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Gabriella Bottani, smc –

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1 Gabriella Bottani, smc –

2 The Talitha Kum journey:
Preparation Trainings 2009 Talitha Kum foundation Enlarge TK geographical scope – Vatican 2015 Sr. Gabriella Bottani, smc Sr. Estrella Castalone, FMA Sr. Bernardette Sagma, FMA Sr. Eugenia Bonetti, MC


4 MIGRATION & TRAFFICKING The world migrants stock has
increased from 155 millions in 1990 (2,9%) to 214 millions in 2010 (3,1%) – [South Est Asia - minority Rohingya Muslims from Myanmar, Central America and Mediterranean Sea] There are approximately 30 to 40 Million of irregular migrants worldwide, comprising 15 to 20 % of the world migrant stock. 44% of people are lured into human trafficking during the migration MIGRATION & TRAFFICKING

5 UNTOC/Palermo Convention 2000
A global, flexible and practical legal instrument with the aim of promoting cooperation to prevent and combat transnational organized crime more effectively (UNTOC, Art.1) 5

6 2. Supplementing Protocols

7 Protocol Against the Smuggling of Migrants by Land, Sea and Air, 2002
United Nations Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime, 2000 – Palermo Convention Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, especially Women and Children, 2002 Protocol Against the Illicit Manufacturing and Trafficking in Firearms, Their Parts and Components and Ammunition, 2002 Protocol Against the Smuggling of Migrants by Land, Sea and Air, 2002 7

8 166 Countries are member of the Palermo Protocol
(sourse: US Department of State: Trafficking in Persons Report 2015) 84,7% of the countries

9 Purpose of the Trafficking Protocol (Art.2)
To prevent and combat trafficking in persons, paying particular attention to women and children; To protect and assist victims of such trafficking, with full respect for their human rights; and To promote international co-operation to achieve above objectives. China Reservation:        The People’s Republic of China shall not be bound by paragraph 2 of Article 15 of the Protocol. Declaration:        Unless otherwise notified by the Government, the Protocol shall not apply to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China. 9

10 Definition of Human Trafficking (Article 3)
ACT MEANS PURPOSE Recruiment Threat or use of force Exploration including Transport Coercion Prostitution or others Transfer Abduction Sexual exploitation Harboring Fraud Forced labour Receipt of persons Deception Slavery or similar practices Abuse of power or vulnerability Removal of organs Giving payments or benefits Other types of exploitation such as begging 10

11 Domestic Servitude Forced labor Criminal Acts Sexual Exploitation
Organ removal Criminal Acts Begging Forced Marriage Sexual Exploitation

12 Definition of Human Trafficking
Adults Children Victim‘s age Over 18 Below 18 Mental element Intention Material element Act Means Exploitative purpose Consent of the trafficked or smuggled person Irrelevant once the means are established Irrelevant. Means do not need to be established Transnationality Not required Involvement of an organized crime group 12

13 Crimes related to trafficking in persons

14 Purpose of the Smuggling Protocol(Art.2)
to prevent and combat the smuggling of migrants to promote cooperation among State Parties to that end, while protecting the rights of smuggled migrants 14

15 Definition of Smuggling (Art. 3)
Migrant smuggling is comprised of the following elements: Procuring the illegal entry of another person Into another state For the purpose of financial or material gain 15

16 Criminalization Art. 6 Article 6 of the Migrant Smuggling Protocol requires the adoption of legislative measures to criminalize: The smuggling of migrants; When committed for the purpose of enabling the smuggling of migrants: - Producing a fraudulent travel or identity document; - Procuring, providing or possessing such a document; Enabling a person who is not a national or a permanent resident to remain in the State concerned without complying with the necessary requirements for legally remaining in the State. 16

17 Trafficking vs. Smuggling

18 22 networks 70 countries 5 continents

19 What We Can Do! Prosecution / Protection/ Partnership Prevention:
Three levels Protection/ Social inclusion Prosecution / Responsabilization Partnership Networks Prayer What We Can Do!

20 Human Rights Violation Trafficking in Persons
Vulnerabilities Human Rights Violation Exploitation Trafficking in Persons

21 Inter- congregational Grassroots Networking….

22 The circles, the local groups
Spirituality (Values) Human trafficking (God hears the cry of his people …. Sees their pain and is well aware of their soffering (Ex. 3) UISG – Local Religious Conferences (a pre –existing network) Charismatic Leadership (Stakeholder committed with the cause) Aqui apresento cinco pontos importantes para o desenvolvimento e a caminhada das redes membros de TK

23 Olistic Systemic Complexity (causes) How TK Approachs TIP:

24 Education / professional training
NETWORKS Education / professional training Health care Social work Pastoral- Protected shelter Advocacy Leadership formation

25 Prevention Prosecution Assistance Policies
Media and social media Schools Governmental Organizations Police Community building Educational Programs Notification Income generations projects Social projects Shelters Judiciary Professional Training Social assistance basic needs International Intergovernmental Organizations Psycho-social and Health Care UN Organizations Diplomatic Agencies Assistance Policies Talitha Kum area of anti-trafficking activities

26 Talitha Kum International Coordination – UISG/ROME:
NETWORKING To promote the cooperation at the regional and continental level in collaboration with Gos and NGOs FORMATION Qualification of the members, in the service of leadership Professional development ; COMMUNICATION Exchange of Information, data and good practicies. Data collection; To give greater visibility to human trafficking

27 Mistrust versus Trust

28 Misuse versus Taking care

29 Competition versus Collaboration

30 The achievement of more effective anti-trafficking actions requires passionate leaders, capable of developing a vision for the future, influencing others, through their coherent witness and commitment. Religious Leaders are key persons in promoting those skills that allow things to happen, with and through others.

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