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CONTRACT LAW – Part 2 How a Contract Begins Types of Contracts Requirements of Acceptance Termination of an Offer.

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Presentation on theme: "CONTRACT LAW – Part 2 How a Contract Begins Types of Contracts Requirements of Acceptance Termination of an Offer."— Presentation transcript:

1 CONTRACT LAW – Part 2 How a Contract Begins Types of Contracts Requirements of Acceptance Termination of an Offer

2 Step 1 – Requirements of an Offer-How a Contract Begins
An offer is a proposal made by one party to enter into a legally binding contract. 2 parties to an offer: Offeror – the person making the offer Offeree – the person who receives the offer (Example – Our house construction project in 2015) Offeror – Brunet & Sons Construction Offeree – The Wedge Family of Bristol

3 3 Basic Requirements of an Offer
Made seriously – you intend to enter a legal agreement Came to our home and discussed work Definite and certain Intent to enter into a legal obligation – discussed cost, time factor, start and end date Communicated to the offeree – by phone, mail, e- mail, etc. Put in writing – Construction Quote/Estimate

4 Types of Contracts Valid, void, voidable, or unenforceable
Express or Implied Bilateral or Unilateral Oral or Written

5 Types of contracts Type of Contract Characteristics Valid
Legally good, legally binding Void Missing an element or illegal Voidable Able to cancel or get out of (ie. a contract with a minor) Unenforceable Court will not uphold (Statute of Limitations) Express A contract that may be oral or written Implied Comes about from the actions of the parties (self-service gas station) Bilateral Contract that contains 2 promises Unilateral Contract that contains a promise by 1 person to do something, if and when the other party performs some act. Oral Created by word of mouth – speaking (“an oral contract is as good as the paper it is written on”) Written Contract that is written down – both parties agree to terms and sign off on it

6 Step 2 - Requirements of Acceptance
Acceptance must be unconditional Must follow the rules regarding the method of acceptance

7 Unconditional Acceptance – what does that mean?
The acceptance must not change any terms of the original offer. Called the mirror image rule – Acceptance must exactly mirror or match the offer

8 Methods of Acceptance Offeror may say that offer is accepted by a specific time or action Acceptance sent over long distance is in effect when it is sent Offeror can also specify the time by which the acceptance must be received in order to be effective

9 Termination of an Offer – 1 of 5 ways:
Termination of an Offer – Can you change your mind and withdraw an offer? Termination of an Offer – 1 of 5 ways: Revocation Rejection Counteroffer Expiration of Time Death or Insanity

10 Revocation – taking back of an offer by the offeree
2 rules about revocation: Can be revoked any time before it’s accepted Revocation becomes effective when it is received by or communicated to the offeree

11 Know Your Rights – “3 Day Cooling Off Rule” This federal law protects consumers in their homes during door-to-door sales pitches or at sales in temporary business locations. According to the FTC, the 3-Day Cooling-Off Rule does NOT apply to the purchase of new automobiles or items sold online. Vermont Buyers Remorse Laws “Help! My husband signed a contract for a new car last night. We really can’t afford the payments. How long do we have to cancel the contract?” There is nothing in the Vermont buyers remorse laws that give you the right to cancel a contract for a car, or any other major purchase. The 3-day “cooling-off” period applies primarily to door-to-door sales. If you bought that car at a dealership, the sale was final the moment the contract was signed.

12 Termination of an Offer
Rejection Refusal of an offer by the offeree – brings the offer to an end.

13 Expiration of Time If the offeror sets a time limit.
Example – Eric’s boat

14 Death or Insanity If the offeror dies or becomes insane before the offer is accepted, the offer comes to an end. While death ends an offer, it does not end a contract, except for personal services. A person owes $$ on a car loan – they die; debts they leave are paid out of their 'estate' (money and property they leave behind). If there is no money, the debt is left unpaid. You are a private duty nurse – if you pass away, the contract ends.

15 Termination of an Offer
Counteroffer – A counteroffer ends the first offer.

16 Invitation to Negotiate
May look like an offer, but it is not. Wendell's Furniture This web site promotes a sale, but it is an invitation to deal, trade, or make an offer. Most ads are not offers, but invitations to negotiate.

17 Using the contract researched in class, add in the following clauses: method of acceptance the type of contract it is the manner in which the contract ends. Dog Walker Contract Acceptance of Contract: This contract will be accepted and agreed upon when both parties sign and witness one another’s signature. The dog walking service will begin within one week of signing. Termination of Contract: This contract will be terminated in one of 3 ways: The death of the animal 2 weeks notification by either party of their intent to end the contract Failure of the dog walker to fulfill said duties outlined in the contract. or impossibility of performance (health issues, relocation)

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