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Prosper High School Football Staff

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2 Prosper High School Football Staff
Jason Johns- Defensive Coordinator, Inside LB’s, Off Season Coordinator, Track. Tony Cooper- Defensive Line, Academic Coordinator, Head Powerlifting, Head JV Coach. Anthony King- Defensive Line, Wrestling, SAT/ACT. Coby Richards-Outside LB’s, Special Teams Coordinator, Track. Ricky Lopez- Safeties, Track. John Brinkley- Corners, Head Track. Tyler Moore- Offensive Coordinator, QB’s, Equipment, Track. Jeff Pevehouse- Receivers, Track. Adam Naron- Running Backs, Track. Andrew Allen- TE/H, Track. Brian Thompson- Offensive Line, Powerlifting, NCAA Clearinghouse, recruiting coordinator.

3 Prosper High School Football Staff
Reed Ryan- Head Freshman, QB’s, Outside LB’s, Basketball. Jakeob Garner- Freshman, Receivers, Corners, Basketball. Stephen Coleman- Freshman Offensive Line, Defensive Line, Wrestling. Sarah Hartman- Licensed Athletic Trainer. Clay Wilson- Freshman Inside LB’s, TE/H, Baseball. Zach Wilson- Freshman Safeties, RB’s, Baseball. Michael Henry- Licensed Athletic Trainer.

4 Educational vs Entertainment Athletics
Educational Athletics Character Curriculum Focus on Habits for Success Positive Reinforcement Learning from Losses Positive School Culture Promote Academic Awards Academic Program Productive Citizenship Sportsmanship Responsibility Unified Coaching Staff Appreciative Overcoming Adversity Entertainment Athletics Teach Skills Only Win at all Cost Negative Reinforcement Punishment for Losing Disengaged Athletes Promote only Wins Student Athlete Failures Disenfranchised Poor Sportsmanship Irresponsible Actions Dissention in Staff Entitled Quitting/Giving Up

5 Why Football is Important
Why is Football Important?

6 Core Values Service to Others Honor the Team Belief in the Process
Prosper Eagle Football Mission To grow and excel socially, academically, and athletically through the understanding and execution of the four core values. Core Values Service to Others Honor the Team Belief in the Process Expect Excellence

7 “Do Your Job” Socially Academically Athletically

8 What is Culture? Culture is not what we do but how we do it.
In a program with great culture, kids know and understand that their value extends far beyond their talent level. Every player in our program can make himself better and make our team better.

9 What Does Success Look Like?
Consistent Improvement A’s and B’s in the classroom High Conduct and Character at all times Community Involvement Interpersonal Communication Skills Cooperative Problem Solving Learning from Adversity as well as Success Being a positive Leader and a Follower.

10 The Role of the Parent Your child’s success or lack of success in sports does not indicate what kind of parent you are. Having an athlete that is coachable, respectful, a great teammate, mentally tough, resilient and tries their best IS a direct reflection of your parenting.

11 The Role of the Parent You live in the best community, with the best schools, with the best superintendent, with the best principal, with the best teachers, with the best kids, with the best coaches in the state of Texas. Support them. Let the coaches coach…you be the parent.

12 My e-mail is
Parent Meetings You are absolutely welcome to request a meeting regarding your son. We will not talk with you after games. You are emotional and so are we. We will not discuss playing time. We will not discuss other kids or players. We will not meet unless you have already discussed your issue with your son. He probably knows the answer to your question. Meetings will include myself, the position coach, the parents, and your son. My is

13 Parent Communication - Contact coach in charge of whatever your question is regarding (ex: recruiting, JV, SAT). Booster Club parent chain- (contact class rep). Prosper Eagle Football on Facebook- Fan page (not for communication purposes) Remind- Freshman- to 81010 JV- to 81010 Varsity- to 81010 HUDL- The program we use to watch film can message your kids. Your son-Talk to your son

14 Multi-Sport Athletes PISD athletic department policy allows and encourages a student athlete to compete in multiple sports as long as the student athlete can abide by all team rules and regulations and there is no seasonal conflict. No coach shall attempt to discourage any athlete from participating in multiple sports. multi-sport-athletes

15 Playing at the Next Level
Scholarship Statistics Recruiting Webinar It is not our goal to be a farm system for college athletics. If your SON wants to play college football we will do everything we can to help make that happen. What can you do to help: Make good grades Take the SAT or ACT…multiple times (Coach King) Register with the NCAA Clearinghouse (Coach Thompson) Help your team be successful Have a great senior season

16 Junior/Senior testing and Transcript Information Julie Cooper PHS Counselor

17 How to request a transcript
Go to the PHS High School website Click on the “Counselor” tab Click on “Transcripts” Parent must complete “Consent for Records Release” if student is under 18. Then you can click on “Click here for Transcript Request” on that page to request a transcript.

18 SAT Registration and Dates
SAT Date Registration Deadline Late Registration Deadline Deadline for Changes October 7, 2017 September 8, 2017 September 19, 2017 (mail) September 27, 2017 (online/phone) September 27, 2017 November 4, 2017 October 5, 2017 October 17, 2017 (mail) October 25, 2017 (online/phone) October 25, 2017 December 2, 2017 November 2, 2017 November 14, 2017 (mail) November 21, 2017 (online/phone) November 21, 2017 March 10, 2018 February 9, 2018 February 20, 2018(mail) February 28, 2018 (online/phone) February 28, 2018 May 5, 2018 April 6, 2018 April 17, 2018 (mail) April 25, 2018 (online/phone) April 25, 2018 June 2, 2018 May 3, 2018 May 15, 2018 (mail) May 23, 2018 (online/phone) May 23, 2018

19 ACT registration and Dates
Test Date Registration Deadline (Late Fee Required) *September 9, 2017 August 4, 2017 August 5-18, 2017 October 28, 2017 September 22, 2017 September 23-October 6, 2017 December 9, 2017 November 3, 2017 November 4-17, 2017 February 10, 2018* January 12, 2018 January 13-19, 2018 April 14, 2018 March 9, 2018 March 10-23, 2018 *June 9, 2018 May 4, 2018 May 5-18, 2018 July 14, 2018 June 15, 2018 June 16-22, 2018

20 SAT/ACT Fee Waivers See Mrs. Benavides in the counselor’s office to get a fee waiver for the ACT or SAT if you get free/reduced lunch.

21 NCAA Eligibility Center
This site does a great job of listing everything that you need to create an account and get started. If you have any questions or need a fee waiver (if you qualify for free or reduced lunch) contact Ms. Vinson in the Counseling Office or your varsity coach.

22 Academics before Athletics
Two numbers to remember: 0 and 79. Coaches will get an notification anytime a teacher puts a “0” in the gradebook for an athlete. This will result in immediate consequences. Athletes will be assigned mandatory tutorials weekly for every class in which they have below an 80 average. A’s and B’s are the expectation. Every athlete has 9 tutorial opportunities built into each week. Any athlete that fails consecutive 9 week grading periods is subject to suspension from the football program. If an athlete misses practice time because of tutorials he may forfeit playing time.



25 Eligibility Calendar

26 Eligibility Calendar

27 Rank One Paperwork Physicals and online paperwork must be completed by August 11. Physical form- Click HERE Online forms- Click HERE Copies of birth certificate (age) and utility bill (residency).

28 Previous Athletic Participation Form (PAPF)
Any student that is new to Prosper High School and is participating in athletics (examples include move-ins, transfers, foreign exchange students). Any incoming freshman that did not attend Rogers or Reynolds Middle School. See Coach Pevehouse at the conclusion of the meeting

29 Weekly Schedule-Monday/Tuesday
6:35-8:45am-JV/Varsity Practice 3:00-4:45pm-Freshman Practice 4:00-4:25pm-Varsity Lift/JV Team Offense 4:30-4:55pm-Varsity special teams/JV Lift and home 5:00-5:25pm-Varsity Meetings/Freshman Lift Tuesday 6:35-8:45am-JV/Varsity Practice 3:00-4:45pm-Freshman Practice 4:00-4:25pm-Varsity Lift/JV Team Defense 4:30-4:55pm-Varsity special teams/JV Lift and home 5:00-5:25pm-Varsity Meetings/Freshman Lift

30 Weekly Schedule-Wednesday/Thursday
6:35-8:45am-JV/Varsity Practice 3:00-4:45pm-Freshman Practice 4:00-4:25pm-Varsity special teams 4:30-5:00pm-Position Meetings JV kids go home after school on Wednesday Thursday 7:20-7:50am-Varsity position meetings 7:55-8:20am-Offense/Defense/JV Special Teams 8:25-8:50am-Varsity Kick the Field/JV Team Offense 5:30pm-Sub-varsity games 5:30-6:00pm-Varisty team devotional at Prestonwood (optional) 6:00pm-Varsity team dinner at Prestonwood

31 Weekly Schedule-Friday/Saturday
7:45-8:50am-Varsity meetings and Offense/Defense 8:25am-JV Lift 3:00pm-Freshman lift 3:50pm- JV/Freshman are dismissed Saturday (Varisty Only) 10:00am-Players report for team lift/run 11:00am-Team Meeting and film w/kids 12:30pm-Players dismissed

32 Absences from Practice
Practice is mandatory and is in no way optional Unexcused absences will result in a loss of playing time If an athlete is going to miss practice, the position coach must be notified prior to the absence (accountability) Any absence in which the position coach is not notified beforehand will be considered unexcused Examples of unexcused absences include: birthdays, dinners, studying, tiredness, family in town visiting, drivers ed, dentist, babysitting, fair day, no ride. Examples of excused absences include: illness, funeral, SAT/ACT We understand that things happen unexpectedly, if you communicate with us we will do our best to work with you

33 2017 Varsity Football Schedule

34 2017 JV Football Schedule

35 2017 Freshman Football Schedule

36 Game Day Meals We encourage a pre-game meal a few hours prior to game time. Check departure times (weekly) or send meal with your son to school. Your son will also be able to purchase a sack lunch in the cafeteria that will be delivered prior to departure/home games. Meals should be healthy and nutritious. No fast food, sodas, sports drinks, candy, etc. Water pre-game, sports drinks during and post game.

37 Injuries/Concussions
1. PISD requires all athletes to have a physical every calendar year. Medical history is required for grades 7-12 and a completed UIL Athletic Participation Form must be on file each year before the athlete can be issued any equipment or participate in any workout. 2. All injuries are to be reported to the Athletic Trainer. 3. Injury assessments will be left to the Athletic Trainer. All return to play decisions will be made by the Athletic Trainer along with consultations by treating medical physicians. 4. When an athlete is under a physician’s care for an injury or illness they will not be allowed to return to competition without a written release from the attending physician. 5. All physicians’ instructions regarding athletes practicing or playing in games are final and will not be modified in anyway. 6. All information regarding the status of an injured athlete is confidential. 7. Concussion Protocol UIL link to Concussion Information:

38 Supplemental Insurance

39 Transportation to and from Games

40 Transportation to and from Games

41 Booster Club

42 Booster Club

43 Booster Club Website Player Fees Flight Crew ETC Membership Sprit Wear

44 Parent Opportunities for Involvement
Join the booster club, volunteer, & participate in booster club activities Chain crew Scoreboard operator Host varsity team meals

45 Football Websites District Website District website
Contact Information Schedules Presentations Camp Information Recruiting Information Remind101 Information ETC Website Booster Club website Still under construction Not affiliated with PISD Schedules Pictures Season Tickets Spirit Wear Flight Crew

46 Athletic Award Policy (Lettering)

47 Athletic Award Policy (Lettering)

48 Equipment The only thing we don’t provide is cleats (we do keep some extras). If you are planning on purchasing your own helmet and/or shoulder pads see Coach Moore or Coach Ryan first (fit/condition/age appropriate) Visors must be clear Team colors only; white, green, grey, black. Tights-white only If your son loses PISD equipment they will be responsible for paying for its replacement

49 Media Day-Saturday August 19
8:00-10:00am-JV and Varsity practice 10:00am-Freshman pictures 10:30am-Sophomore pictures 11:00am-Junior/Senior pictures 11:30am-Lunch provided 1:00pm-Fundraiser (Tentative) 7:30pm-Meet the Eagles

50 Special Thank You Administration Principal- Dr. John Burdett
ETC Board President: Dena Dixon VP: Traci Majors Director: Rob Parham, Gary English Director at Large: Jarrod Turner Director at Large: Clark Hood Treasurer: Sarah Haskins Secretary: Brenda Sukenik Membership: Shelby Turner Class Reps: Senior Reps: Angie Harrington, Kari Pfeifer Junior Reps: Sarah Haskins, Lara Sheriff Sophomore Reps: Jen Schumacher, Michelle Ranzer Freshmen Reps: Katie Ivy, Trinity White If you are interested in being a 7th or 8th grade Class Rep contact Sarah Haskins Principal- Dr. John Burdett Athletic Director- Valerie Little Superintendent- Dr. Drew Watkins

51 Conclusion This presentation will be posted on the PISD Football page.
Thank you for supporting Prosper High School Football Feel free to stay and mix & mingle with the coaching staff If you are new to Prosper ISD please see Coach Pevehouse at the back table We are looking forward to a great year.

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