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Italy Pizza, Mozzarella di Buffala Switzerland Roesti, Cheese Fondue

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Presentation on theme: "Italy Pizza, Mozzarella di Buffala Switzerland Roesti, Cheese Fondue"— Presentation transcript:

1 Italy Pizza, Mozzarella di Buffala Switzerland Roesti, Cheese Fondue Netherland Stampot, Croquetten Spain Paella, Jamon

2 Italy Capri, Vesuvio, Pompei Switzerland Matterhorn Netherland Reichshaus, Grachten Spain Fallas,

3 Italy Calcio and Physics Switzerland Fussball and Physics Netherland Voetbal and Physics Spain Futbol and Physics

4 Italy OPERA Switzerland HERA Netherland ANTARES Spain

5 OPERA Momentum measurement based on detection of multiple Coulomb scattering Emulsion Cloud Chamber: sandwiches of lead plates and nuclear emulsion sheets

6 HERA Member of H1 collaboration

7 Heavy Quarks Charm and beauty production in Neutral Current
Motivation: experimental test of Standard Model and perturbativ QCD

8 Lifetime Distinguish heavy quarks from light quarks using variables sensitive to longer livetime



11 HERA:H1 Charm production in Charged Current
Measurements of strange distribution


13 Neutrino Astrononomy Photons: Interact with CMB
Protons: Deflect by magnetic fields (E<1019 eV Interact with CMB (E>1019 eV => <50 Mpc) Neutrinos: Unambiguous probe of hadronic processes Not deflected by magnetic fields -> point back to the source of emission Not absorbed by dust Horizon not limited by interaction with CMB Detectable over full energy range (GeV-PeV)

14 Sky Observable by Neutrino Telescope
AMANDA/IceCube (South Pole) ANTARES/KM3 (North Hemispher)

15 Scientific scope Origin of cosmic rays
Hadronic vs. leptonic signatures Limitation at low energies: Detector density Low light yield Limitation at high energies: Detector size Fast decreasing fluxes Supernova Oscillations Dark matter Astrophysical neutrinos ~MeV GeV GeV-TeV TeV-EeV > EeV


17 How to measure neutrinos?
Detection lines with PMTs Cherenkov light from muon Cheap high quality sea water Sea floor Muon Weak interaction Time and position from PMTs => muon trajectory Neutrino

18 What does ANTARES measure?
107 atmospheric muons per year 103 atmospheric neutrinos per year Detector Earth shielding rejects atmospheric muons upward going muon = neutrino-induced event ??? exotic neutrino per year 1019 ??? cosmic neutrino per year

19 How to measure neutrinos?
Detection lines with PMTs Cherenkov light from muon Cheap high quality sea water Sea floor Muon Weak interaction Time and position from PMTs => muon trajectory Neutrino

20 What is ANTARES? In the Mediterranean Sea 2.1 km
Installed off French coast 2.5 km under water 12 Lines (885 PMTs) Completed in May 2008 Data taking started soon after installation of the first line in 2006 2.1 km 2.5 km



23 Results and ongoing analysis
Astroparticle Physics: Diffuse flux Point sources Neutrino oscillation Searches: Dark matter Multi messenger astronomy Magnetic monopoles/Nuclearites Particle physics: Atmospheric muon flux Cosmic rays anisotropy/composition Electromagnetic showers Detector related: Timing/positioning Water absorption length/refractive index Acoustic /

24 Muon energy loss Below 1 TeV: Continuous energy loss Above 1 TeV:
Discrete energy loss Large energy fluctuation =>Electromagnetic showers

25 Phenomenology Cerenkov photons emitted:
1. Continuously along muon path 2. At Cerenkov angle 3. Arrive earlier than shower photons Shower photons emitted: 1. From one point 2. Almost isotropically 3. Arrive later than Cerenkov photons

26 Identification Method
Simple Idea: 1. Reconstruct muon trajectory 2. Project photons onto muon track 3. Peak signals shower position

27 Photon emission position along MC muon track
All reconstructed detected photons along the projected muon track Peaks selected by the algorithm Position of generated showers along the muon track

28 Algorithm Take muon direction Calculate photon emission (weight=1)
Search shower candidate Eliminate background Fit 3-dimensional position Muons with shower multiplicity

29 Down going muon with two showers
Result of muon recontruction Result of the 3D shower reconstruction Detected photon Peak=Shower position on muon track

30 Muon event rate as function of shower multiplicity
MC shows: Shower energy TeV Muon energy with shower 3.7TeV Position resolution m Shower Efficiency % Shower Purity % Systematic errors from MC No reconstruction efficiency included

31 An application:

32 Cosmic Ray energies in Antares
Primary energies measured by Antares between 10^13 eV and 10^16 eV (knee region included) Does the composition change at the knee region?

33 Pure proton primaries or pure iron primaries versus data
No way to explain data with only proton or iron primaries

34 Fit MC templates from two different mass groups to data
How much light nuclei (proton) and heavy nuclei (iron) do we need to reproduce data distribution? MC proton distribution = f_p(x) MC iron distribution = f_Fe(x) Data distribution = f(x) Fit data with this two MC templates (chi²-fit) f(x) = a * f_p(x) + b * f_Fe(x) Fit parameter: a, b

35 Light nuclei primaries or heavy nuclei primaries versus data
Exclusive light nuclei primaries describe better the data than exclusive heavy nuclei primaries

36 Fit light and heavy nuclei to data
High shower multiplicity dominated by heavy nuclei Low shower multiplicity domination by light nuclei Fit says data contains 91% light and 9% heavy nuclei

37 Conclusion Feasibility
Goal: Distinguish light and heavy primary ray composition in different energy ranges Need: more statistics, energy estimator, independent variable (SRF,...) Composition measurements are hadronic interaction model dependent. How stable is the shower multiplicity method under different hadronic interaction models? (Chiariusi & Margiotta in Erlangen)

38 Backup sildes

39 OPERA Method


41 CC polarised cross sections
No right handed CC

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