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Lesson 10: Off-Road Trails

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 10: Off-Road Trails"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson 10: Off-Road Trails

2 Guidelines for Multi-Use Trail Design
American Assoc. of State Highway and Transportation Officers (AASHTO) Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) Other resources (Page 2)

3 Trail Types Urban trails & pathways Rails-trails Trails in greenways
Interpretive trails Historic trails Rural trials Primitive trails FIND AN EXAMPLE OF EACH!

4 Rail-to-Trails Railbanking - method by which railroad lines proposed for abandonment can be preserved through interim conversion to trail use Rails-to-Trails Conservancy Benefits

5 Trail Design Issues Location and use
Trail width (min. for 2-directional trails is 10 feet with feet preferred) Bicycle sidepaths Trail?roadway intersection design Restricting motor vehicle access Pavement design

6 Lanana Creek Trail Where start and end? How wide?
How frequently is it used?

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