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2016/17 Staff Performance Appraisals

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1 2016/17 Staff Performance Appraisals
Performance Management 3/31/2016 2016/17 Staff Performance Appraisals Webinar for ANR Supervisors March 2017 Dial-in for audio Access code:

2 Expected Outcome of today’s session:
You have the information and tools you need to complete the annual Staff Performance Appraisal process

3 Agenda Quick review of 2015/2016
Timeline for 2016/2017: April to March cycle Performance Standards and Calibration Review Cyber Security and Sexual Harassment Prevention training Setting Expectations and Individual Performance Goals Giving and Receiving Feedback Tools and Resources Looking Forward

4 Performance Management
3/31/2016 Review of 2015/2016 Process Introduction of ANR standards for staff performance ratings Performance ratings changed from a 4-point scale to a 5-point scale New top-level rating for “Exceptional Performance” ANR-wide calibration process to review appraisals and overall ratings for consistency 4

5 Survey of Staff and Supervisors
400 supervisors and staff invited to participate in Fall 2016 95 responses Asked to Rank/Prioritize potential areas for process improvement Top priorities identified: Training on setting goals and expectations Supervisor training on how to provide effective performance feedback to employees 5

6 UC People Management Series
This year we ask that all supervisors who are responsible for completing a performance review to take two online people management courses: Setting Expectations and Individual Performance Goals (DAC-HRUCPM02; Estimated Duration: 1 hour) Giving & Receiving Feedback (DAC-HRUCPM03; Estimated Duration: 45 minutes) Available on-demand through the UC Learning Center: If you have completed these courses in the past, you may want to review again as a refresher.  (The courses have not changed in the last year.)  6

7 Timeline for 2016/2017 Performance Appraisals
Mid-March Each employee prepares a Summary of Accomplishment (SOA) for the supervisor. Mid-March to April 30 Supervisor reviews SOA with employee and drafts a Performance Appraisal, including proposed overall rating. May 1-11 Supervisor reviews draft Performance Appraisal with second-level supervisor for approval. May 12 Preliminary ratings and draft appraisals for those rated “Exceptional”, “Partially Meets” and “Does Not Meet” are due to HR. The second level supervisor must sign-off on the proposed overall rating before submitting. May 15-June 9 Calibration review. HR will communicate review results to supervisors by June 9. June 12-July 31 Supervisors meet with employee to discuss and finalize performance appraisals. Final, signed written performance appraisals due to Human Resources by July 31, 2017.

8 Timeline for 2016/2017 Performance Appraisals
Consider preliminary meetings with employees in April to review accomplishments and begin discussing goals Communicate, communicate, communicate May 12 deadline for preliminary ratings and draft appraisals for those rated “Exceptional”, “Partially Meets” and “Does Not Meet” is critical HR to provide rosters to Directors before May 12 8

9 Calibration Review Second-level supervisors and Unit Heads actively engaged to promote consistent ratings based on ANR Performance Standards HR to review appraisals for employees with a PROPOSED OVERALL RATING of “Exceptional”, “Does Not Meet” or “Partially Meets Expectations” In some cases, HR may ask supervisors for clarification and direct that performance ratings change to be consistent with division-wide standards 9

10 ANR Performance Standards
Performance Management 3/31/2016 ANR Performance Standards Common descriptions for each job element in the Performance Appraisal Form Used as the basis for performance discussions and ratings 10

11 ANR Performance Standards

12 Exceptional Performance
Performance Management Exceptional Performance 3/31/2016 Baseline Compliant with UC policy in performance of job duties. Up-to-date on mandatory trainings. Not subject to a disciplinary action during review period. Job Competencies Above expectations or higher on each performance element/job competency based on Performance Standards. If the employee supervises others, this includes performance as a people manager. Achievement of Goals Work consistently exceeds quality, quanity, and timing for performance goals established by the employee and supervisor during the review period. Transformative In addition to exceeding performance goals, the organization is fundamentally better as a result of the employee’s contributions. Or, the employee overcame significant obstacles during review period. The individual is a role model for others in ANR. In current role during the entire review period 12

13 The overarching goal of the program is to have consistent ratings across ANR

14 Completion of Cyber-Security and Sexual Harassment Prevention training is a baseline expectation for all

15 Setting Expectations and Individual Performance Goals
Self-directed, interactive on-line training w/ examples, exercises, playbook Aligning goals Employees want to understand how they connect to the mission What are your goals as a Supervisor? As an Academic? As a Director? How do the people who report to you contribute to your goals? Communicating goals Anticipate employee questions Your role as coach Should be on-going, not a one-time event 15

16 Checklist for Performance Goals
Can it be readily understood by those who must implement it? Is it measurable and verifiable? Is the goal a realistic and attainable one that represents a challenge? Does it relate to the roles, goals, and mission? Does it include deadlines/checkpoints? Will the outcome justify the expenditure of time and resources required? Can accountability for final outcome be clearly established? 16

17 CARE Model for Giving Feedback
CONTEXT Goal or Expectation When, where, scope, previous discussions ACTION Objective observation or data RESULT Impact on performance, manager, others EMPOWER Employee responsibility Changes in approach 17

18 Giving and Receiving Feedback
SARA: the natural response to feedback Surprise Annoyance Resistance Acceptance Providing feedback is a skill that can be learned: examples, exercises, best practices 18

19 Manager’s Role Employee’s Role Human Resources
Set goals and expectations Give employees the insight needed to achieve key outcomes Hold employees accountable Enable meaningful performance conversations Support employees’ development plans Connect performance management with pay for performance Employee’s Role Understand what performance management and pay for performance means Participate actively in the ongoing process Discuss performance expectations Own their performance Ask for performance feedback Human Resources Act as an objective 3rd party Support managers and employees in understanding performance management and differentiated pay for relative performance Provide tools, training, and coaching. 19

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21 21

22 Looking Ahead: Future Goals
Updated performance rating labels/definitions Consistent process for all UC ANR staff Web-based performance appraisal tools (planned for 2019) 22

23 Performance Management
3/31/2016 Questions and Comments? Mary Roberts at John Fox at 23

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