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CH-47D Cargo Handling System

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1 CH-47D Cargo Handling System

2 Cargo Handling

3 Terminal Learning Objective (TLO)
Action: Describe the components, operational characteristics, functions, limitations and emergency procedures of the CH-47D Cargo Handling Systems Conditions: In a classroom, and given a student handout Standards: Correctly answer in writing, without reference, four of six questions pertaining to components, operational characteristics, limitations, functions, and emergency procedures of the CH-47D Cargo Handling System, IAW TM 1−1520−240−10 (Operator’s manual) and the student handout

4 Terminal Learning Objective (TLO) – (Cont.)
Safety Requirements: None Risk Assessment Level: Low Environmental Considerations: None Evaluation: Each student will be evaluated on this block of instruction during the third written examination. This will be a criterion type examination requiring a GO on each scored unit. You will have 90 minutes for the exam

5 Learning Step/Activity #1
Describe the components, operational characteristics, functions, emergency procedures and limitations of the Cargo Ramp/Door

6 Cargo Ramp/Door Located: Operated: Primary Use: Maximum Weight:
Sta.486 Operated: Hydraulically Primary Use: Loading and Unloading Personnel and Cargo Maximum Weight: 3,000 LBS or 300 PSF Cargo Door: Jettisonable Provide Closure Contains a emergency exit panel

7 Components – Cargo Ramp

8 Ramp Control Valve Located: Purpose: Between Sta.482 and 502 R/H side
Three position:- UP STOP DN (Down) Purpose: Used to Stop the Ramp between:- Full UP Full Down

9 Actuating Cylinders Located: Contains: Mechanical locks Prevents:-
L/H and R/H side of the Ramp Hydraulically Contains: Mechanical locks Prevents:- Accidental opening Keeping ramp closed Hydraulically unlocked

10 Cargo Door Actuated Motor
Located: Inside the ramp Contains: Reversible motor (Extend and Retract) Controlled: Sequence valve

11 Sequence Valve Located: Use: Purpose: R/H side Sta.490
Mechanically operate ramp Sequences:- Extension Retraction Purpose: Keep cargo door:- Retracted Do not press Valve Plunger Do not Unlock unless ramp is Down

12 Pressure Actuated Valve
Purpose: Stop ramp operation:- Extending/Retracting cargo door Red plunger:- Manual override Use ONLY if ramp fails to operate normally

13 Ramp PWR Switch Located: Overhead hydraulics panel
Switch: Three position:- OFF ON EMERG (Emergency)

14 Utility Return Control Module
Located: L/H side Sta.534 Purpose: Central collection point Transfer cylinder:- Holds fluid (Actuators) Indication: Filter indicator

15 Emergency Utility Press Valve
Located: R/H Side Ramp Sta.527 Purpose: Operate ramp:- Pressure from APU Start Accumulator

16 Learning Step/Activity #2
Describe the components, limitations, emergency procedures and operational characteristics of the Triple Cargo Hook system

17 Triple Cargo Hook System
Page: 5-5-1 Rated: Center – 26,000 LBS Forward – 17,000 LBS Aft – 17,000 LBS Tandem – 25, 000 LBS (Fwd and Aft Hooks)

18 Center Cargo Hook Mounted: Sta.331 (Inside the Cabin Escape Hatch)
Beam Assembly: Rotates, Pivots and allows the Hook to Swing Air Charge: Minimum – 2,000 PSI Types of opening: Hydraulically, Pneumatically, and Manually Manual Release: Entry

19 Forward and Aft Cargo Hook
Rated: 17,000LBS 88° degrees (Fwd and Aft) 58° degrees (Left and Right) Located: Sta.249 Sta.409 Accessible: Ground Personnel Hook load LBS Types of Release: Electrically (Normal/Emergency) Manually

20 Cargo Hook Control Panel
MSTR (Master) Switch: MSTR RESET OFF ARM Hook Switch: Five position Switch position determines Hook Hook Load Lights: Fwd and Aft Illuminate – 150 LBS Sensors

21 Hoist Operator's Control Panel
Located: R/H side Sta.320 Three Position: ARM, RMTE (Remote) and RESET Activated: MASTER switch – ARM

22 Master Caution/Advisory Panel
Purpose: Indicates respective Hook – Open Turn lights off:- Master switch – RESET Dual Hook Fault Lights: Indicates loss of electrical power Fwd and Aft Hook – Manually

23 Jettisoning External Cargo
Primary Method: CARGO HOOK EMERG switch – REL ALL Alternate Method: Forward, Center and Aft hook release lever – Pull aft Page: 9-2-1

24 Learning Step/Activity #3
Describe the components, limitations and operation of the Cargo Winch/Rescue Hoist system

25 Cargo Winch and Rescue Hoist System
Located: Heater closet (Compartment) Hydraulic motor Mechanical brake Cable length:- 150 feet/1/4 inch (Steel) Purpose: Aid loading/Unloading – Cargo Hoist loads – Thru rescue hatch Accessories Storage: Pulleys Cable/Hook quick disconnect

26 Cable/Hook Quick Disconnect
Cover Guard Cover Guard Cap Quick Disconnect Device Guard Cover – Must be installed

27 Selector Lever Mounted: Use: Normal Operation:
Top of the winch assembly Use: Select Mode of operation RESCUE CARGO Normal Operation: No.1 DC Bus No.1 PDP

28 Cable Cutter Arming Device
Located: Back wall Sta.95 Arming Device: Installed Winch – CARGO position

29 Maximum Load 12,000 LBS with the aid of pulleys

30 Straight Line Pull 3,000 LBS

31 One (1) Pulley Attached 6,000 LBS

32 Two (2) Pulley Attached 9,000 LBS

33 Additional Pulleys 12,000 LBS

34 Winching Out

35 Operators Manual Caution
Do not exceed 3,000 pounds single line pull. Overload will result in the winch overload switch actuating to stop the winch Page: 4-3-8

36 Winching Operation Reel in speed: Remove slack: Limit switches:
Single line pull – 0 to 20 feet per min (Cargo mode) Remove slack: Applying loads Limit switches: IN OUT Provide slack: Load is secure INTERNAL Load

37 Operators Manual Caution
To prevent dangerous electrical shock to personnel being hoisted, the cable must touch the Ground or Water prior to contacting personnel Page:

38 Rescue Operation Rescue Mode – Hoisting light loads
Selector Lever – RESCUE Position Cargo Hook – Removed Structural Limit – 600 LBS max Reel in Speed – 0 to 100 feet per min In Limit Switch

39 Cable Cutter Device Cable Cutter Device: Pulleys: Must be installed
Sta.331 (Cutter device)

40 Hoist Controls Located: Cockpit overhead panel
HOIST MASTER switch – REMOTE, OFF and PLT Rotary Control Switch – IN/OUT Cable Cutter Switch – CABLE CUT and ON (Red guarded)

41 Hoist Operator's Panel Located: R/H side Sta.320 CARGO HOOK RELEASE
CABLE CUTTER (Red guarded) Toggle Switch – Winch cable IN/OUT PRESS TO TALK Winch Arming Trigger

42 Winch Control Valve Located: Use: Sta.120 L/H side Emergency
Loss of electrical power Break shear wire Push in plunger Rotate knurled knob Return knob – Center (OFF)

43 Operators Manual Caution
When the winch is operated in emergency mode, the cable limit switches are disabled Page: 4-3-9

44 Any Question?

45 Check on Learning What must you do to cause the ramp to raise or lower if it fails to operate normally? Press the red button on the Pressure Actuated Valve What is the primary method of jettisoning external cargo? EMER REL ALL switch What caution must be observed when operating the cargo winch in the emergency mode? Cable Limit Switches are inoperative How is the ramp kept closed (up) and locked? Mechanical Locks

46 Summary

47 Don’t Forget: EP’s and Limitations!

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