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Wavelet domain image denoising via support vector regression

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1 Wavelet domain image denoising via support vector regression
Source: Electronics Letters,Volume:40,Issue: 2004 PP : Authors: H. Cheng, J.W. Tian, J. Liu and Q.Z. Yu Presented by: C.Y.Gun Date: 4/7 2005

2 Outline Abstract Introduction( Mother Wavelet, Father Wavelet)
Support vector regression Proposed theory and algorithm Experimental results and discussion

3 Introduction Families of Wavelets:
Father wavelet ϕ(t) – generates scaling functions (low-pass filter) Mother wavelet ψ(t) –generates wavelet functions (high-pass filter) All other members of the wavelet family are scaling and translations of either the mother or the father wavelet

4 Introduction Father wavelets (low-pass filters)

5 Introduction Mother wavelets (high-pass filters)

6 Introduction 2-D DWT for Image

7 Introduction 2-D DWT for Image

8 Introduction 2-D DWT for Image

9 Support vector regression
Standard linear regression equation The linear case is a special case of the nonlinear regression equation

10 Support vector regression
Idea : we define a « tube » of radius εaround the regression(ε≥ 0) No error if y lays inside the « tube » or« band »

11 Support vector regression
We therefore define an ε-insensitive loss function L1 L2

12 Support vector regression
Graphical representation

13 Support vector regression
Slack variables ei are defined for each observation: e e e e

14 Support vector regression
Kernel methods:

15 Support vector regression
Basic kernels for vectorial data: – Linear kernel: (feature space is Q-dimensional if Q is the dim of ; Map is identity!) – RBF-kernel: (feature space is infinite dimensional) – Polynomial kernel of degree two: (feature space is d(d+1)/2 -dimensional if d is the dim of )

16 LS-SVM Regression We define the following optimization problem: Or:

17 LS-SVM Regression From Least squares support vector machine classifiers ….(1)

18 LS-SVM Regression The Result LS-SVM model for function estimation is

19 LS-SVM Regression

20 LS-SVM Regression (1) ….(3)

21 Proposed theory and algorithm
Block matrix decompositions The main formula we need concerns the inverse of a block matrix =??

22 Proposed theory and algorithm
= = where

23 Proposed theory and algorithm

24 Proposed theory and algorithm

25 Proposed theory and algorithm
3 f(-1,-1) f(-1,0) f(-1,1) f(0,-1) f(0,0) f(0,1) f(1,-1) f(-1,-1) f(-1,0) f(-1,1) f(0,-1) f(0,0) f(0,1) f(1,-1) 3 SVR DWT V Original Image

26 Proposed theory and algorithm
where fm is the modified wavelet coefficient, p=0.3×max( f ) . Max( f ) is the maximal value of the wavelet coefficient in that detail subband.

27 Experimental results and discussion

28 Experimental results and discussion

29 Reference 1 Mallat, S.G.: ‘A theory for multiresolution signal decomposition: the wavelet representation’, IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell., 1989,11, (7), pp. 674–693 2 Donoho, D.L., and Johnstone, I.M.: ‘Ideal spatial adaptation via waveletshrinkage’, Biometrica, 1994, 81, pp. 425–455 3 Chang, S.G., Yu, B., and Vetterli, M.: ‘Adaptive wavelet thresholding forimage denoising and compression’, IEEE Trans. Image Process., 2000, 9,pp. 1532–1546 4 Vapnik, V.: ‘The nature of statistical learning theory’ (Springer-Verlag,New York, 1995) 5 Suykens, J.A.K., and Vandewalle, J.: ‘Least squares support vectormachine classifiers’, Neural Process. Lett., 1999, 9, (3), pp. 293–300

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