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(members of the MBUE@CMS group) Underlying Event @ CMS F.Ambroglini, D.Acosta, P.Bartalini, A.De Roeck, L.Fanò, R. Field, K.Kotov, E.Izaguirre, A.Vilela.

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Presentation on theme: "(members of the MBUE@CMS group) Underlying Event @ CMS F.Ambroglini, D.Acosta, P.Bartalini, A.De Roeck, L.Fanò, R. Field, K.Kotov, E.Izaguirre, A.Vilela."— Presentation transcript:

1 (members of the MBUE@CMS group)
Underlying CMS F.Ambroglini, D.Acosta, P.Bartalini, A.De Roeck, L.Fanò, R. Field, K.Kotov, E.Izaguirre, A.Vilela Pereira (members of the group)

2 Filippo Ambroglini - MC4LHC
Summary Results and performances on UE variable measurement using CMS (CMS NOTE 2006/067) Comparison of different Pythia tune (ATLAS, DWT, DW, A) with the UA5 data Prediction for the first run of 900 GeV Filippo Ambroglini - MC4LHC

3 Strategies for UE measurement at LHC
Charged Jet: Topological structure of p-p collision from charged tracks. Charged jet definition -> ICA algorithm with massless charged tracks as input The most energetic charged Jet define a direction in the plane The transverse region is particularly sensitive to the UE Main observables: dN/dd, charge density d(PTsum)/dd, energy density From D-Y muon pair production: observables are the same but defined in all the plane (after removing the μ pairs everything else is UE) Filippo Ambroglini - MC4LHC

4 Density distribution (full simulation)
Charged Jet dNch/dd VS  dPTsum/dd VS  transverse transverse MB JET60 JET120 PT>0.9 ||<1 toward away away away toward away Filippo Ambroglini - MC4LHC

5 Transverse region (full simulation)
Charged Jet <Nch>/ <PTsum>/ PT>0.9 ||<1 MC MB JET60 JET120 PT jet1 GeV/c PT jet1 GeV/c Events re-weighted with corresponding x-sec (error bars dominated by MC statistics, arbitrary luminosity but scaling correctly) Good RECO/MC agreement in shape Differences compatible with the expected corrections from charged jet PT calibration, charged tracks inefficiencies and fake rate Filippo Ambroglini - MC4LHC

6 Transverse region (full simulation) Filippo Ambroglini - MC4LHC
Ratio PT>0.9/PT>05 ||<1 <PTsum>/ MC MB JET60 JET120 PT jet1 GeV/c Really Good RECO/MC agreement. RECO/MC Differences absorb in the ratio, no need to apply corrections. Filippo Ambroglini - MC4LHC

7 Transverse region (Drell-Yan)
MC REC MC REC <Nch>/ <PTsum>/ M(,) GeV/c M(,) GeV/c Lack of statistics for M(μ,μ) out of Z mass peak. (error bars dominated by MC statistics, arbitrary luminosity but scaling correctly) Good agreement with MC prediction: differences compatible with expected corrections from dimuon mass calibration, efficiency of charged track reconstruction and fake rate. Filippo Ambroglini - MC4LHC

8 Filippo Ambroglini - MC4LHC
Pythia setup PYTHIA CTEQ5L Switched off by error the low pt :-( We have made a test and no sensible differences appear in the distributions PROCESS LIST 5.0 1.0 1 4.0 0.25 1.8 TeV 0.95 0.9 0.4 0.5 2.0 GeV 4 Tune A 1.25 PARP(62) 0.2 PARP(64) 15.0 PARP(93) 2.1 PARP(91) MSTP(91) 0.16 1.0 TeV 0.66 0.33 1.8 GeV ATLAS 2.5 1.96 TeV GeV Tune DWT PARP(83) PARP(84) PARP(90) PARP(86) PARP(89) 1.9 GeV Tune DW PARP(67) PARP(85) PARP(82) MSTP(82) MSTP(81) Parameter No single diffractive process included Filippo Ambroglini - MC4LHC

9 UA5 multiplicity data compared with Pythia tunes
Preliminary This results are in agreement with what already presented by Rick on different track multiplicity prediction from the Rick's tune and the ATLAS Tune see pag 47 of today presentation of Rick Filippo Ambroglini - MC4LHC

10 LHC start up (pp @ 900GeV) conditions dN_chg/dh
Preliminary Looking these plot we can see that the ATLAS tune predict more soft track wrt the other tunes (A, DW, DWT) Fix the  value = 0 we have: Preliminary Preliminary Filippo Ambroglini - MC4LHC

11 LHC start up (pp @ 900 GeV) conditions N_chg
Also in these plot we can see that the ATLAS tune has an higher moltiplicity wrt the other tunes (A, DW, DWT), but is also relevant how rapidly decrease the MPV of Nchg track applying a Pt cut Preliminary Preliminary Preliminary Filippo Ambroglini - MC4LHC

12 Filippo Ambroglini - MC4LHC
Conclusion Full reconstruction study with CMS. CMS-Note 2006/067 Possibility to go to 500 MeV as minimum pt for track reconstruction  absorption of some of the syst. Uncertainties connected to track reco. Study at generator level on comparing the results with the UA5 charged multiplicity data (LHC start-up conditions will be 900 GeV) PRELIMINARY Filippo Ambroglini - MC4LHC

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