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Chapter 2 Table of Contents Section 1 You Are Here

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1 Chapter 2 Table of Contents Section 1 You Are Here
Maps as Models of the Earth Table of Contents Section 1 You Are Here Section 2 Mapping the Earth’s Surface Section 3 Topographic Maps

2 Chapter 2 Section 1 You Are Here Objectives Explain how a magnetic compass can be used to find directions on Earth. Explain the difference between true north and magnetic north. Compare latitude and longitude. Explain how latitude and longitude are used to locate places on Earth.

3 What Does Earth Really Look Like?
Chapter 2 Section 1 You Are Here What Does Earth Really Look Like? A map is a representation of the features of a physical body such as Earth. The Greeks thought of Earth as a sphere almost 2,000 years before Columbus sailed in 1492. Around 240 BCE, Greek mathematician Eratosthenes calculated the circumference of the Earth. His calculation was wrong by only 6,250 km.

4 Finding Direction on Earth
Chapter 2 Section 1 You Are Here Finding Direction on Earth A reference point is a fixed place on the Earth’s surface from which direction and location can be described. The North and South Poles are used as reference points on the Earth. Cardinal Directions are the directions north, south, east, and west. Using cardinal directions is more precise than using directions such as “right” or “left.”

5 Chapter 2 Section 1 You Are Here

6 Finding Direction on Earth, continued
Chapter 2 Section 1 You Are Here Finding Direction on Earth, continued Using a Compass A compass is a tool that uses the natural magnetism of the Earth to show direction. A compass needle points to the magnetic north pole. Earth has two different sets of poles—the geographic poles and the magnetic poles.

7 Finding Direction on Earth, continued
Chapter 2 Section 1 You Are Here Finding Direction on Earth, continued Using Magnetic Declination Magnetic declination is measured in degrees east or west of true north. Magnetic declination has been determined for different points on the Earth’s surface, as shown below.

8 Finding Locations on the Earth
Chapter 2 Section 1 You Are Here Finding Locations on the Earth Latitude is the distance north or south of the equator. The equator is a circle halfway between the North and South Poles that divides the Earth into the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. Lines of latitude are parallel to the equator. Latitude is expressed in degrees.

9 Finding Locations on the Earth, continued
Chapter 2 Section 1 You Are Here Finding Locations on the Earth, continued Longitude is the distance east and west of the prime meridian. The prime meridian is the line that represents 0º longitude. It runs from the North Pole, through Greenwich, England, to the South Pole. Lines of longitude are not parallel. They touch at the poles and are farthest apart at the equator. Longitude is also expressed in degrees.

10 Chapter 2 Section 1 You Are Here

11 DeKalb Chapter 2 Finding Locations on the Earth, continued
Section 1 You Are Here Finding Locations on the Earth, continued Using Latitude and Longitude Lines of latitude and lines of longitude cross and form a grid system on globes and maps. This grid system can be used to find locations on the Earth’s surface. DeKalb 41o55’ 45” N Latitude 88o45’ 1” W Longitude

12 Chapter 2 Section 2 Mapping the Earth’s Surface Bellringer Compare the world map, a state map, and city map at the back of the classroom. How are they different? Give an advantage of using each. Write the answers in your Science Notebook.

13 Chapter 2 Objectives Explain Why maps of the Earth show distortion.
Section 2 Mapping the Earth’s Surface Objectives Explain Why maps of the Earth show distortion. Describe four types of map projections. Identify five pieces of information that should be shown on a map. Describe four methods modern mapmakers use to make accurate maps.

14 Chapter 2 Section 2 Mapping the Earth’s Surface A Flat Sphere? A map is a flat representation of the Earth’s curved surface. When you move information from a curved surface to a flat surface, you lose some accuracy. Changes called distortions happen in shapes and sizes of landmasses and oceans on map. Direction and distance can also be distorted.

15 Example Distortion

16 A Flat Sphere?, continued
Chapter 2 Section 2 Mapping the Earth’s Surface A Flat Sphere?, continued Map Projections Mapmakers use map projections to move the image of Earth’s curved surface onto a flat surface. To understand how map projections are made, think a translucent globe that has a light inside. If you hold a piece of paper against the globe, shadows of marks on the globe appear on the paper. The way the paper is held against the globe determines the kind of map projection that is made.

17 A Flat Sphere?, continued
Chapter 2 Section 2 Mapping the Earth’s Surface A Flat Sphere?, continued A cylindrical projection is a map projection that is made by moving the surface features of the globe onto a cylinder. The most common cylindrical projection is called a Mercator projection. Named after a Flemish Geographer named Gerardus Mercator (1569). A Mercator projection is accurate near the equator, but areas near the poles look wider and longer on the map than they look on the globe.

18 Example World Map Using Mercador Projection

19 A Flat Sphere?, continued
Chapter 2 Section 2 Mapping the Earth’s Surface A Flat Sphere?, continued A conic projection is a map projection that is made by moving the surface features of the globe onto a cone. The cone touches the globe at each line of longitude but at only one line of latitude. There is no distortion along the line of latitude where the globe touches the cone. Areas near this line of latitude are distorted less than other areas are.

20 Cone touches the globe at each line of LONGITUDE
But only ONE line of LATITUDE. No distortion along the line of latitude where the globe touches the cone. Areas near this line of latitude are distorted less than other areas

21 A Flat Sphere?, continued
Chapter 2 Section 2 Mapping the Earth’s Surface A Flat Sphere?, continued An azimuthal projection is a map projection that is made by moving the surface features of the globe onto a plane. The plane touches the globe at only one point. The point of contact is usually one of the poles. There is little distortion at the point of contact. However, distortion increases as you move away from the point of contact.

22 Azimuthal Plane touches at one point, normally a pole. No distortion at the point but increases as you Move away from the point of contact.

23 A Flat Sphere?, continued
Chapter 2 Section 2 Mapping the Earth’s Surface A Flat Sphere?, continued Equal-Area Projections A map projection that shows the area between latitude and longitude lines the same size as that area on a globe is called an equal-area projection. The shapes of the continents and oceans are distorted on equal-area projections. However, these projections are good for determining distance.


25 Chapter 2 Section 2 Mapping the Earth’s Surface

26 Information Shown on Maps
Chapter 2 Section 2 Mapping the Earth’s Surface Information Shown on Maps Maps should have a title, a compass rose, a scale, a legend, and a date. Unfortunately, not all maps have all this information. The more of this information a map has, the more reliable the map is.

27 Chapter 2 Modern Mapmaking
Section 2 Mapping the Earth’s Surface Modern Mapmaking Remote sensing is a way to collect information about something without physically being there. Remote Sensing and Satellites Remote sensors on satellites gather data about energy coming from Earth’s surface and send the data back to receiving stations on Earth.

28 Modern Mapmaking, continued
Chapter 2 Section 2 Mapping the Earth’s Surface Modern Mapmaking, continued Remote Sensing and Radar Radar is a tool that uses waves of energy to map Earth’s surface. The global positioning system (GPS) is a system of orbiting satellites that send radio signals to receivers on Earth. The receivers calculate latitude, longitude, and elevation. A geographic information systems (GIS) is a computerized system that allows a user to enter different types of information about an area.

29 Chapter 2 Section 3 Topographic Maps Objectives Explain how contour lines show elevation and landforms on a map. Explain how the relief of an area determines the contour interval used on a map. List the rules of contour lines.

30 Chapter 2 Elements of Elevation
Section 3 Topographic Maps Elements of Elevation A topographic map is a map that shows surface features, or topography, of the Earth. Topographic maps show natural and human-made features. Topographic maps also show elevation. Elevation is the height of an object above sea level. The elevation at sea level is 0.

31 Elements of Elevation, continued
Chapter 2 Section 3 Topographic Maps Elements of Elevation, continued Contour Lines are lines that connect points of equal elevation. Topographic maps use contour lines to show elevation. Contour Interval is the difference in elevation between one contour line and the next. Relief is the difference in elevation between the highest and lowest points of the area being mapped. Relief is used to determine the contour interval of a map.

32 Elements of Elevation, continued
Chapter 2 Section 3 Topographic Maps Elements of Elevation, continued The spacing of contour lines indicate slope. Contour lines that are close together show a steep slope. Contour lines that are far apart show a gentle slope. An index contour is a darker, heavier line that is usually every fifth line and that is labeled by elevation.

33 Reading a Topographic Map
Chapter 2 Section 3 Topographic Maps Reading a Topographic Map Topographic maps use symbols to represent parts of the Earth’s surface. Colors are also used to represent features. For example, cities and towns are pink, bodies of water are blue, and wooded areas are green. The Golden Rules of Contour Lines The next slide explains four rules that will help you understand how to read topographic maps.

34 Chapter 2 Section 1 You Are Here

35 Chapter 2 Section 1 You Are Here

36 Chapter 2 Section 1 You Are Here

37 Chapter 2 Standardized Test Preparation

38 Chapter 2 Standardized Test Preparation

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