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Competency: Repairing of CD Player

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1 Competency: Repairing of CD Player
CD MEDIA RECORDER Competency: Repairing of CD Player

2 Understand and know the media recording a CD player
OBJECTIVE Understand and know the media recording a CD player Teknologi dan Rekayasa

3 Compact Disc CD and DVD now everywhere. Use of a variety can be used to store music, data or software Teknologi dan Rekayasa

4 Spiral trajectory in Compact Disc
Track on a CD data have a single spiral track, circular with a direction from the inside out CD Teknologi dan Rekayasa

5 CD Bump Bump is built to the width of each lane 0.5 micron, 0.83 micron minimum length and height of 125 namometer (one nano meter is like a million meters) Teknologi dan Rekayasa

6 Base design of CD Structure and operating principle of compact disks. CD 12 cm diameter, 1.2 mm thick with a hole in the middle with a diameter of 15 mm and rotated at constant linear velocity (Constant Linear Velocity) or constant angular velocity (angular Constant Velocity) Teknologi dan Rekayasa

7 Procedure CD Making Teknologi dan Rekayasa

8 Base Design CD Drive Teknologi dan Rekayasa

9 SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Yogyakarta
THE END By. Setyo Harmadi,ST SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Yogyakarta Teknologi dan Rekayasa

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