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Club Operations and Financial Management

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1 Club Operations and Financial Management
2017 Area 4 Club Officers’ Training Club Operations and Financial Management Author : Jill Lucht, District Treasurer

2 Registrations, Authorizations and Signatories Updates
Office of Fair Trading Annual return to be lodged online within 1 month of the AGM Includes notification of Office Bearers Financial Statements and Audit Report to be attached Form 10a to be lodged for any subsequent changes   Australian Business Register ABR to be updated for addresses, associates, public officer and authorised contact person within 28 days of changes. Form 2943 available (paper only) ABN lookup search shows entity details, history and date when last updated.   Bank and Online Banking Change Signatories – President and Treasurer Obtain new logins for online banking, set new passwords and cancel previous access. Do not pass on tokens, user names, passwords, etc.   ZI Club Officer Information Form lodge online or paper form by 31 May each year and at subsequent changes activates Club's Membership Access to incoming President's and Treasurer's personal logins Bank – should check OFT Registers agree with signatories on bank forms – President, Treasurer for online banking, Secretary as 3rd option for cheques D22 club directories compiled by Area Directors

3 Decision making process
Club Address PO Box provides a permanent address for registrations etc avoiding the necessity to update with each change in club officers. Think of it as an office address. Decision making process Proposals, ideas, suggestions - referred to the relevant Committee to consider, investigate, cost, and report to the Board Board to consider the Committee Report and make their recommendation to the General Meeting General Meeting considers the Committee’s report and Board recommendation and makes the decision. Meeting RSVP and Collections Options – apologies SMS invite requiring Y or N response Facebook Invites apologies option leads to some problems collecting after apology not sent. SMS option requires action and is then less likely to result in non payment Letterheads – samples in ZI branding guidelines Receipt Forms – Club Name and ABN

4 Dropbox Club email address Not for Profit status
Online storage of documents and records – rather than on personal computers or USB Ease and timely of access, Know where to locate, One version of a document – the one in dropbox Prior years’ records readily accessible and able to be used to plan. Don’t need to be reinventing the wheel! Administrator with attention to detail to manage folders and oversee/educate users File Names to be consistent, descriptive and meaningful Club address Provides a permanent contact point for all purposes Business like, Visibility. Easy in changeover Use as the correspondence listing Not for Profit status There is no registration provisions other than for bona fide charities. Not for Profit Status is established by the objects and provisions in the Club Rules Should 3rd Party request, explain and provide extract from Rules if necessary.

5 Insurance and Notifiable Events
Public Liability and Voluntary Workers' Insurance cover for all clubs is arranged and paid by the District. Certificates of Currency, Policies and Schedules current to 1 July 2018 available on the District website. Certain Events are Notifiable to the Insurer, eg - More than 150 people will be attending or The Club is in control of the serving alcohol Insurance Notification of Events Form, with instructions, is available on the District website.

6 ZI Membership Records and Dues Payments
Club’s Membership Record – Accessible to the Club President and Treasurer using their personal logins Details may be updated, members added, deleted or transferred online Paper forms are not required. Refer to the Website – Membership Tools Online Dues Payment System Instructions An Updated Invoice is able to be printed. Payment Options – Detailed on the invoice. Payment may be made Online by Paypal, Mastercard or Visa Card. Associated Costs examples – Paypal conversion fee to USD is 3.5% Mastercard or Visa Card International transaction Fees approx 3% Commbiz online International Money Transfer fee $13.60 plus Bank of America fee charged back $37 makes total of $50.60 Conclusion: if paying less than $1,800 payment by credit card would be the cheaper option. Membership Committee needs to pass the information on to the Treasurer for actioning. Dues currently ZI 80 USD, D days grace to renew. Joining/reinstatement fee 15 USD. Credit Cards should not be available on Club accounts due two signatures/Authorizations being required on each payment. Use personal credit card, copy statement/account lines and reimburse.

7 ZI Dues Young Professionals - under 30 years of age
ZI Dues reduced to USD40 ie currently approx AUD52. as a trial To authorise the saving to be passed on to the member, pass a resolution to offer a discount to members under 30 years of age. District 22 Dues  Invoice/Remittance Advice is ed annually to the Club Treasurer and is available on the District website. Payment by direct credit or bank deposit would be appreciated. Renewals - Payable by 1 June each year New Members - Payable upon their joining Copy of the completed Invoice/Remittance advice to be ed to the District Treasurer. ZI and District 22 Half Year Dues  apply from 1 December to 31 May Young Professionals Membership – some are quite willing to pay the full club dues so the saving is to the Club. So the take up at ZI level is not a true indicator of the effectivenes of the initiative. New Members towards end of year, keep as guests until Club’s EOFY, bill club dues, add as ZI members end of May.

8 Club Dues by Instalments
Instalments should be - Payments in Advance for the following year Paid in full before the end of the financial year. Regular set amounts and fixed due dates Manageable to the Treasurer Recorded separately to current year dues (column in cash book) Not included in current year income Reported in the Balance Sheet as Dues in Advance

9 Banking Collection of monies and payments by direct credit to and from the bank account are time saving, efficient, secure and reduce the risks associated with cash handling. No bank fees for online banking for NFPs except for International Transactions.  Payments All Payments should be - supported by some documentation listed in a report to a general meeting either passed for payment (before actual payment) or payments ratified (after payment) Minutes should include a motion to the effect - That the payments as listed be ratified and/or passed for payment. Terms on most invoices are 7 or 14 days. No problem or risk in paying recurring payments and items previously authorised prior to the meeting and being ratified.

10 Record Keeping Systems
Clubs should choose an option that will – Satisfy compliance requirements Enable Fund Accounting Facilitate the compilation of the required reports Have access to the historical data Provide ease in succession from one treasurer to the next. The System is required to - Tell the story and be the history and look up tool Record transactions by Fund Have data to produce separate reports for each Fund, General and Service. Suggestions - Excel (samples following) MYOB using jobs Reckon using classes Cash Book hand written Accessibility by successive treasurers is essential Ease of Use is pivotal to finding a willing treasurer Installed software use has unwanted problems – Out of date Software version and Operating System aren’t compatible and/or updates required Lack of knowledge and skills to use the software. Online programs are more transportable, likely to be compatible, upgrades not required – but need fund accounting Accounting for 2 funds in one file would be the usual business practice – use fund accounting

11 ZONTA CLUB OF XXXXXX INC 2016-7 General Fund Receipts
(Bank and Account Number) Receipts Date Details Ref Banking Sundries Dues 17-18 Interest Meeting Fees total check 2016 April 10 Mary Smith 101 190.00 Tara Jones 102 Beth Black 103 Kristen Harvey 104 Brooke Summer 105 Mary Gaston 106 Lisa Brown 107 Heather White 108 Emily Carter 109 17 Katharine Bennett 110 Deanne Page 111 Kelly Gibson 112 Kate Smith 113 Karen Reynolds 114 Sharon Morton 115 Sandra Jones 116 Pat Connors 117 24 Marie Airton 118 Margaret Lawson 119 Robyn Horton 120 28 Members Dinner Meeting 121 600.00 May 26 122 540.00 June 23 123 570.00 30 Bank Interest 5.25 July 124 6,055.25 - 3,800.00 2,250.00 Cash Book Summary Reconciliation Statement Cr Balance 1,520.00 Cr Balance as per Bank 1,785.90 7,575.25 Payments 5,789.35 Cr Balance Cr Balance as per Cash Book

12 Gifts, Flowers, Presentns
ZONTA CLUB OF XXXXXX INC General Fund (Bank and Account Number) Payments Date Details Ref Total Sundries Bank Charges Dues D22 Dues ZI Gifts, Flowers, Presentns Meeting Expenses Stationery total check 2016 April 30 Post Office Hotel April Dinner 101 580.00 May 31 Post Office Hotel May Dinner 102 500.00 Miller and Assoc. Audit Fee 103 630.00 Interflora Florist Flowers Ill member 104 50.00 June 1 Zonta International District 22 Ltd 105 700.00 Zonta International 106 2,160.00 Office of Fair Trading Annual Regn 107 49.95 Officeworks Stationery 108 12.00 Post Office Hotel June Dinner 109 540.00 July 15 Bank Charges IMT 26.40 Post Office Hotel July Dinner 110 541.00 5,789.35 679.95 2,161.00

13 ZONTA CLUB OF XXXXXX INC 2016-7 Service Fund Receipts
(Bank and Account Number) Receipts Date Details Ref Banking Sundries Donations Fund Raising total check Birth Kits Bunnings Theatre Night 2016 Apr 16 Theatre Night Ticket Sales 101 1,650.00 May 15 Bunnings Sausage Sizzle 102 2,275.00 3,925.00 - Cash Book Summary Reconciliation Statement Cr Balance 9,000.00 Cr Balance as per Bank 3,175.00 12,925.00 Payments 9,750.00 Cr Balance Cr Balance as per Cash Book

14 ZONTA CLUB OF XXXXXX INC 2016-7 Service Fund Payments
(Bank and Account Number) Payments Date Details Ref Total Sundries Donations Fund Raising Projects Bunnings Theatre Night Birthing Kits Breast Cushions check sum 2016 April 15 XXXXXX Theatre 101 800.00 May Coles 102 25 XXXXXX Women's Shelter 103 5,000.00 Zonta International Foundation 104 3,000.00 31 ZC of Brisbane East Stuffing 105 150.00 9,750.00 - 8,000.00

15 Budgets Budgets - General Fund
The club manual recommends two budgets be prepared, one for each fund.  Budgets - General Fund General Fund Budget (sample following) with a recommendation re Dues - should be considered firstly by the Board presented to the General Meeting in the month prior to the EOFY. The motion is then put setting Dues for the next financial year and half year dues , if applicable, from (date)? HY Dues policy? suggest same as ZI and D22 ie 1 December

Actual Budget GENERAL FUND YE to 2017/8 Other Income Bank Interest 15 12 10 Dinner Meetings Surplus 250 201 200 Total Other Income 265 213 210 Operating Expenses Audit Fees 580 620 Badges 37 40 Bank Charges 30 35 50 Gifts, Flowers and Presentations 230 Registration Fees 48 49 PO Box Rent 115 121 125 Secretarial & Stationery 14 28 Sundries 95 100 Area Workshop - Area (President)? District Conference Delegate? International Convention Delegate? Total Operating Expenses 1149 1218 1235 Excess of Operating Expenses over Other Income 884 1,005 1,025 Accumulated Funds on Hand 1,506 Per Capita if 25 members 41 Membership Dues Recommendation Club Budgetted per Capita as above District 22 Dues Zonta International Dues USD80 108 Total 184 Recommended that Dues be 190 Actuals included as forecasting tool. Current Year is YTD as prepared before YE

Budget – Service Fund Depending on club practices it may be more practical to prepare this budget once the new committee meets or as part of the yearly planning of activities and targets. Sample Service Fund budget including Actuals for comparison - ZONTA CLUB OF XXXXX INC BUDGET FOR THE YEAR ENDING 31 MARCH 2018 Actual Budget Service Fund YE to 2017/8 Income IWD Function Net Proceeds 1500 1750 1700 Theatre Night Net Proceeds 650 950 850 Sausage Sizzles 2200 2300 Show Stall 3000 High Tea Net Proceeds 1000 Total Funds Raised 8,350 9,000 8,850 Distribution Zonta International Foundation 1/3 2783 2950 YWPA Award 500 Breast Cushions 200 Birthing Kits Available for Local Projects 3,867 4300 4200 Total Distribution 8350 9000 8850

18 Financial Reports to Board and General Meetings
Format of financial reports depends on the needs and preferences of the Board. A Statement of Receipts and Payments (as in the Club Manual) covers only the activities from one meeting to the next. Zonta Club of XXXXX Inc Treasurer's Report to General Meeting Statement of Receipts and Payments to General Fund Balance at Commonwealth Bank 1,752.90 Receipts Dinner Meeting Fees July 452.00 Bank Interest 1.00 453.00 2,205.90 Payments Dinner Meeting July 420.00 Balance at Commonwealth Bank 1,785.90 Service Fund 3,175.00 Nil Payments to be ratified Post Office Hotel - July Dinner Meeting This one month snapshot is not conducive to managing funds in line with the budget or making well informed decisions. The greater part of income is received at the beginning of the year but expenditure is spread over the year.

19 Sample Statement of Income and Expenditure and Report for General Fund for the Year to Date with Budget for comparison - Zonta Club of XXXXX Inc Treasurer's Report to General Meeting Statement of Income and Expenditure 1 April 2016 to 16 August 2016 General Fund Budget Actual Income Bank Interest 10.00 5.25 Dinners Surplus 200.00 89.00 Membership Dues 3,800.00 Total Income 4,010.00 3,894.25 Less Expenditure Audit Fees 620.00 630.00 Badges 25.00 - Bank Charges 35.00 26.40 Gifts, Flowers, Presentations 50.00 Dues Zonta International 2,160.00 Dues District 22 700.00 Registration Fees 48.00 49.95 Secretarial and Stationery 12.00 Sundries 100.00 Total Expenditure 3,938.00 3,628.35 Excess of Income over Expenditure 72.00 265.90 Fund Balance 1,520.00 Fund Balance 1,785.90 Commonwealth Bank Cheque Account Balance Payments to be ratified Post Office Hotel - July Dinner Meeting 420.00 General Fund Notes July Dinner Meeting Surplus 32.00

20 Sample Statement of Income and Expenditure for Service Fund for the Year to Date with Budget for comparison - Zonta Club of XXXXX Inc Treasurer's Report to General Meeting Statement of Income and Expenditure 1 April 2016 to 16 August 2016 Service Fund Budget 2016-7 Actual Income IWD Function Net Proceeds 1,700.00 Sausage Sizzles Net Proceeds 1,300.00 1,475.00 Show Stall 3,000.00 Theatre Night Net Proceeds 850.00 High Tea Net Proceeds 2,000.00 Total Income 8,850.00 2,325.00 Less Expenditure Donation XXXXX Women's Shelter from PY Funds 5,000.00 Donation Zonta International Foundation from PY funds Zonta International Foundation 1/3 YTD Fund Raising 775.00 Awards YWPA 500.00 Birthing Kits 1,000.00 Project Breast Cushions 200.00 150.00 Local Projects - Shortfall YTD Total Expenditure 8,150.00 Excess of Income over Expenditure ,825.00 Funds Balances 9,000.00 Funds Balances 3,175.00 Commonwealth Bank Cheque Account Balance These statements show the progress in results and funds compared to budgets. Tool for informed decision making on spending proposals. Motion - That the Treasurer's Report be received and Payments as listed be ratified .

21 Annual Financial Statements
The annual report, compiled by the Treasurer, should include - Statement of Income and Expenditure for each Fund Balance Sheet If the club relies on the Auditor to compile the statements provide a sample. ZONTA CLUB OF XXXXXX INC ABN STATEMENT OF INCOME AND EXPENDITURE FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2016 This Year Last Year GENERAL FUND Income Dinner Meeting Fees 6,500.00 6,000.00 Members Dues 4,750.00 4,390.00 Interest Received 15.00 12.00 Total Income 11,265.00 10,402.00 Expenditure Audit Fee 580.00 550.00 Badges 37.00 30.00 Bank Charges Dinner Meetings 5,800.00 Dues - District 875.00 805.00 Dues - International 2,700.00 2,484.00 Gifts Flowers and Presewntations 230.00 200.00 P O Box Rental 121.00 110.00 Registration Fees 48.00 46.00 Stationery 14.00 10.00 Sundry 95.00 50.00 Total Expenditure 10,730.00 10,115.00 Excess of Income over Expenditure $ $ To Auditor – “Use Fund Accounting”

22 ZONTA CLUB OF XXXXXX INC ABN 11 111 111 111
STATEMENT OF INCOME AND EXPENDITURE FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2016 This Year Last Year SERVICE FUND INCOME Fund Raising Net Proceeds High Tea 1,000.00 800.00 International Women's Day Breakfast 1,500.00 1,450.00 Sausage Sizzle 2,200.00 2,000.00 Show Stall 3,000.00 2,800.00 Theatre Night 650.00 600.00 Total Income 8,350.00 7,650.00 EXPENDITURE Awards YWPA 500.00 Donations - Women's Crisis Centre 2,300.00 Share the Dignity 3,400.00 Zonta International Foundation 2,550.00 Projects - Birthing Kits Breast Cancer Cushions 200.00 Total Expenditure 6,000.00 Excess of Income over Expenditure $ $ 1,650.00

ABN BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31 MARCH 2016 This Year Last Year CURRENT ASSETS Commonwealth Bank - General Fund 1,535.00 1,360.00 Service Fund 8,350.00 7,650.00 Total at Bank 9,885.00 9,010.00 TOTAL ASSETS $ 9,885.00 $ 9,010.00 CURRENT LIABILITIES Members Dues in Advance - 360.00 NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES Mortgages, Charges & Securities TOTAL LIABILITIES $ $ NET ASSETS $ 8,650.00 ACCUMULATED FUNDS General Fund - Balance at beginning of year 1,000.00 713.00 Excess of Income over Expenditure for the year 535.00 287.00 Balance at end of year Service Fund - 6,000.00 700.00 1,650.00 TOTAL ACCUMULATED FUNDS Note details of balances of each fund in accumulated funds.

24 Audit The Club Rules (Constitution) will probably state the financial records are to be audited each year. Zonta International Club Manual requires the Treasurer to arrange an Audit, Examination or Review The Associations Incorporation Act sets out the requirements for audits or verification, depending on the value of assets and revenue. Resources Zi Club Manual ZI Policies and Guidelines ZI Tools

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