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Favourite TV programmes

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1 Favourite TV programmes
Primary Longman Elect 4A Chapter 7 Favourite TV programmes

2 too / either I like pop music shows. I like game shows too.
We use too in positive sentences. We usually put too at the end of the sentence. I like pop music shows. I like game shows too. Jane Donna

3 too / either I don’t like pop music shows.
We use either in negative sentences. We usually put either at the end of the sentence. I don’t like pop music shows. I don’t like game shows either. Jane Donna

4 Key structure I like cartoons. I like dramas too. I don’t like
documentaries. I don’t like game shows either.

5 both We use both to talk about two things together.
I want to watch Pop Music Now. I want to watch Cantopop Today. I want to watch both Pop Music Now and Cantopop Today. Jane Donna

6 or We use or, not and, to link two things in a negative statement.
I don’t want to watch Fun Fun Game Show. I don’t want to watch Olivia’s Games. I don’t want to watch Fun Fun Game Show and Olivia’s Games. or Jane Donna

7 Key structure + + I don’t want to watch Fun Fun Game Show or
I don’t want to watch Olivia’s Games. + I don’t want to watch Fun Fun Game Show or Olivia’s Games. I want to watch both Music Today and Cantopop Now. I want to watch Music Today. I want to watch Cantopop Now. +

8 Practice I don’t like Music ______ PE. or
I like reading magazines. I like reading the newspaper ______ . I like ______ cartoons and music shows. I don’t like hamburgers. I don’t like sandwiches ______ . I don’t have any brothers ______ sisters. I can swim fast. I can run fast ______ . I don’t want to go dancing. I don’t want to go cycling ______ . or too both either or too either

9 The End

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