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Setting Teachers Up For Success: Math Standards Implementation

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Presentation on theme: "Setting Teachers Up For Success: Math Standards Implementation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Setting Teachers Up For Success: Math Standards Implementation
Global Neutral a Global Warm Neutral d3d1c8 Global Accent On Dark ffbf00 Global Accent on Light ff9800 Global Accent Alt 97c410 ELA - Coral ff5147 Math 009f93 Leadership 7872bf Setting Teachers Up For Success: Math Standards Implementation Welcome to the 2015 Standards Institute hosted by NewOrg! July 2015

2 Introduction: Who We Are
Setting Teachers Up For Success Introduction: Who We Are We are a team of former classroom teachers, curriculum writers, school leaders, and education experts who have worked in the private, public, and non-profit sectors. We are dedicated to teacher learning and teacher growth. We know that teaching is hard work and requires excellent training, high quality materials, and meaningful support for practitioners who are continuously striving to better serve their students. We provide educators with high-quality materials and hands-on professional development to help their students achieve the learning goals set by higher standards. We empower educators to make strong instructional decisions through immersive training and access to free standards-aligned resources to adapt for their classrooms, schools, and districts. 20 sec

3 Introduction: Who We Are
Facilitator Introduction Introduction: Who We Are Tammy Tuck & Karin Ryan 40 sec

4 Introduction: Who You Are
Participant Introduction Introduction: Who You Are 2 min Have participants raise hand for each question: 1. Organization: School/District vs. Support partner 2. Role: District leader vs. School leader (Principal, AP, Instructional coach, Other) 3. Demographics of your school or district (or you work with if support partner): Majority economically disadvantaged, Majority students of color, Large population English language learners, Large population of students with disabilities 4. Years working with CCSS: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 5. Content strength: Math vs Lit vs Both

5 The Learning Arc these Two Days
Setting Teachers Up For Success: Math Standards Implementation The Learning Arc these Two Days Learn how to: determine if instruction is aligned to the standards determine if instruction intentionally builds on mathematical foundations determine if there is a balance of rigor in instruction identify if instructional practices support mathematical practices we want all students to use evaluate a lesson for quality and standards alignment 30 sec

6 The Main Focus of These First Two Days
Setting Teachers Up For Success: Math Standards Implementation The Main Focus of These First Two Days Upgrading our instructional rounds practices to be better aligned to the spirit of the math standards, including: How to best prepare before going out on rounds What to look for when in a classroom Questions to ask when following up with a teacher Plus, using lots of video to practice new skills! 30 sec Note: Using term “instructional rounds / walkthrough” as work in the coming days is not just for the formal observation setting; this is meant to set the stage of the expectation that they have a focus for every walk through- not just to be visible. That every in-classroom encounter can be useful for improving instruction.

7 Goals and Purpose We will... Go deeper on standards and shifts but also see how they play out in school. Examine and evaluate many resources. Do a lot of math problems. Think about our students and how we can adapt resources for them. Think about our teachers’ needs as they relate to the common core shifts and how we can support them. 30 sec The standards and shifts have been around for a long time and some of us know them well. That’s awesome! We will go deeper in our study and see how the standards and shifts look instructionally at the highest level. We’ll do a lot of math. NOTE: Will be going deep with a teacher/classroom perspective, but also pulling out to think about supervising the content as a leader. Feel okay if uncomfortable but goal of week is get more comfortable. And we’ll never forget our students, the ones who need us to get this right.

8 Norms that Support Our Learning
Take responsibility for yourself as a learner Honor timeframes (start, end, activity) Be an active and hands-on learner Use technology to enhance learning Strive for equity of voice Contribute to a learning environment in which it is “safe to not know” 1 min Additional Notes: Keep an open mind (esp. about what don't know or thought you knew); Stay in learning orientation vs. performance orientation--growth mindset; Appreciate everyone's perspective and journey; Share ideas and ask questions, one person at a time (airtime); Be okay with discomfort and focus on growth; Be present (monitor multi-tasking, technology);

9 Thoughts & Questions Throughout the Day
Parking Lot Thoughts & Questions Throughout the Day Track learning and address additional questions Use Post-It notes in the moment At end of each session, add to chart At end of day, we facilitators will collect unanswered questions 30 sec

10 Leadership Sessions Day 1 Session 1: Focus Session 2: Coherence
Math Days Leadership Sessions Day 1 Session 1: Focus Session 2: Coherence Session 3: Rigor Day 2 Session 1: Mathematical Practices Session 2: Instructional Rounds Session 3: “Monday Morning Plan”: Good Curriculum 10 sec Here’s what we’re looking over the next two days.

11 Session 1: Focus Time for a Walkthrough Prepare as you normally would: What do you check in advance? What are the go to tools you use for instructional rounds? Watch the video: Treat the video as instruction in one of your classrooms. Consider feedback: What points of feedback would help this teacher grow in terms of instruction? 20 sec Throughout the day, we will be going on a virtual instructional round. As in introduction to Session 1, which is about Focus, we will watch a video and pretend the teacher is a teacher in our building.

12 Stop 1 of your instructional rounds
Session 1: Focus Stop 1 of your instructional rounds Watch the 4-minute video: Elementary Math Standard: 2.MD.10 4 min 30 sec Content Developer:

13 Did this lesson... Address grade level standards? Session 1: Focus
5 min NOTE to FACILITATOR: Don't give everything away here; just see what participants come up with; they are meant to arrive to the big take-aways on 2nd viewing. 3 min – Turn & Talk w/ partner 2 min – whole group share

14 Goals and Purpose Session 1: Focus Participants will be able to: Describe the focus shift and the major work of grades K to 5 10 sec

15 Agenda Session 1: Focus Focus: Leading the implementation of a focused curriculum What is focus and what does it look like? What does focus look like during implementation and how do we guide growth? How to prepare to look for focused instruction What to look for in the lesson Guiding conversations post-observation Preparing feedback for growth 30 sec Here’s what we’ll do today during this session…

16 Before We Start… Orienting to the Organization of the Math Standards
Session 1: Focus Before We Start… Orienting to the Organization of the Math Standards 3.OA.A.1 3: grade level OA: domain: domains are larger groups of related standards. Standards from different domains may sometimes be closely related. Domains generally go across multiple grade levels. A: cluster: clusters summarize groups of related standards. Note that standards from different clusters may sometimes be closely related, because mathematics is a connected subject. 1: standard number: standards define what students should understand and be able to do. 1 min 30 sec Let’s first start by talking about the way the math standards are organized. NOTE to FACILITATOR: Emphasize importance of cluster as a frame to the standard.

17 Before We Start… Orienting to the Organization of the Math Standards
Session 1: Focus 3.OA.A.1 Before We Start… Orienting to the Organization of the Math Standards Domain Grade Level A Cluster title Standard 1 Standard Cluster 30 sec Relate to previous slide to make sense Lessons, activities and tasks, and assessment items should roll up to the domain and cluster level. 2

18 Before We Start… Using the App
Session 1: Focus Before We Start… Using the App 1 min (quicker if everyone has it; if not, have them do it as you proceed….) Confirm everyone has the app on their phone OR is using the CCSS website on their computer Apple: Android: Windows: Amazon:

19 Before We Start… Using the App
Session 1: Focus Before We Start… Using the App 30 sec To find standards: Choose “Standards” Choose “Math-Traditional.” (Traditional refers to the high school course organization of “Algebra 1”, “Geometry”, and Algebra 2”) Choose a grade.

20 Before We Start… Using the App
Session 1: Focus Before We Start… Using the App Swipe back and forth… By swiping, find standard 3.NBT.A.2 What does NBT stand for? What is is the cluster title for this standard? 1 min To find standards - continued: Scroll to find a standard. (language is included after the code to give some indication of what the standard is about.) Once a standard is chosen: Swipe left and right to see the standards before and after the one you chose. NOTE: Call out that standards in curriculum and other resources don't always include cluster letter but they are in this app; Don't forget to show how to use search bar

21 Quick Task: Using the App
Session 1: Focus Quick Task: Using the App You are in a 4th grade classroom and students are adding fractions. Navigate the app to find the standard the students are likely addressing. 1 min possible answers: 4.NF.B.3.a, b, c, or d Share these ideas for getting to the standard: Possibility 1: select grade 4 select domain “Numbers and Operations - Fractions” select the first standard in the domain and swipe until you read the standard about adding fractions. Possibility 2: type “fractions” in the search bar scroll until you see 4th grade standards Ask participants if they had any other ways of finding the standard.

22 Session 1: Focus “The Common Core calls for greater focus in mathematics. Rather than racing to cover many topics in a mile-wide, inch-deep curriculum, the standards ask math teachers to significantly narrow and deepen the way time and energy are spent in the classroom.” 30 sec Now let’s get into the first shift, Focus and calls for a deep focus on a smaller number of topics. Please read this quote from the standards to yourself.

23 Session 1: Focus Content Emphasis Guidance from SAP organizes content in terms of major, supporting, and additional content: Major clusters are the highest priority. Supporting clusters are designed to support and strengthen areas of major emphasis. Additional clusters may not connect tightly or explicitly to the major work. 1 min Student Achievement Partners (SAP) is a nonprofit founded by lead writers of the Common Core and works to provide resources for understanding the Common Core. Major content is the most essential for future work in mathematics. Major content indicates what the majority of time should be spent teaching this content. The materials should devote at least 65% and up to approximately 85% of the class time to the major work of the grade with Grades K–2 nearer the upper end of that range, i.e., 85%. These are guiding principles of the PARCC and Smarter Balanced assessments. Note that CLUSTERS, not individual standards, are organized into categories; Suggest importance of familiarity with the clusters for a grade level and the types of standards that would be in each cluster. POSSIBLE QUESTIONS FROM PARTICIPANTS: Are you saying that teachers can cut out the supporting and additional standards? No, we are saying that that work should be done, and it should be done in connection with context/linking to major standards. But this organization can be used to prioritize when making tough curricular decisions. What if my curriculum tells me to...? Also I think we need to somehow emphasize the challenge of non-aligned/"aligned" curriculum and the impact that can have on teacher focus.

24 Focus in Kindergarten Session 1: Focus 3 min 30 sec – WHOLE GROUP
What is the emphasis in Kindergarten? 30 sec (JIGSAW directions) Each table will look at a grade level (Assign 1-5) and report out the major work of the grade. NOTE: Make sure that session participants can go back and forth between this document and the common core app. Can suggest download full PDF with all grade levels and perhaps use iBook. 2 min – GROUP WORK Work time…. Click through each slide for share of that group/grade level…

25 Focus in Grade 1 Session 1: Focus 20 sec
Group shares - What is the emphasis in First Grade? ()

26 Focus in Grade 2 Session 1: Focus 20 sec
Group shares - What is the emphasis in Second Grade? ()

27 Focus in Grade 3 Session 1: Focus 20 sec
Group shares - What is the emphasis in 3rd grade? (multiplication and division; fractions as numbers)

28 Focus in Grade 4 Session 1: Focus 20 sec
Group shares - What is the emphasis in 4th grade? (four operations with whole numbers; fractions)

29 Focus in Grade 5 Session 1: Focus 20 sec
Group shares - What is the emphasis in 5th grade? (four operations with whole numbers, decimals, and fractions)

30 Session 1: Focus Summary What are the common threads in the Major Work content for grades K-2 or 3-5? 2 min Whole Group Share K-2: Number sense, Addition/subtraction 3-5: Multiplication and division of whole numbers, work with fractions

31 Task Analysis (Whole Group)
Session 1: Focus Task Analysis (Whole Group) 20 sec To see what the major work looks like (and does not look like) at each grade level, let’s dive in and do some math. Our purpose for this section is to understand what it means for tasks to align to content standards and to understand better what constitutes the major work at each grade level. Illustrative Mathematics is an important resource we will look at throughout the week.

32 Protocol Do The Math Discussion Questions:
Session 1: Focus Protocol Do The Math Discussion Questions: What are the knowledge and skills required to be successful on this task? What grade and standard is the task aligned to? Is this part of the major work of that grade? How does this task connect to the major work in the grades above and below? 30 sec Here is the protocol we’ll use. (go through slide) Before we do the math - some notes about “math phobia”… Remember framing around varying levels of comfort with doing math; Connect to growth mindset, points in Kate’s keynote. NOTE: Principals will need to deal w/ math a bit and have to have the audacity to supervise it from a content place. This training will require us to do some math, but more importantly, will give you some look-fors and some questions to ask when you’re completing those instructional rounds - even if you don’t have a math background.

33 Task 1 When rounding to the nearest ten:
Session 1: Focus Task 1 When rounding to the nearest ten: What is the smallest whole number that will round to 50? What is the largest whole number that will round to 50? How many different whole numbers will round to 50? 8 -10 min 2 min Take a look at this example task and do the math individually 3-4 min Partner than quick share out What are the knowledge and skills required to be successful on this task? What grade and standard is this aligned to? Is it part of the major work? How does this connect to major work in the grades above and below? [Students have to be able to round whole numbers. This aligns to 3.NBT.A.1 and is NOT part of the major work - it is additional content.]

34 Session 1: Focus Task 2 Maned wolves are a threatened species that live in South America. People estimate that there are about 24,000 of them living in the wild. The dhole is an endangered species that lives in Asia. People estimate there are ten times as many maned wolves as dholes living in the wild. 10 min 2-3 min Take a look at this example task and do the math individually 3-4 min Partner than quick share out What are the knowledge and skills required to be successful on this task? What grade and standard is this aligned to? Is it part of the major work? How does this connect to major work in the grades above and below? [Students have to be able to solve a problem involving multiplicative comparison (4.OA.1). The item might secondarily call on understanding multiplication by 10 (4.NBT.1). This is part of the major work in Grade 4 and connects to further work in multiplication in Grade 5. It is rooted in equal groups problems within Grade 3 (3.OA.8).] About how many dholes are there living in the wild?

35 Session 1: Focus Task 3 Alex is training for his school’s Jog-A-Thon and needs to run at least 1 mile per day. If alex runs to his grandma’s house, which is of a mile away, and then to his friend Justin’s house, which is mile away, will he have trained enough for the day? 1 2 5 8 10 min 2-3 min Take a look at this example task and do the math individually 3-4 min Partner than quick share out What are the knowledge and skills required to be successful on this task? What grade and standard is this aligned to? Is it part of the major work? How does this connect to major work in the grades above and below? [The task requires solving a word problem by adding fractions with unlike denominators. It aligns to 5.NF.1 which is part of the major work. It connects to work in Grade 4 with adding fractions with like denominators: 4.NFA.2.]

36 More Task Analysis Do The Math Discussion Questions:
Session 1: Focus More Task Analysis Do The Math Discussion Questions: What are the knowledge and skills required to be successful on this task? What grade and standard is the task aligned to? Is this part of the major work of that grade? How does this task connect to the major work in the grades above and below? Share out Results 14 min We’re going to look at some more examples. Each table will being doing one task (assign A, B, C, D). Everyone should complete the task individually, and then jot down notes for each discussion question. When everyone is done, please share your responses. A. Knowledge and skills required: Concept of area (tiling with square units, with no overlapping edges), decomposing and composing shapes, partitioning shapes into fractional parts, decomposing and composing fractions 3rd grade - concept of area - 3.MD.C.5 Yes, it is major work; Cluster 3.MD.C: Geometric measurement: understand concepts of area and relate area to multiplication and to addition. It relates to major work in 3-5 because of the emphasis on fractions and multiplication B. Knowledge and skills required: operations (multiplication and addition), odd and even numbers, repeated reasoning and construct viable arguments, work with number patterns 4th grade - number patterns - 4.OA.C.5 This cluster (4.OA.C) is not major work: Generate and analyze patterns The task connects to major work of 3rd and below because of the operations (multiplication and addition) and because of the focus on factor and multiples when doubling a number; it connects to work beyond because of the major work in 6th grade with expressions and equations and early algebra concepts C. Knowledge and skills required:, place value and the value of decimal fractions, adding or combining decimal fractions (composing) 4th grade - decimal fractions - 4.NF.C.7 This cluster (4.NF.C) is major work for 5th grade: Understand decimal notation for fractions, and compare decimal fractions. This task is related to major work of addition and subtraction and place value in K-2, as well major work around fractions, decimal fractions, and operations/place value in 5th grade. D. Knowledge and skills required: equivalent fractions, addition of fractions with unlike denominators, division of a unit fraction by a whole number. 5th grade - word problems with fraction operations - 5.NF.A.2, 5.NF.B.7.C Both 5th grade NF clusters are major work of the grade (5.NF.A and 5.NF.B): Use equivalent fractions as a strategy to add and subtract fractions; Apply and extend previous understandings of multiplication and division to multiply and divide fractions. This task is connected to fractions work in 3rd and 4th grade (basic equivalence in 3rd and more formal equivalent fractions in 4th), and adding fractions with like denominators in 4th grade, as well as composing and decomposing fractions in 3rd grade; it is related to major work in the NS domain in 6th grade with division of fractions Participants will look at these tasks, without the standards labeled: After working through the first two problems, I realized that my responses are very similar to the responses given on Illustrative Math. Should my responses differ intentionally? Will my responses be used in anyway during the training?

37 Share Out 6 min (about 2 min per task)
For the grade level of a task you analyzed, what did you notice about the major work of the grade? (3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade)

38 Leading Focused Implementation
Session 1: Focus Leading Focused Implementation Is the instruction explicitly teaching grade level standards? How to prepare to look for focused instruction: Complete instructional rounds with standards (app in hand) What to look for: What standard(s) are being taught? Is the instruction addressing the intended standard? 1 min 30 sec Now we’re going to move out of the teacher/classroom perspective and back into principal mode to think about how to lead this work. Here are a series of steps using informal observations to ensure Focus is being implemented in your school. Remember, this shift means align instruction with standards for the grade level, and focusing where the standards focus with most time spent on major work of the grade. (go through slide…)

39 Focused Implementation
Session 1: Focus Focused Implementation Is the instruction explicitly teaching grade level standards? Guiding conversations after the walk through: If not grade level standards: Why was instruction not addressing grade level standards? What data or other work supports the decision to teach non-grade level standards? Prepare feedback for growth. 30 sec (go through slide)

40 Focused Implementation
Session 1: Focus Focused Implementation Is the instruction explicitly teaching major work of the grade? How to prepare to look for focused instruction: Complete instructional rounds with content emphases in-hand standards app What to look for: Are the standard(s) that are being taught major work of the grade? 30 sec (go through slide)

41 Focused Implementation
Session 1: Focus Focused Implementation Is the instruction explicitly teaching major work of the grade? Guiding conversations after the walk through: If not major work of the grade: How will this chosen standard authentically lead students back to working with math content that is to emphasized in this grade? Prepare feedback for growth. 30 sec (go through slide)

42 Stop 1 of your instructional rounds
Session 1: Focus Stop 1 of your instructional rounds Watch the 4min video again Elementary Math Standard: 2.MD.10 Prepare: standards app content emphasis Look fors: What standard(s) are being taught? Is the instruction addressing the intended standard? Are the standard(s) that are being taught major work of the grade? 12 min 1 min Let’s go back and watch the 2nd grade video with this lens. Let’s start by preparing – get your standards up queued up for the standard and pull up the content emphases for 2nd grade. 30 sec Here are the look for’s. Look for evidence for each of these as you watch for a second time. 4 min 6 min – Discussion MAIN POINT: Only addresses part of standard; TAKE AWAY (HC: Put together also): Standards must be taught in their entirety as a whole package. We must stop the oversimplification of standards and parsing out of standards into micro skills that are micro measured. Likely a good point to reframe with goals for institute as participants struggle (we're all in a "gotcha" moment, this is intellectual atmosphere to confront our assumptions about what we thought worked, emphasis must be on standards-alignment and observation/supervision against the standards) Take time to check where people are, perhaps name where they were when walking in the door and compare to where they are (maybe journal individually); thinking about where they want to be QUESTIONS PARTICIPANTS MAY ASK: But the teacher's (pedagogy) was can I expect more than this in my building? If what's being taught doesn't align to the depth of the standards and focus where it's supposed to, it doesn't matter how well the lesson is taught. Students won't get where we need them to to be (short term, proficient this year; long term, college and career ready). But shouldn't we break down the standard and teach and assess its individual parts? Breaking down standards into discrete concepts, skills and vocab is a powerful tool for teachers when planning instruction and anticipating student errors or misconceptions--both at the before instruction and when analyzing student work. But getting students to true mastery of the standards requires they be able to do the entire standard, not just a portion of it, or multiple portions of it in isolation of each other. If students aren't ready, teachers must figure out how to slow down and/or scaffold, but the standard should be taught and assessed as a whole.

43 After the Walk Through - Questions to Ask
Session 1: Focus After the Walk Through - Questions to Ask Leading the Conversation: If not grade level standards: Why was instruction not addressing grade level standards? What data or other work supports the decision to teach non-grade level standards? If not major work of the grade: How will this chosen standard authentically lead students back to working with math content that is to emphasized in this grade? 30 sec 10 sec Now that we’re grounded in looking for the standard in its entirety and honing in on whether a lesson is major work, or connected to major work, let’s think about guiding teachers to get where we need them to be. 20 sec (go through the slide)

44 After the Walk Through - Feedback for Growth
Session 1: Focus After the Walk Through - Feedback for Growth 3 min What feedback would we give this teacher? EXAMPLES: Notes and/or slide need example feedback: Strategically work in opportunity for students to draw graphs to address entire standard; be sure to incorporate entire standard in future lessons. Draft some more challenging questions, including true "take-apart" questions since only had basic "put together" and "compare." Allow students to do more of thinking and talking (teacher rephrases and elaborates on student responses rather than pushing them to more fully express their thinking using precise vocabulary)

45 Session 1: Focus Reflection: Focus Think about Common Core implementation in your school: What is the state of curriculum/planning around focus in your building? What are some preliminary steps that are needed to improve the state of focus in your building? 5 min 4 min Let’s take a few minutes to individually, or in district/school teams, reflect on how focus is currently going in our context and what next steps for improvement we could take. 1 min share out/sum up Sum up: This is really about having standards front and center for teachers, observation and planning supports around lesson planning and delivery. And a culture of intentionality around the selection of or implementation of curriculum. QUESTION PARTICIPANTS MAY ASK: Why is focus important for me in my job - I'm not teaching? Although want focus in classroom, none of our teachers are going to be able to get there without curriculum and planning, so we need to provide that guidance and structure. Also not all standards are created equally - as leader walking into any classroom once look at plan/objective, must be able to register if lesson aligned to standard and connects to other standards. Without can get lost. Most people's instructional purpose is not around focus on standards and that's why we're all in the room.

46 Thoughts & Questions Throughout the Day
Parking Lot Thoughts & Questions Throughout the Day Tracking learning and addressing additional questions Use Post-It notes in the moment At end of each session, will add to chart At end of day, we will collect unanswered questions 10 sec

47 Take a break…

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