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JoAnn Logue-O’Malley, Beaumont Health Roseann Ferrara, SCC

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Presentation on theme: "JoAnn Logue-O’Malley, Beaumont Health Roseann Ferrara, SCC"— Presentation transcript:

1 JoAnn Logue-O’Malley, Beaumont Health Roseann Ferrara, SCC
The Installation Wagon Trail System Changes In Your Frontier JoAnn Logue-O’Malley, Beaumont Health Roseann Ferrara, SCC

2 Workshop Objectives Understanding the installation process for implementation of system changes Determine improvements in your installation process Improving your validation and general functionality testing leading to less risk at installation Developing a downtime Run Book 8:30 to 10:00 10:00 to 10:15 Break 10:15 to 11:30

3 Client Validation Form
Your Validation Steps Key Project Milestones Milestone Currently use Modify Add 3 Please complete the steps you take to validate new software, hot fixes, patches

4 Workshop Terminology SIF = Software Installation Form
SYNCH = Software Synchronization SIF = Software Installation Form SWI = Software Installation SSS = Software Support Service DM = Development Manager SE = System Engineer AE = Account Executive/Account Manager CSR = Client Support Representative VP OPS = Vice President of Operations CAB = Change Advisory Board CCB = Change Control Board IC = Software Installation Coordinator TSS = Technical Support Specialist (Post Live Support)

5 Client Requests Software Installation Implementation – Upgrades
Your AE will contact clients to schedule additional deliveries or HF’s available to discuss scheduling. Clients may also work with their AE’s as well Via Via Conference Call

6 Requests for Software Installation Post Live Patches and HF’s
Client works with TSS to determine installation scope and either Client or TSS creates SSS task Once scope is finalized the AE is notified by the TSS that the client needs to have an SWI AE notifies Post Live Load Coordinator Team of request for SWI Post Live Installation Coordinator will work on SWI form creation for SIF or SYNCH and approvals and keeps AE’s posted For afterhours or weekend supported installations the load coordinator contacts the AE for after hours quote who will work on quote/PO and DEDICATED resource assignments


SIF = Software Installation and is used to Install/Uninstall Software ONLY (NO SETUPS) SYNCH = Software Synchronization from a SOURCE environment to a TARGET environment SYNCH’s may copy Software AND Setups OR EITHER ONE . The above is applicable to New (non-Implementation) Environments, Upgrades and Patch Projects It an SCC change management policy to never plan to install software directly into a LIVE production client environment. Therefore a SIF is used to install to an alternate non-production environment 1st then SYNCH to LIVE production. The only exception to this policy is when there is an emergency system down or safety situation and an alternate and equivalent environment is not available at the time. It is important to note that when NEW SOFTWARE is planned for a New Environment that is NOT a NEW IMPLEMENTATION where current software and setups are being used to create the environment that SETUP SYNCH is ALWAYS the 1st step in the process. This is because once new software is loaded setups CANNOT be recopied again and clients MUST keep setups in synch between the source and target environment until go live. This is due to changes in the DB structure.

9 SCC Processes SWI Request and Creates Form
AE (Implementation/Upgrades or Load Coordinator (Post Live Patch and HF installations) Creates Software Installation Form LIVE DEMO

10 SCC Approval of Software Installation Form(s) (Finalizes Scope)
Release Management Reviews SIF/SYNCH Form(s) Form approval process for DM – SE – VP Approvals LIVE DEMO

11 SCC Notification to Client of Final Approved Scope of Install by AE or Load Coordinator
Once notification of form approval is received by the AE or Load coordinator the following is done Review Downtime Estimate Attach Software Summary to SWI task for client review Note: Software Summary contains the final scope of the installation including any recalled or mandatory HF’s Places the SWI task in SW status with an action to the client about downtime estimate, attached HF summary and available installation dates Requests permission to proceed from the client to install and request for confirmation of date and time. In of LIVE production contact information is also requested for contact 15 minutes prior to install for final permission to proceed LIVE DEMO

12 Client Steps- Change Management Submission and Approval Process
Client selects installation date from dates AE provides in SWI task Client prepares required paperwork for submission to their respective change advisory boards (CAB) for approval and scheduling of the installation to TESTx or UPGx etc. environments Client processes through weekly Change Advisory Board Client notifies SCC of selected and approved date/time for the installation

13 SCC Processes SWI Installation Request from Client
AE or Load Coordinator (Post Live) Books the Date of SWI Install on the SE Calendar On the Date of Install the assigned SE performs the Installation and actions task to AE or Load Coordinator (Post Live) when done In Case of LIVE production installs a call is made to client mins ahead of time for FINAL confirmation of the install. For Implementation / Upgrade Projects SCC tests the install FIRST then places the task in TW or SW status for the client to perform validation before the SWI task is closed. For Post Live Patch Installs SCC also tests the install FIRST then the Load Coordinator closes the SWI task and notifies the client to open up new SSS tasks for any issues found during testing. For Post Live HF Installs the client is notified install is complete and SWI task is closed. Client will open SSS tasks during their testing for any issues created and support will address them Additional Note: for Quoted Afterhours SWI events involving DEDICATED support sometimes an additional conference line is set up between client and assigned SCC personnel for additional communications. In some cases additional testing is requested to be performed by SCC and SCC stays on line through the client testing process LIVE DEMO SWI Calendar / Installation

14 SCC Technical Support Release Notices
Client can review the patch or upgrade items via SCC website/Technical Services/Release notes LIVE DEMO Release lists

15 Design your validation process
Validate each Hot Fix Validate each patch release note item Use SCC test plan Validate client workbook Validate using general functionality test plans Cap Requirements

16 Client - Retrieve HF Summary List (from TMS SWI Task)

17 Release Notes Query

18 Client - List of Patch Items
Client retrieves list of patch items from SCC web site Release notes Version on to Version moving to

19 Client - Example List

20 Client - Export to Excel

21 Example Test Case

22 Client Workbook

23 Client Workbook Summary

24 General Functionality Test Plans
Basic test plans to validate system integrity Orders/results through HIS

25 General Functionality Test Plans

26 CAP Requirements

27 CAP Requirements

28 CAP Requirements

29 CAP Requirement

30 CAP Requirements

31 Option 1: Small Scale Hot Fix Bundles
Handy Tools in the tool box Folders or SharePoint site -all users have access List of all delivered Hot Fix items List of general functionality testing scenarios List of downstream interface workflows (include customization on IE)

32 Option 1: Small Scale Hot Fix Bundles

33 Client - Processing Hot Fix List
Client Processes List Recommended Steps List items need to be managed for testing, validation and Ready for Live Status Add hot fixes to list such as excel or SharePoint Hot fix number Module Description Assigned to Status Associated TMS if applicable Attach test plan Notes

34 Hot Fix Testing Template

35 Loads to Live List

36 General Functionality Testing

37 Client - Management Views

38 SharePoint List – Manage Views

39 Option 2: Large Scale Patch or Upgrade Projects

40 Option 2: Large Scale Patch or Upgrade Projects
Handy Tools in the tool box Folders or SharePoint site -all users have access Document Storage PowerPoint update presentations to leadership Agendas for meetings Module processing workflows (Visio or PowerPoint) Downstream interface workflows Project Plan

41 Project Plan Project Plan

42 Project Dashboard

43 Project Dashboard

44 Option 2: Large Scale Patch or Upgrade Projects
Business operations issues

45 Business Operations List

46 Option 2: Large Scale Patch or Upgrade Projects
Technical Issues list

47 Technical Issues List

48 Option 2: Large Scale Patch or Upgrade Projects
Build list

49 Build List

50 Option 2: Large Scale Patch or Upgrade Projects
Decision Document Tool to escalate to leadership for an executive decision driving direction for issue resolution Outlines issue and potential solutions/workarounds Documented record of decision

51 Decision Document



54 Option 2: Large Scale Patch or Upgrade Projects
Validation Tools List of all delivered Hot Fix items List of general functionality testing scenarios List of Unit tests (orderable test selection) List of Module processing scenarios List of Cross module processing scenarios List of business unit operational Scenarios Validation Defects List

55 Client - SharePoint List

56 Client Preparation for Validation
Client Additional Processes for Patch and Upgrade For Each Module Unit Testing (per orderable) For each Module Full Functional Scenarios Cross Module Full Functional Scenarios Interface and Interface Engine Customization Scenarios Vallapalooza

57 Client Preparation for Vallapalooza Validation
Client Additional Processes for Patch and Upgrade Schedule a workroom with PC, labels, report printers Schedule analyst and lab super-users Label workstations as to module or function Execute all test plans Vallapalooza

58 SCC - Vallapalooza Support
Develop communication plan outlining Key Contacts at SCC Develop scheduling plan for Key contacts to be made available to respond to any immediate issues with client testing Deliver additional fix and/or system and interface configurations in a timely manner Assist with meeting clients Vallapalooza timelines on repeat testing

59 Vallapalooza Unit Testing

60 Vallapalooza Scenario Testing
Workflow scenarios Within module – complex testing Cross module Operational Workflows

61 Scenario Script


63 Vallapalooza Scenario Testing

64 Option 2: Large Scale Patch or Upgrade Projects
Defect List – from Vallapalooza List to work defects through to completion Defects can be for various phases of project Defects can be build, vendor, interface, etc. related Once fixed pushes items back for retesting

65 Defect Vallapalooza List
Validation Phases Issue Status Error Code

66 SharePoint Vallapalooza Defects List

67 Client - Management Views

68 Release Note Progress

69 Client Workbook Progress

70 Leadership Status Updates

71 Scenario Execution Status By Functionality/Module

72 Vallapalooza Total Completion 95.4%

73 Validation Completion Status By Module for each OE System

74 Option 2: Large Scale Patch or Upgrade Projects
Education Development Bulletin Master Procedure Master Training Master

75 Client to Call “Go for Load”
Review SharePoint List for Completion All outstanding issues have been mediated from Vallapalooza

76 Break – Yee Haw See ya’ll in 15

77 Client Downtime Run Book Steps
Your Downtime Run Book Steps Key Project Milestones Milestone Currently use Modify Add 7777 Please complete the steps you take to conduct a downtime for implementation of new software, hot fixes, patches

78 SCC – Process SWI Scheduling Request for SYNCH Implementation – Upgrades
AE creates SWI task for SYNCH to x environment Software Installation Coordinator adds/schedules SWI to SE Calendar …………….. SE installs SWI and passes for internal testing by SCC Note - for LIVE Production SWI’s client client contact is made for FINAL go forward permisision AE notifies Client that testing is complete Client validates and notifies AE when SWI task may be closed Client opens New SSS task for any new issues For Installs Requiring Dedicated Support Client submits RFQ for dedicated support coverage. Note - For SCC to proceed on a dedicated event a signed quote, PO and 50% dyment is required. Once all the above items are received AE works with SE -DM to line up dedicated resources for Installation Manager to contact for issues that might occur SE installs the SWI and passes task to SIC AE Monitors with Software Installation Manager

79 SCC – Process SWI Scheduling Request for SYNCH (Post Live)
Release Management creates SWI task for SYNCH to x environment Software Installation Coordinator adds/schedules SWI to SE Calendar …………….. SE installs SWI and passes task back to SIC Note - for LIVE Production SWI’s client client contact is made for FINAL go forward permisision SIC (PL) closes SWI task. Client opens New SSS task for any new issues For Installs Requiring Dedicated Support Client submits RFQ for dedicated support coverage. Note - For SCC to proceed on a dedicated event a signed quote, PO and 50% down payment is required. Once all the above items are received AE works with SE -DM to line up dedicated resources for Installation Manager to contact for issues that might occur SE installs the SWI and passes task to SIC AE Monitors with Escalation Manager

80 SCC Calendar Scheduling Process
SCC – Process Client Request for SYNCH to Production SWI Scheduling (Implementation/Upgrades) LIVE DEMO SCC Calendar Scheduling Process

81 SCC Processes SYNCH Form
AE (IMP/UPG) or PL synch support rep creates SYNCH FORM (uses TMS Task # from SWI task) LIVE DEMO

82 SCC Creates SWI task for SYNCH
SWI task is created with description of Software Load LIVE DEMO

83 SCC Processes SYNCH Form Synch Approval Process
Release Management and DM Review SYNCH Form AE/SCC marks Synch form as client validated and verifies SE approves and provides final downtime estimate VP of Operations approves LIVE DEMO

84 Load coordinators will confirm if ok or not
SCC scheduling SYNCH IMP/UPG -- AE Checks with Software Installation Coordinators (IC) for available installation dates to present to client for scheduling PL -- client determines date/time of Go Live within given time frames provided by SCC. Load coordinators will confirm if ok or not LIVE DEMO SWI Calendar

85 SCC – Process SWI: Scheduling of SYNCH TO PRODUCTION
Installation Manager requests breakout of downtime by module for presentation to client from SE –DBA teams Installation manager attaches breakout in action to client for review with copy to AE AE works with client to finalize date Client actions task with permission for installation with date/time AE and Installation Manager send notification to SE –DBA-Programming teams and 1800SOFTLAB Support ***Does not pertain to HF process

86 Things that can derail your date / possibly require more testing
Dependencies Mandatories Found by SCC or client base that have been rolled into patch Based on hot fixes added these can have additional dependencies Encountered if you have taken hot fixes and patches over a period of time without rolling to live Intentional Hot fixes to hot fixes

87 Client - Request Time Line for Installation Steps by SCC to LIVE
Discuss with SCC the Date and Time for Loading to Production Environment Enter Change Management for installation A Timeline and Module impact is critical to determining messaging and communication Minimize downtime Internal to Lab Orders Results Downtime Number assignment Minimize downtime External to Lab Delay of results SOFT ID and collection throughout hospital facilities

88 Downtime Run Book –Prep Step
Place holder for Date Create Change Management Request Alert Lab Leadership for any additional staffing needs

89 Client - Change Management (example)

90 Downtime Run Book –Prep Step
Is there a need to educate Determine target audience groups Determine informational to deliver Determine educational tools Determine how long it will take to complete education Determine verification of training completed

91 Laboratory Education Library

92 Education



95 Education


97 Downtime Run Book –Prep Step
Determine if you will use downtime labels Prepare enough for length of downtime Procedure to create downtime labels Procedure to use downtime labels




101 Downtime Run Book –Prep Step
For Extended downtimes Review Lab downtime procedures Report delivery Called Stats Review Nursing downtime procedures Use of white board order management



104 Downtime Run Book –Prep Step
Call Center Determine if needed Create schedule Set up call center rooms with PCs, phone bank Set up Phone triage Set up call center issues list Schedule daily hospital leadership update conference calls Prepare PowerPoint template to include Critical Issues Stats on TAT

105 Call Center Schedule

106 Call Center Schedule

107 Call Center Floor Plan

108 Call Center Phone Triage

109 Call Center Phone Bank

110 Daily Leadership Updates

111 Call Center Metrics

112 Issue Tracker Metrics Issues completed

113 Client and SCC Prior to Go Live Date
Client actions task with permission for installation with date/time at least one week prior to LIVE date LIVE date should be discussed and planned much further in advance (2-4 weeks) to secure date and scc resources AE and Installation Manager send notification to SE –DBA-Programming teams and 1800SOFTLAB Support (for Post Live Load Coordinator does this step)

114 Downtime Run Book Week Prior to Go Live Date
Communicate installation plans to Laboratory Leadership Determine if there are any concerns Make sure there is agreement for roll out process and timeline Last planning conference call Readable list of major hot fixes, system updates

115 Downtime Run Book Week Prior to Go Live Date
Notification to Service Desk and Operations Center Please be advised SCC has given us a time frame of 3-4 hours. We are publishing the downtime to be from 1AM to 5AM. Hopefully we come back up on the shorter estimate. I will page to let everyone know how we are doing at 4AM. EPIC orders will be released at 11PM. Please prepare for an extended downtime to cover sweeps Just in case we need the full 4 hours.

116 Downtime Run Book Week Prior to Go Live Date
Service Request for early release of EPIC lab orders for sweeps

117 Downtime Run Book Week Prior to Go Live Date
Notifications sent to Infrastructure teams Disable all server reboots for downtime Citrix Team Lead Typically no assistance is needed just FYI SCC pushes via SOFT Updater to all Citrix servers Monitoring processes will be interrupted Whats Up Gold CompuWare Server Dashboards

118 Downtime Run Book Week Prior to Go Live Date
System Wide End User Communications Go Out communication – IT Bulletin Newsletter communication-Leader Links Communication – Daily Dose Hallway posters

119 IT Bulletin

120 Daily Dose

121 Leader Notifications

122 Downtime Run Book Week Prior to Go Live Date
Schedule IT or Lab Testers Pager or contact information Assigned tasks and general functionality templates to complete

123 Schedule for Testers

124 Downtime Run Book Week Prior to Go Live Date
Create communication tool for use after install for validation with testers Web Ex Lync Recorded voice and IM

125 Downtime Run Book Week Prior to Go Live Date
Create communication forum for use during install between client and SCC Create a Web Ex or Lync as back up if needed Send to participants between point persons (IT installation analyst and SCC installation analyst) Send as placeholder

126 Downtime Run Book Week Prior to Go Live Date
Reports Do not schedule any reports for kick off during downtime AR jobs reschedule Move its

127 Downtime Run Book Week Prior to Go Live Date
Microbiology Downtime Server Server and report printer which capture prelims every 12 hours. Converted to PDF files Can be printed on demand Verify last file back up was successful

128 Downtime Run Book Week Prior to Go Live Date
Update Test Patients with new Billing number Send Lab Team reminder to review procedure for testing on test patients in Production ward/physician use minimize leak to a real client or report physician JoAnn- I went ahead this morning and updated the visits in SOFT so that they route to our dummy wards ROCG, TRCG, GPCG.  They’re all ready for tomorrow.  Visits are:

129 Downtime Run Book Load to Production
Confirm Look ahead time is set for greater than 3 hours to cover if delay in system being returned

130 Downtime Run Book Load to Production
IT analyst Verify EPIC Orders were released by 11PM Procedure is for EPIC analyst to page

131 Downtime Run Book Load to Production
IT analyst Reminder call to Service desk Update Hot Line message Assume On Call pager Open Line of Communication between Client and SCC at 20 mins prior to installation Record milestones, issues Respond to any additional permissions as needed

132 Downtime Run Book Load to Production
Production is taken down SCC installs installation items as outline to plan SCC and IT Analyst periodically touch base to verify milestone updates and timeline on track


134 Downtime Run Book Load to Production
SCC completes installation SCC performs internal testing if applicable SCC releases system

135 Downtime Run Book Load to Production
Page testers to begin General Functionality testing Call key lab areas such as Stat Labs to verify no immediate concerns Page Lab Leader pager group with update Open Lync for Testers – start recording Testers note progress Testers note issues and TMS numbers with SCC still open Provide updates to SCC implementer on progress Report issues and TMS numbers Work to resolve all open issues


137 Downtime Run Book Load to Production
System not up as expected Make immediate assessment and decision regarding notifications and incident command execution System up with issues Determine impact of issue on end users Work with SCC to resolve Document TMS numbers, Issue and Resolution steps Include time started and resolved

138 Use of Incident Command

139 Dedicated Support or Large Go Lives Command Center or Conference Line
IT Staff and SCC join a Technical Session Customers join the Customer Session Hosted by an IT Leader Incident Commander engaged to work communications

140 Open a Customer Communication
This is an opportunity to listen to the customer/user to obtain additional information about the incident request to help the investigation, as well as provide confidence to the user that their incident issue has been received, logged, has an owner and is actively being worked to restore service as quickly as possible. Start a Microsoft Lync session for incident customer/user communication, if needed for more effective user communication than sending a routine incident notification message.  Use the pre-established number and Conference ID for an incident customer/user update MS-Lync session.  Use this direct link to

141 Create Hot Line Message
The IT Systems Downtime Hotline Message is a recorded message that resides at the following phone number This message is used to communicate statuses/updates when IT Systems are unavailable or are functioning in less than optimal manner and it is necessary to communicate statuses to many users. This service is used for Scheduled and Unscheduled Downtimes

142 Load is Completed Close Lync Session with Testers
Store recorded file on Change Management Entry Send out all clear page to lab leadership Return pager assignment to on-call person Return SOFT ID roles back to look ahead 3 hours Close Change Management Attach session recordings/summaries Close with SCC Compose and send a Summary of the Load and send to IT and Lab Leadership

143 Leadership Notification
Provide Summary of downtime to include milestones and issues to IT and Laboratory Leadership

144 Completed Validation Run Book

145 Completed Validation Run Book

146 Completed Downtime Run Book

147 Completed Downtime Run Book

148 QUESTIONS Our Software Installation Workshop is now over
Hope you found this presentation informative and enjoyable  JoAnn and Roseann

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