Feature Themes Product - Update January: Dashboard Update
February: Digital Asset Management March: Collections April: Orphan Content Reporting May: TinyMCE 4 June: Connectors July: Visual Studio Add-on August: Enhanced Preview Experience September: Active Standard Integration October: Reporting & Analytics Updates

12 Product - Update New Default Dashboard (Released: January 2014)

13 Product - Update New Default Dashboard (Released: January 2014)

14 Google Analytics / Demandbase Dashboard Product - Update
(Released: January 2014)

15 Social Media Dashboard
Product - Update Social Media Dashboard (Released: January 2014)

16 New Default Dashboard (Released: January 2014)
Product - Update New Default Dashboard (Released: January 2014) Public vs. Private Dashboards CMS Widgets 3rd Party Widgets Activity - Tasks & Workflow Tasks Publishing Monitor – Quick view of the publishing queue Recent File Activity – Find your files fast Errors / Help / Banners – Communicate with your users Site 24x7 Monitor – Current site status Google Analytics – Visitors over time Facebook Insights – Social activity Demandbase – Profile your visitors Active Standards – QA / Compliance Reports

17 Digital Asset Management
Product - Update Digital Asset Management (Released: February 2014)

18 Digital Asset Management
Product - Update Digital Asset Management (Released: February 2014)

19 Digital Asset Management
Product - Update Digital Asset Management (Released: February 2014)

20 Product - Update Image Editor (Released: February 2014)

21 Digital Asset Management (Released: February 2014)
Product - Update Digital Asset Management (Released: February 2014) Tool to add, delete, tag, and retrieve digital assets within the CMS The current version provides support for : A new asset view that displays assets as thumbnail previews Improved filtering options Metadata / Tagging Support (Keywords, Caption/Abstract, etc…) Full Text Search Discovery Assets are shared and reused by many users on a project Search the current directory or the entire CMS

22 Product - Update Light Box Collections (Released: March 2014)

23 Light Box Collections (Released: March 2014)
Product - Update Light Box Collections (Released: March 2014) Tool to add, delete, tag, and retrieve digital assets within the CMS The current version provides support for : Create public and private collections Improved filtering options Metadata / Tagging Support (Keywords, Caption/Abstract, etc…) Full Text Search Discovery Collaboration groups so assets are shared and reused by many users on a project Move a discontinuous group through a workflow

24 Product - Update Orphan Content Report (Released: April 2014)

25 Orphan Content Report (Released: April 2014)
Product - Update Orphan Content Report (Released: April 2014) Crawl all of the file in the hosting environment Compare the results to the assets in the CMS Create a report to identify: Orphan Content – Files in the hosting environment with no corresponding link Broken Links – Links will not corresponding file in the hosting environment

26 Product - Update TinyMCE 4 (Released: May 2014)

27 Tiny MCE 4 (Released: May 2014)
Product - Update Tiny MCE 4 (Released: May 2014) Improved Look and Feel Easier access to the formatting options HTML5 video/audio elements by default Better filtering for the Copy/Paste plug-in Improved Spell Checker Improved Image Management Integrated with Digital Asset Management and Collections

28 Integration Connectors
Product - Update Integration Connectors (Released: June 2014)

29 Integration Connectors (Released: June 2014)
Product - Update Integration Connectors (Released: June 2014) Connectors are a quick method to leverage the CrownPeak Marketplace Start by selecting a connector and entering your credentials Connectors can be used in dashboard widgets such as Google Analytics, Facebook Insights, and Demandbase Connectors can also be used to send and receive data to social sites, document management sites, and more

30 Product - Update Visual Studio Add-on (Released: July 2014)

31 Visual Studio Add-on (Released: July 2014)
Product - Update Visual Studio Add-on (Released: July 2014) Connect to the CMS and access all the assets Organized to match the List View in Volte Access to all of the CrownPeak System Variables Integrated in the Visual Studio Integrated Development Environment (IDE) Set breakpoints to stop program execution Trace the CrownPeak code step by step View CrownPeak variables in the VS Watch List View developer local variables

32 Enhanced Preview Experience
Product - Update Enhanced Preview Experience (Released: August 2014)

33 Enhanced Preview Experience
Product - Update Enhanced Preview Experience (Released: August 2014)

34 Enhanced Preview Experience
Product - Update Enhanced Preview Experience (Released: August 2014)

35 * Note: This date may change based on client requests for this feature
Product - Update Federated Authentication Services (Beta: March / Full Release : August 2014) Method Description Availability CMS Hosting CrownPeak proprietary authentication ID/Password challenge GA Yes No .htaccess ID/Password challenge (used in pre-production environments) Federated Authentication CrownPeak acts as service provider in SAML2 authentication transaction Q3 2014 Two-Factor Support for common two-factor authentication solutions, beginning with RSA SecurID Q * * Note: This date may change based on client requests for this feature

36 Product - Update Federated Authentication Services (Beta: March / Full Release : August 2014) Access control is essential for web sites that need to control content access to certain user groups   Authentication refers to the process of identifying the user Federated Authentication enables CrownPeak to offer several options Authorization refers to the level of access a user has after logging into the CMS Authorization is administrated via group access control levels within the CMS

37 Active Standards Integration
Product - Update Active Standards Integration (Planned: September 2014)

38 Reporting & Analytics Updates
Product - Update Reporting & Analytics Updates (Released: October 2014)

39 Reporting & Analytics Updates
Product - Update Reporting & Analytics Updates (Released: October 2014)

40 Reporting & Analytics Updates (Released: October 2014)
Product - Update Reporting & Analytics Updates (Released: October 2014) Web Analytics systems track detailed statistics about visits to your website(s) CrownPeak has standard “out of the box” reporting and analytics Demographics (i.e.: Browser, OS, Screen, Country, Language) Sources (i.e.: Search Engines, Social Media, Other) Targeting Profiles, Tests & Conversions 3rd party marketplace integration data (i.e.: Demandbase) This data will be available at three levels: Summary level in the Dashboard section Detail level in the Reports section Asset level in the Content section Accordion

41 Section Overview Your Feedback

42 We are here to hear your ideas and requests.
PARTNER SUMMIT - Feedback We want your feedback! We are here to hear your ideas and requests. You have our ear - here at the conference, through support, through Connect. We want to open a dialogue that starts here and continues well beyond So please share your feedback cos we are always looking for ways to improve our product. Product improvements come from 3 channels- Product Management Innovations from Customer Success team- And of course Feedback and contributions from Developers like you Through conversation at the conference or by posting on Connect Product Management Customer Success Community Feedback Developers

43 Forums on Connect - Feedback Template development
PARTNER SUMMIT - Feedback Twitter @CrownPeak #CrownPeakPartners For ongoing discussions with the CrownPeak community on Template development User & Developer Experience Solutions and Extensions Product features & roadmap Hosting & Publishing Integrations Forums on Connect Twitter hashtag and QR Code <a href=" class="twitter-hashtag-button" data-related="CrownPeakHelp,CrownPeak">Tweet #CrownPeakPartners</a> <script>!function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],p=/^ 'script', 'twitter-wjs');</script> <img src="" alt="QRCode"/> Forums QR code <img src=" alt="QRCode"/>

44    Access to Customer Success and Product Teams - Feedback
PARTNER SUMMIT - Feedback Access to Customer Success and Product Teams You have access the Product and Customer Success teams to give direct feedback on features and best practices Meet the team during the presentations and Q&A sessions Make suggestions – we are capturing it. Team members are armed with Post-its! Ask questions – We want to start a conversation that last well beyond the summit Any Questions? MEET THE TEAM MAKE SUGGESTIONS ASK QUESTIONS Partners and Developers

45 Connect Developer Discussion
Your Feedback Connect Developer Discussion

46 Connect Developer Discussion
Your Feedback Connect Developer Discussion Go to the Developers Discussion Find the topic called – “Product Features” This presentation is be posted in the discussion We have also posted the following question Please post a comment The most popular response(s) will make in the product in the six months “Is there an enhancement you would like to see to one of the existing product features in the CMS?”

47 Patrick Desbrow, CIO & VP of Engineering October 29, 2014
PRODUCT UPDATE Patrick Desbrow, CIO & VP of Engineering October 29, 2014

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