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MMA Financial, LLC A MuniMae Company

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1 MMA Financial, LLC A MuniMae Company
Sale Strategies Presented By Michael H. Gladstone, Esq. IPED – Boston, MA. October 11, 2007

2 Sell Property Before Y15 Is property key to fund yield?
Reduce risk by selling New capital New management Bond Indemnities Buyer is more important than price

3 A Pre-Year 15 Exit Selling before Year 15: balancing act
But generally not before Year 13

4 A Pre-Year 15 Exit Pros Take advantage of market opportunities
Strike while iron is hot Reduce expenses Reduce exposures

5 A Pre-Year 15 Exit Cons Buyer may not comply with rules
Difficult to monitor (but if we finance buyer…) Bonding expenses

6 Case Study – Sale as Workout Strategy
Hayden Pointe Apartments (Las Vegas) 252 unit garden-style MMA took over as GP in 2000 Deficits of $400,000 per year $ 715,000 in LIHTC per year 2 years remaining credits

7 Case Study con’t. Options:
1. Sell some fund credits (coupled with default refunding/refinancing of property) Sell property Investor favored sale

8 Case Study con’t. Forbearance Agreement with Lender
Sale paid Lender in full Modest distribution to Fund Received 85% of LIHTC Strong, reliable buyer Avoided recapture

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