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DAILY US HISTORY The Week of Mar 16

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1 DAILY US HISTORY The Week of 14-18 Mar 16
28 DAILY US HISTORY The Week of Mar 16 MONDAY-A Objectives- 1) Identify Northern and Southern successes and failures in the early years of the war. 2) Explain how the North naval blockade hurt the South Language Objectives Using a map, describe how the South was able to win the war in the East Using a map, show how the North was able to strengthen their blockade of Southern ports. Daily History- Define the following words or phrases: Blockade runner, ironclad, casualty, emancipate Activities- Finish PowerPoint Presentation on Chapter 9 Section 1, start Chapter 9, Section 2/ Note-Taking Format / Analysis Packet “Was Abraham Lincoln the Great Emancipator/ Surprise Pop-Quiz/ Lies, Darn Lies/ Review/Surprise Pop-Quiz Homework- Read “First Battle of Bull Run-Manassas” and answer the Reading Check Questions blockade runner- ship that sails into and out of a blockaded area ironclad- armed naval vessel casualty- a military person killed, wounded, or captured emancipate- to free from slavery TUESDAY-B Objectives- 1) Identify Northern and Southern successes and failures in the early years of the war. 2) Explain how the North naval blockade hurt the South Language Objectives Using a map, describe how the South was able to win the war in the East Using a map, show how the North was able to strengthen their blockade of Southern ports. Daily History- Define the following words or phrases: Bounty, habeas corpus Activities- PowerPoint Presentation on Chapter 9, Section 2 /Begin Chapter 9, Section 3/ Review Section 2 Objectives/Note- Taking Format / Surprise pop-quiz/ Review/Brain-Pop “Causes of the Civil War” Homework- None bounty- money given as a reward, such as to encourage enlistment in the army habeas corpus- a legal order for an inquiry to determine whether a person has been lawfully imprisoned WEDNESDAY-A Objectives- 1) Identify Northern and Southern successes and failures in the early years of the war. 2) Explain how the North naval blockade hurt the South Language Objectives Using a map, describe how the South was able to win the war in the East Using a map, show how the North was able to strengthen their blockade of Southern ports. Daily History- Define the following words or phrases: Bounty, habeas corpus Activities- PowerPoint Presentation on Chapter 9, Section 2 /Begin Chapter 9, Section 3/ Review Section 2 Objectives/Note- Taking Format / Surprise pop-quiz/ Review/Brain-Pop “Causes of the Civil War” Homework- None bounty- money given as a reward, such as to encourage enlistment in the army habeas corpus- a legal order for an inquiry to determine whether a person has been lawfully imprisoned THURSDAY-B Objectives- 1)Identify the battles that turned the tide of the war in ) Cite the events that led to the South’s surrender in 1865. Language Objectives Using a map, explain how the Confederates were able to defeat numerically superior Union forces at Fredricksburg and Chancellorsville Using a Graphic Organizer, explain the significance of the Battle of Gettysburg Daily History- Define the following words or phrases: greenback, entrenched Activities- PowerPoint Presentation on Chapter 9, Section 3/Chapter 9, Section 4 /Note Taking techniques/Chapter 9 Analysis Packet Page 3/ Review Homework- Read “Johnny Clem” excerpt greenback- a piece of U.S. paper money first issued by the North during the Civil War entrenched- occupying a strong defensive position FRIDAY-A Objectives- 1)Identify the battles that turned the tide of the war in ) Cite the events that led to the South’s surrender in 1865. Language Objectives Using a map, explain how the Confederates were able to defeat numerically superior Union forces at Fredricksburg and Chancellorsville Using a Graphic Organizer, explain the significance of the Battle of Gettysburg Daily History- Define the following words or phrases: greenback, entrenched Activities- PowerPoint Presentation on Chapter 9, Section 3/Chapter 9, Section 4 /Note Taking techniques/Chapter 9 Analysis Packet Page 3/ Review Homework- Read “Johnny Clem” excerpt greenback- a piece of U.S. paper money first issued by the North during the Civil War entrenched- occupying a strong defensive position

2 Essential Question The Week of 14-18 Mar16
“War is cruelty. There is no use trying to reform it. The crueler it is, the sooner it will be over..” William T. Sherman MONDAY Write three advantages that the South had during the Civil War? The South’s advantages included the support of its white population, familiar terrain, and better military leaders TUESDAY Write three advantages that the North had during the Civil War? The North’s advantages included more people, more money, more industry, more resources, more ships, more railroads, and Abraham Lincoln WEDNESDAY Write three advantages that the North had during the Civil War? The North’s advantages included more people, more money, more industry, more resources, more ships, more railroads, and Abraham Lincoln THURSDAY Even though he did not free the slaves, do you that Abraham Lincoln was a good President? Why or Why not. . FRIDAY Even though he did not free the slaves, do you that Abraham Lincoln was a good President? Why or Why not. .

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