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2 Protists Chapter 29 Chapter 29

3 Eukaryotic Origins Eukaryotic cells differ from prokaryotes
Presence of a cytoskeleton Compartmentalization (nucleus and organelles) Appearance of eukaryotes in microfossils occurred about 1.5 BYA

4 The nucleus and endoplasmic reticulum arose from infoldings of prokaryotic cell membrane

5 Many organelles evolved via endosymbiosis between an ancestral eukaryote and a bacterial cell
Mitochondria Aerobic bacteria engulfed by larger bacteria

6 Brown algae engulfed red algae that already had chloroplasts
Larger bacteria engulfed smaller photosynthetic bacteria Chloroplasts come from single line of cyanobacteria Hosts are not monophyletic Brown algae engulfed red algae that already had chloroplasts Secondary endosymbiosis

7 Endosymbiosis supported by
DNA inside mitochondria and chloroplasts DNA similar to bacteria DNA in size and character Ribosomes inside mitochondria similar to bacterial ribosomes Chloroplasts and mitochondria replicate by binary fission – not mitosis

8 Defining Protists Most diverse of the four eukaryotic kingdoms
United on the basis that they are not fungi, plants, or animals Vary considerably in every other aspect Unicellular, colonial, and multicellular groups Most are microscopic but some are huge All symmetries All types of nutrition

9 Protista is not monophyletic
Paraphyletic Does not represent any evolutionary relationships Grouping 15 major protist phyla into 7 monophyletic groups 60 lineages are still not placed

10 Working model for protists classification


12 Cell surface Cysts Plasma membrane
Extracellular material (ECM) in some Diatoms – Silica shells Cysts Dormant cell with resistant outer covering Used for disease transmission

13 Locomotion Flagella Cilia Pseudopodia (“false feet”) One or more
Shorter and more numerous than flagella Pseudopodia (“false feet”) Lobopods – large, blunt Filopods – thin, branching Axopods – thin, long

14 Nutrition Phototrophs Heterotrophs
Phagotrophs – Ingest particulate food matter Osmotrophs – Soluble food matter Mixotrophs are both phototrophic and heterotrophic

15 Asexual reproduction Sexual reproduction Typical mode of reproduction
Some species have an unusual mitosis Mitosis – equal size daughter cells Budding – one daughter cell smaller Schizogony – cell division preceded by several nuclear divisions; produces several individuals Sexual reproduction May be obligate, or only under stress Meiosis is a major eukaryote innovation Union of haploid gametes which are produced by meiosis Advantage in allowing frequent genetic recombination

16 Multicellularity From single cells to colonies to true multicellularity Arisen multiple times Fosters specialization Few innovations have had as great an influence on the history of life

17 Diplomonads Unicellular Move with flagella 2 nuclei Giardia
Degenerate mitochondria

18 Parabasalids Live in termite guts Trichomonas vaginalis – STD
Host cellulose degrading bacteria Trichomonas vaginalis – STD Undulating membrane for locomotion Use flagella Lack mitochondria – derived trait

19 Euglenozoa Among the earliest eukaryotes to possess mitochondria
1/3rd have chloroplasts and are autotrophic May become heterotrophic in the dark Others lack chloroplasts and are heterotrophic All have a flexible pellicle No sexual reproduction

20 © Andrew Syred/Photo Researchers, Inc.
Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. Euglena Two anterior (and unequal) flagella Attached at reservoir Contractile vacuoles – collect excess water Stigma – movement towards light Numerous small chloroplasts From ingestion of green algae Concept of a single Euglena genus is now being debated a. 6.5 µm © Andrew Syred/Photo Researchers, Inc.


22 Kinetoplastids 2nd major group in Euglenozoa
Unique, single mitochondrion DNA maxicircles and minicircles Trypanosomes cause human diseases African sleeping sickness – tsetse fly Leishmaniasis – sand fly Chagas disease – skin contact with urine or blood of infected wild animal

23 Difficult to control because organisms repeatedly change their protective coat
Release of sterilized flies Traps scented like cows but treated with insecticides Sequencing of genomes revealed core of common genes in all 3 – hope for single drug target

24 Alveolata Flattened vesicles called alveoli Dinoflagellates
Apicomplexans Ciliates Common lineage despite diverse modes of locomotion

25 Dinoflagellates Photosynthetic, unicellular with flagella
Live in aquatic environments Some are luminescent Do not appear to be directly related to any other phylum “Red tide” are “blooms” – fish, birds, and marine mammals may die from toxins DNA not complexed with histones

26 Apicomplexans Spore-forming animal parasites
Apical complex is a unique arrangement of organelles at one end of the cell Enables the cell to invade its host Plasmodium causes malaria Complex life cycle – sexual, asexual, different hosts Eradication focused on eliminating mosquito vector, drug development, vaccines DDT-resistant mosquitoes


28 Other apicomplexans Gregarines Toxoplasma gondii
Found in the intestines of arthropods, annelids, and mollusks Toxoplasma gondii Causes infections in humans with immunosuppression Can cross placental barrier to harm fetus

29 Ciliates 3rd group of apicomplexans
Feature large numbers of cilia arranged in longitudinal rows or spirals around the cell Pellicle – tough but flexible outer covering 2 types of nuclei Micronucleus – without will reproduce asexually Macronucleus – essential for function Have two types of vacuoles Food vacuoles – digestion of food Contractile vacuoles – regulation of water balance


31 Conjugation Only different mating types can conjugate

32 Stramenopila Brown algae, diatoms, and oomycetes
Very fine hairs on their flagella A few species have lost their hairs during evolution

33 Brown algae Not plants Conspicuous seaweeds of northern regions
Life cycle involves alternation of generations Sporophyte – multicellular and diploid Gametophyte – multicellular and haploid Not plants


35 Diatoms Phylum Chrysophyta Photosynthetic, unicellular organisms
Unique double shells made of silica Some move using raphes Two long grooves lined with vibrating fibrils

36 Oomycetes “Water molds” Either parasites or saprobes
Were once considered fungi Motile zoospores with two unequal flagella Produced asexually Undergo sexual reproduction Found in water or on land Phytophthora infestans Irish potato famine (1845–1847) 400,000 people died

37 Rhodophyta Red algae range from microscopic to very large
Lack flagella and centrioles Have accessory photosynthetic pigments within phycobilisomes Origin has been a source of controversy Tentatively, treated as a sister clade of Chlorophyta (green algae)


39 Choanoflagellida Most like common ancestor of all animals
Single emergent flagellum, surrounded by funnel-shaped contractile collar Structure matched in sponges Use collar to feed on bacteria Have a surface tyrosine kinase receptor found in sponges

40 Protists Without a Clade
Amoebas are paraphyletic Rhizopoda (True amoebas) Move by means of cytoplasmic projections called pseudopods

41 Actinopoda (Radiolarians)
Glassy exoskeletons made of silica Needlelike pseudopods

42 Foraminifera Heterotrophic marine protists
Pore-studded shells called tests, through which thin podia emerge Use podia for swimming and feeding Complex life cycles with haploid and diploid generations Limestones are rich in forams White Cliffs of Dover


44 Slime molds Were once considered fungi Include two lineages
Plasmodial slime molds Huge, single-celled, multinucleate, oozing masses Cellular slime molds Single cells combine and differentiate, creating an early model of multicellularity

45 Plasmodial slime molds
Stream along as a plasmodium Nonwalled, multinucleate mass of cytoplasm Form called feeding phase Ingests bacteria and other organic material When food or moisture is scarce, organism forms sporangia, where spores are produced

46 Cellular slime molds Important group for the study of cell differentiation because of their relatively simple developmental systems Individual organisms behave as separate amoebas Move through soil ingesting bacteria When food is scarce, organisms aggregate to form a slug Slug differentiates into a sorocarp



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