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Introduction to financial management
FINANCE is defined as the provision of money at time when it is required It may be defined as the art and science of managing money. Finance Public finance Private finance
Definition Financial management is that managerial activity which is concerned with the planning and controlling of the firm’s financial resources. Financial management is concerned with the acquisition, financing and management of assets with some over all goal in mind (J.C.Vanhorne)
Areas of financial management
Investment analysis Sources & Uses of funds Working Capital management Financing decision Wealth maximization Financial management Determination Of capital structure Optimum Utilization Of resources Dividend policy Analysis of Risk & return Areas of financial management
Financial Management Decisions
Investment Decision (Capital budgeting) What long-term investments or projects should the business take on? Financing Decision (Capital structure) Where to raise funds? Should we use debt or equity? What should be the proportions? Liquidity Decision How do we manage the day-to-day finances of the firm? Management of Cash inflows and outflows Dividend decision
Scope of financial management
Estimating financial requirement Deciding capital structure Selecting source of finance Selecting pattern of investment Proper cash management Implementing financial controls Proper use of surpluses
Estimating financial requirement:
Short term and long run financial requirements of his business. Amount required for purchasing fixed assets as well as needs of funds for working capital Deciding capital structure: Proportion of different securities for raising funds. Deciding debt equity ratio
Selecting a pattern of investment:
Selection of an investment pattern is related to the use of funds. Decisions has to be taken as to which assets are to be purchased. Funds will be spends first on fixed assets and then for working capital Selecting a source of finance: Various sources from which finance may be raised include : share capital, debenture, financial institution, commercial banks, public deposits etc
Proper cash management:
Assess various cash needs at different times and then make arrangements for arranging cash. Cash may be required to purchase raw material, make payment to creditors, meet day to day expenses. Implementing financial controls: Return on investment, budgetary control, ratio analysis, break-even analysis, cost control, ratio analysis etc. Proper use of surpluses: Judicious use of surpluses is essential for expansion and Diversification plans Protecting the interest of share holders.
Forms of Organization Three major forms in India Sole proprietorship
Partnership Limited Company Public Limited Private Limited
Relationship of finance with other functional areas
R&D Purchase Production Distribution Personnel Accounting Marketing
Organisation of Financial Functions
CAPEX Manager Board of Directors MD/Chairman Treasurer Controller Cash Manager Financial Plan. Mgr Credit Manager FOREX Manager Pension fund Mgr Tax Manager Corp. A/C Mgr Cost A/C Mgr Fin. A/C Mgr
Emerging Role of Finance Manager in India
Post-liberalization – Complex & Demanding The Key challenges: Financial Structure FOREX management Treasury Operation Investor communication Management control & Investment Planning
Emerging role…… Modifications in the Industries Development (Regulations) Act. Abolition of MRTP Act and its replacement by the Competition Act. Enactment of Liberalized FEMA Act. Capital Issues (Control) Act – SEBI Act IRDA Act Emergence of the capital market at the center stage Highly articulate and sophisticated money market
Emerging role…. Globalisation, convertibility of rupee, FII, Indian Foreign Investment etc. Market-determined interest rate, emergence of innovative financial instruments Mutual fund, credit rating and other financial services Sophisticated credit risk management Access to Euro issue, ADRs Privatization/disinvestment of PSUs
Financial Goal Investment and financing decisions are unavoidable and continuous The firm must have a goal Profit maximisation Wealth maximisation
Profit maximisation Buyers’ market – demand command prices
Higher profit opportunities attract firms to produce customer driven products – Competition Does the market driven pricing serve the society? Invisible hand principle – Adam Smith Profit maximisation implies that a firm either produces maximum output for a given amount of input, or uses minimum input for producing a given output. Profit maximisation – maximising efficiency
Objections to Profit Maxn
It assumes perfect competition It was developed in 19th century – Sole traders Now-a-days divorce between management and ownership Stakeholders also include customer, employees, govt., and society at large – Profit maximisation is unrealistic, inappropriate and immoral. True competitive pricing is unrealistic in modern It is vague, Ignores timing of return and Ignores risk
Profit Max….. Profit? Short or Long term, EBIT or PAT, Total profit or EPS etc.. Time Value of Money Uncertainty of returns Maximising PAT: Not in the interest of owners Maximising EPS: Ignores timing and risk
Wealth maximisation Maximising Net Present Value of the future benefits (in terms of future cash flows) Negative NPV should be rejected Takes care of the timing of the risk and return In investment and financing cash flow is important not accounting profit. Wealth maximisation – Maximising utility of their consumption over time The wealth created by the companies is reflected in the market prices of the shares
WM….. Ultimate objective is to maximise wealth
Stock prices serves as the firm’s performance indicated Finance Manager: How much should a particular share be worth? What factors responsible? Generally depend upon risk-return trade off
An Overview of Financial Management
Wealth maximisation Financial Decisions Investment Liquidity (WCM) Financing Dividend Risk-Return trade off An Overview of Financial Management
Agency Problem Separation of Ownership and management
Shareholders hardly exercise any control/ influence on management Managers should act in the best interest of shareholders Managers may maximise their own wealth at the cost of shareholders May not take any risk and play safe deviating from the SWM objective
‘Satisficing’ behaviour of the managers becomes obstacle in the SWM
Company is a complex organisation consisting of multiple stakeholders. The stakeholders’ view of the managers may prove compromising on SWM objective The management’s success depends upon the fulfillment of the objectives of all the stakeholders In the long run the wealth is maximised if interest of all the stakeholders are taken care of.
Agency Cost Conflict between shareholders’ and managers’ goal
This conflict is known as “Agency Problem” Agency problem results into agency cost. Agency cost – is less than optimum value of the share in the market because of the actions of the managers The agency problem vanish when the managers own the company. ‘Stock options’ to managers may reduce the cost.
Terms Equity: Equity Shares- Shares represent ownership rights to their holders. (A small fraction of the owners’ fund in the firm). Public Issue: Invitation to public by a company to invest in its shares Right Issue: Issue of additional new shares to the existing shareholders Bonus Issue: Issue of new shares to the existing shareholders in lieu of dividend
Dividend: The share of profit given to the shareholders
Preference Share: Given preference at the time of distribution of dividend and capital repayment. Fixed rate of dividend is given. Debt: Borrowed funds, - Term loan, Bond, Debentures etc. Term Loan: Long-term loans from banks/FIs Bonds/Debentures: A certificate acknowledging the amount of money lent by a bondholder to the company. (Bond: Issued by govt. or PSUs; Debentures: Issued by private companies)
Summary Finance Areas of finance Scope of finance
Interface with other departments Organisation of the Finance Function Emerging role of a Finance manager in India Financial goal Agency Problem
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