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UW-Madison IT Project Intake and Evaluation Process Overview Orientation Session September 28-29, 2017.

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Presentation on theme: "UW-Madison IT Project Intake and Evaluation Process Overview Orientation Session September 28-29, 2017."— Presentation transcript:

1 UW-Madison IT Project Intake and Evaluation Process Overview Orientation Session
September 28-29, 2017

2 Agenda Welcome and Introductions Background and Process Overview
Intake Form and Scoring Matrix Routing and Approval Process IT Project Definition Q & A

3 Committee Members Tamra Dagnon J.J. Du Chateau John Ford Eric Giefer
Senior IT Business Analyst, DoIT J.J. Du Chateau Enterprise Architect, DoIT (Chair of Subgroup B) John Ford Deputy Director, Academic Technology, DoIT Eric Giefer Director Information Technology, Law School Karen Hanson Manager Project Management Office, DoIT Elizabeth Harris Director of CEETE, College of Engineering Phil Hull Associate Registrar, Enrollment Management Rafi Lazimy Exec Dir IT Planning & Strategy, CIO Office (Chair) Sabrina Messer Manager User Services, School of Education Alan Ng Dir Outreach Tech & Faculty, Div of Continuing Studies David Pagenkopf Director of Application Development & Integration, DoIT Jason Pursian Interim CIO, College of Agriculture & Life Sciences Greg Putnam Senior Info Proc Consultant, College of Letters & Sciences Bruce Riley Procurement Specialist, Purchasing Services Alan Silver Comp Sys Admin, Dept of Chemistry (Chair of Subgroup A) Sara Tate-Pederson IS Specialist, AIMS David Towers CFO, Wisconsin School of Business Steve Van Der Weide Dir of IT Solutions, Wisconsin School of Business

4 Agenda Welcome and Introductions Background and Process Overview
Intake Form and Scoring Matrix Routing and Approval Process IT Project Definition Q & A

5 Overall Approach Two Workgroups were created
Project Proposal Intake, Scoring and Routing Project Prioritization and Recommendation Various Sources were used by both groups EITDM Materials

6 IT Project Intake Process Objectives
Rationalization - create rational, effective, consistent framework Prioritization – no more “one-off” project evaluations Duplication – Minimize redundancies Infrastucture – Assess impact on IT infrastructure/resources Innovation – recognize/encourage innovative services Governance driven - Collaborative, transparent, expert-based Agility/flexibility – easily modified/improved Pace/Speed – rapid evaluation and decision-making

7 Scope of Work Develop “IT Project Proposal” Definition
Create Project Proposal Intake Template Develop Scoring Methodology Determine Approval Routing Strategy Route Process Proposal through IT Governance

8 IT Project Intake Process - Governance
Information Technology Steering Committee (ITSC) Information Technology Committee (ITC) IT Center of Excellence (ICOE) Technology Advisory Groups (TAGs) Divisional (DTAG) Research (RTAG) Teaching & Learning (TLTAG) Infrastructure (ITAG)

9 IT Project Intake Process - Workflow

10 Value to Stakeholders This process aims to benefit campus users by:
Highlighting the existence of similar services that satisfy the needs/requirements of a proposed project Creating awareness of existing campus licenses for the software that a proposer requests Providing better visibility of projects and services for resource planning Creating a better framework for collaboration and transparency Assessing the impact on campus infrastructure and IT resources Allowing for early detection of Cybersecurity needs Creating visibility to a comprehensive Services/Projects Repository

11 Agenda Welcome and Introductions Background and Process Overview
Intake Form and Scoring Matrix Routing and Approval Process IT Project Definition Q & A

12 Who Can Submit a Project?
Divisional CIOs have the authority to submit proposals They can delegate that authority as necessary The Divisional CIO should receive a copy of the proposal Each proposal should have a project Sponsor The Sponsor must approve the submission The Divisional CIO and Sponsor must be entered on the form Both will receive an notification of the submission The last point throws me off. It is stating that the proposal SHOULD have a sponsor. But then goes onto say that sponsor MUST approve the submission. This seems at odds with one another.

13 Intake Form Intake Form includes: Project Name and Description
Contact Info Reasons for the Project Service Catalog Info Cost and Effort Estimates Scope Information

14 IT Project Intake Form - Template

15 IT Project Intake Form - Template

16 IT Project Intake Form - Template

17 Project Classification
Scoring Process Scoring Process 10 Questions will be weighted and scored Each Question will be scored on a scale of: 1 – Low Impact 3 – Medium Impact 5 – High Impact Aggregate Score determines initial Project Classification Aggregate Score Project Classification Low Impact Medium Impact High Impact

18 Scoring Matrix

19 Intake Forms entered in JIRA
JIRA will be used for: Online Submission Automatic Notifications Calculation of Project Score Approval Workflow Status Tracking

20 Automatic Notifications
Automatic notifications are sent to: Submitter Proposer IT Director Sponsor IT Center of Excellence

21 Agenda Welcome and Introductions Background and Process Overview
Intake Form and Scoring Matrix Routing and Approval Process IT Project Definition Q & A

22 Initial Review of Proposals
An Initial Review group will review incoming proposals Center of Excellence TAG Chairs Others as necessary (Ex: Enterprise architects, SMEs, etc.) Initial review will focus on the following Confirmation of Project Classification Determine which TAGs need to review the proposal Identify any “flags” for additional review

23 Identification of “flags”
Initial review will focus on proposals that need further scrutiny and identify those that raise ”flags” Duplicate existing services and/or projects Have the potential to become campus-wide services Significant impact on the campus IT resources/infrastructure Seek campus funding Federal, state or campus policy compliance implications

24 Cross-TAG Group Review
For Proposals that require further scrutiny Cross-TAGs Standing Review Group TAG members Non-TAG members Subject-Matter Experts (SMEs) External SMEs if necessary May also engage Proposers/Project Sponsors The focus will be to investigate “flags” The Group will present its analysis and recommendations to the TAGs

25 Approval Process Review and Approval Low Impact Proposals
Approved “automatically” (if no “flags”) Medium and High Impact Proposals Route to Relevant TAGs for review/recommendation May require additional information Upon TAG recommendation, routed to ITSC for approval

26 How long should the approval process take?
Proposed projects that score and are validated as Low Impact with no “flags” raised will be approved within 5 business days Medium and High Impact projects will vary depending on which TAG Reviews are required, an estimated range is days An expedited process will be available upon request and approval

27 TAG/ITSC Meeting Cadence
All TAGS and ITSC meet on a monthly basis Upcoming Meetings/Dates DTAG – Oct 10, Nov 14, Dec 12 ITAG – Oct 16, Nov 20, Dec 18 RTAG – Oct 18, Nov 15, Dec 20 TLTAG – Oct 27 ITSC – TBD

28 Agenda Welcome and Introductions Background and Process Overview
Intake Form and Scoring Matrix Routing and Approval Process IT Project Definition Q & A

29 IT Project Proposal Definition
An IT Project Proposal is… “…an undertaking by a campus unit to create or modify an IT service that is owned by the campus unit (department, college, school, administrative unit, research center) and is designed to support the mission and the operational and managerial needs of the unit with well-defined outcomes. The service employs information technologies and resources, people, and processes to collect, manipulate, store and disseminate information to achieve its objectives”.

30 What is an IT Project Proposal?
An IT Project Proposal is… Creating or replacing an IT Service An IT Project Proposal is NOT… Ongoing maintenance/operations of an existing IT Service

31 IT Service Categories Service Category Category Description
Administrative and Business Enterprise and local services that support the administrative and business functions of an institution. Includes analytics, business intelligence, reporting, finance, human resources, student information systems, advancement, research administration, and conference and event management. Communication and Collaboration IT services that facilitate institutional communication and collaboration needs. Includes , calendaring, telephony/VoIP, video/web conferencing, unified communications, web content management system, web application development and hosting, and media development. End-Point Computing Services that enable community members to do their day-to-day work, including providing access to enterprise services. Includes network access, user file storage, end-point computing backup solutions, desktop virtualization, computer labs, and printing. Infrastructure Enterprise-level hardware, software, systems, and network infrastructure that provide underlying support for institutional activities. Includes data centers, network backbone, wireless, central storage and system backup solutions, server virtualization, and systems management and operations. IT Professional Services Services that are consultative in nature, in contrast to the other categories, which tend to be technology based; these may be a combination of customer-facing and non-customer-facing services. Includes IT training, consulting/advisory services, business continuity/disaster recovery, enterprise architecture, portfolio/project management, and ITSM. Research Services supporting the institution’s research activities, including specialized storage and computation, high-performance computing (HPC), visualization, and lab-management systems. Security Infrastructure and services that provide security, data integrity, and compliance for institutional activities. Includes security services such as virus protection, encryption, privacy impact assessments, information risk management, emergency preparedness, data security, identity management solutions, access controls (i.e., passwords, accounts, and authentication), audit and monitoring systems and services, and data access and stewardship. Teaching and Learning Instructional technology, tools, and resources directly supporting teaching and learning. Includes learning management systems, in-class and online course development, learning analytics, course evaluation, lecture capture, webinars, and other academic tools for faculty and students.

32 Communication and Collaboration
Generic Service Categories Administrative and Business Billing Business Intelligence Compliance Support Grant Application and Management IT Management Line of Business Application Point of Sale Purchasing Services Communication and Collaboration Appointment Scheduling Audio Visual Support Automatic Call Distribution Calendar Digital Signage Document Management Lists Emergency Notification Event Scheduling/Mgmt Graphic Design Knowledge Base Media Production Portal Resource Scheduling Survey Teleconferencing Telephony Television Video Capture Website Content Development/Maint Website Design End-Point Computing Application Deployment/Mgmt Endpoint Mgmt/ Device Support Equipment Circulation or Rental Equipment Repair Printing Services Remote Access Infrastructure Asset Management Backup/Recovery Computer Co-Location Data Archive Data Center Database Hosting/ Management File Share Network Management Server and Infrastructure Management Ticketing URL Shortening Version Control VM Hosting/ Management Website Hosting

33 IT Professional Services
Generic Service Categories IT Professional Services Application Design/Development Application Maint/Support Application Monitoring/Mgmt Business Analysis Cloud Service Brokering Consulting and Advising Data Analysis & Visualization Domain Consulting Help Desk Project Management Service/Project Portfolio Mgmt Research Computation Server Electronic Lab Notebooks Lab Instrument Data Collection & Support Parallel Computing Cluster - Loosely Coupled Parallel Computing Cluster - Tightly Coupled Specialized Need Software Security Access Management Directory Services Identity Management Incident Response Restricted Data Environment Security - Monitoring Security - Restricted Data Compliance Security Consulting Teaching and Learning Accreditation Support Classroom Support Computer Lab Course Scheduling Degree Audit Instructional Design LMS System LMS Support Student Admissions Student Advising Student Data Service TA Management Test Administration Training

34 IT Project Proposal Examples
An IT Project Proposal is… New IT service for campus operational needs Implementing a new CRM System Significantly changing or replacing an existing IT Service Replacing Outside Activities Reporting Business process change initiatives that require IT changes Creating a new computer lab for a department

35 IT Project Proposal Examples
An IT Project Proposal is NOT… Consuming an existing IT service, such as WiscWeb or MyUW Purchasing IT consulting services that do not result in any technology development or change Replacing hardware in an existing data center Ordering desktop computers for a department Acquiring or developing specialized lab software or instrumentation that includes digital technology Operational support and maintenance activities Creating a new report Business process customizations enabled by new vendor releases, such as turning on new ERP functionality

36 When Should an IT Project Proposal be Submitted?
When there is a clear business case When there is commitment from the sponsor When the following items are analyzed/understood: Scope of the project Objectives and expected outcomes Feasibility, both operational, and cultural or political Justification (rationale/reasoning/benefits)

37 IT Resources for Consultation
UW Data Governance (when new data content is created or stored) Cybersecurity Governance, Risk Management and Compliance team DoIT Middleware Systems Technology team list: Web page for UW-Madison services/policies: Web page for UW-System services/policies: Campus or Unit Purchasing Services See Campus Purchasing Services Enterprise and IT Architects (for larger or strategic initiatives) Enterprise Architects: Cloud Architect: Center or Excellence, Office of the CIO

38 Supporting Materials Available Online
Supporting Materials Include: IT Project Intake and Evaluation Process Overview IT Project Intake Process Guidelines Completing the IT Project Intake Form IT Project Intake Form - Template Link to Materials Online:

39 Thank you for your time and attention!
UW IT Project Intake Process Overview – Questions? Thank you for your time and attention! For additional information, please contact: IT Center of Excellence, Office of the CIO Phone: (608)

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