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17th XBRL International Conference

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1 17th XBRL International Conference
Matrix Schemas, Templates, Formulae: Report centric view vs. Data centric view Michele Romanelli (Banca d’Italia) Eindhoven May 5-8, 2008

2 What is a Matrix Schema? In COREP & FINREP contexts: A method to visualize a complex multidimensional taxonomy Based on a “matrix” where: Row headers are the “concepts” to be reported Column headers are the involved “dimension” Cells say: (i) if the dimension applies to the concept and (ii) what are the allowed/disallowed values for that dimension Very “compact” format Useful as a tool to verify the “matching” between business requirements (normally expressed through templates) and technical implementation (XBRL taxonomy) Easy to build and to understand; for COREP & FINREP, it is automatically derived from XBRL taxonomies through a reverse-engineering software.

3 An Example of a matrix schema
Column headers: Dimensions used in the template Row headers: Primary items Each row describes the breakdown structure of a primary item Each cell contains a code that stands for the list of members allowed for the dimension in the primary item. A sheet for each “extended link”

4 An Example of domain “sheet”

5 Taxonomy creation: the current path
From the business template (report centric view)… … to the taxonomy (technical view) … … to the matrix schema (data centric view): Reconciliation

6 Taxonomy creation: an alternative path
User view: both business template and corresponding draft matrix schema Taxonomy building: no technical experts’ interpretation of business requirements Matrix schema derived from the taxonomy Reconciliation based on comparison between input and output matrix schemas

7 What about formulae ? Business requirements expressed as formulae into Excel templates… … or business requirements expressed as pseudo-formulae into the matrix schema ? Pros & cons to be evaluated. Work in progress…

8 Thank you for your attention
Michele Romanelli Banca d’Italia Credit and Financial Statistics Department

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