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Vocabulary Workshop Unit 6.

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1 Vocabulary Workshop Unit 6

2 CANT/CHANT “to formally withdraw”
Recant: verb To formally withdraw Governor Christie recanted on his promise to properly fund public schools. Incantation: noun A ritual, spell or chant The Crucible begins with an incantation being performed by a group of teenage girls.

3 Disenchanted: adjective
Losing fondness for someone or something; unhappy with The disenchanted audience was not happy with Justin Bieber’s concert because he was lip singing.

4 AUD “to hear” Inaudible: adjective Auditory: adjective
So quiet as to be impossible to hear During the PARCC the students must remain inaudible so everyone can stay focused. Auditory: adjective Having to do with the sense of hearing Ms. Kurowsky’s superb auditory skills are a hereditary trait from Grandpa Ryan (big ears).

5 Audit: noun A thorough review
The Board of Education conducted an audit to make sure every teacher had the proper teaching degrees.

6 SON “to sound” Dissonance: noun Assonance: noun
Unpleasant or unharmonious sound If a contestant on American Idol displays dissonance, they are kicked off immediately. Assonance: noun Repetition of vowels with similar sounds Poets often use assonance in their writing for better flow.

7 Resonant: adjective Having a powerful effect on someone or something;
The after effects of the Vietnam War are still resonant today.

8 LOG “to speak, to reason”
Analogous: adjective Comparable to; alike; equivalent Do you think the New York Giants’ defense is analogous to the New York Jets’ defense? Dialogue: noun Communication between two or more people Arthur Miller’s play The Crucible is mainly dialogue.

9 Prologue: noun A speech, passage, or event coming before the main speech or event. Many of Shakespeare’s plays begin with a prologue to let you know what the play will be about.

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