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Булекбаева Мейрамгуль Сагинбаевна

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Presentation on theme: "Булекбаева Мейрамгуль Сагинбаевна"— Presentation transcript:

1 Булекбаева Мейрамгуль Сагинбаевна
Атырау облысы, Индер ауданы, Көктоғай ауылы Б.Нысанбаев атындағы орта мектептің ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Булекбаева Мейрамгуль Сагинбаевна

2 Home work Exercise: 11 p38

3 1. Do you like watching television? 2. How often do you watch TV?
Warm up 1. Do you like watching television? 2. How often do you watch TV? 3. Are you addicted to television? 4. What TV programmes do you usually watch? 5. What are your favourite TV channels? 6. 4.What TV programmes do you like best? 5.What TV programms don’t you like?

4 The theme of the Lesson:
Watching TV

5 Aims of the lesson: 1. To teach them to speak about the theme, encourage their maximum participation, don’t correct their mistakes while they are talking. 2. To develop their thinking and memory 3. To bring up them to watch useful programs for our life

6 When television was invented?
The first electrically transmitted TV pictures were the work of J.L. Baird, who built his first TV system in J.L. Baird was Scottish, and was born in Helensburgh, Scotland. The first person to appear on television was a young office boy in the building where Baird worked. The lad was paid about 60 cents for his appearance! The first broadcasting of TV pictures didn’t begin until 1935, in Germany, with American TV broadcasting following six years later, in 1941. By 1949, there were a million TV sets in this country, and by 1959, there were 50 million. During the 1960s, color television became popular. In 1980, about half of all the sets in America were color sets.

7 John Logie Baird? John Logie Baird? John Logie Baird?

8 Task 1. Matching. a. news 1.Football, boxing, swimming
b. quiz-shows Life in different countries c. soap operas People try to win prizes by answering questions d. travel films Animals, birds, fish, flowers, plants e. comedies Information about what is happening in the world f. sport Jokes and funny situations g. educational Inmormation for pupils and programmes students h. nature films Story of the daily life of a family

9 Task 2. Work with book

10 Task 3. Brainstorming Past Perfect Active (Revision)
Exercises: 10 p46. a), Read and pay attention to the form of the Past Perfect Active b) Complete the questions below in writing.

11 Task 4.Play a Game as a Journalist
1. Do you like….? (classical music, jazz, pop music.) 2.What kind of …do you like? (TV programmes, films, shows.) 3.What do you think of…? (Cher, No Mercy, Britney Spears.) 4.Who is your favourite…? (singer, actress, journalist, actor.)


13 Venn Diagram Video Both Cinema


15 HOME WORK: Write an Essay “My favourite TV program” MARKS

16 Thank you for your attention
Reflection Thank you for your attention

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