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The Bible we hold in our hands…

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1 The Bible we hold in our hands…
… claims to be the Inspired Word of God! It informs us that it came into existence by means of the Holy Spirit, Who spoke the truth of God through men… … providing instruction from God that when appropriated to our lives will equip us and establish us and render us capable to function as man, the way God intended man to function! Cf. Jer 31 “I have loved you with an everlasting love” WONDERFUL! Love this book…

2 “Forgive one another as you have been forgiven…”
W Cf. Eph. 4 “Forgive one another as you have been forgiven…” Thank you God. Don’t want bitterness to poison us. Cf. Phil. 4 “Set your mind  peace of God will be with you” Life transforming… Thank you God Luke 12 “Unbeliever cast out of kingdom, weeping/gnashing” Oh no! I don’t believe that! What happened!? Is it the Word of God or not?

3 I Tim 2 is one of “those passages” that we might not like very much…
Do our personal preferences, likes, and dislikes determine what parts of Father’s Word are true and those that are not true for our “modern church”? I Tim 2 is one of “those passages” that we might not like very much… The Role of Men and Women in Corporate Worship Lots of Personal Experience watching the church embrace various aspects of Father’s instruction until it comes to the role of women…

4 I have heard the responses:
W When I explain that women are not to be in authoritative leadership “front lines warfare” and why… I have heard the responses: “We know better than that today in our modern world” “We like it this way” “It works for us!” “We like it” and “What works” is and never has been our mode of operation WHAT FATHER SAYS  our marching orders

5 “Those are cultural norms for that time… … they are not for today!”
W When I have affirmed what Father says in His Word regarding the role of men and women: “No Frank” “Those are cultural norms for that time… … they are not for today!” Men find the truth of I Timothy 2:8-15 unpalatable! Personal Conviction: If Father wrote these words, then they are GOOD! They just need to be understood….

6 For what they really say,
and for what they most definitely DO NOT SAY!!! NOTE: We are NOT going to be spending much time in this text today… Historical Context Men and women Biblical History Bible records has happened between men and women and (hopefully) correct understanding!

7 Back to the very beginning – Genesis God created man (Ish)  My Lord
W Back to the very beginning – Genesis God created man (Ish)  My Lord The “one” out of all creation that was made in the image of God God created woman (Isha)  My Lady Derivative word (derivative person) Created out of man for man (I Cor 11) Very special helpmate

8 Submitting yourselves one to another Man = The Loving Head
W Roles? Cf. Eph 5 v. 21 Submitting yourselves one to another Man = The Loving Head Expressing such a love that he lay down his life Does what is best for her… Woman = The Adored One Expressing love through honor to the man Does what is best for him…

9 What they see is “Love Relationship”
Love so fully demonstrated that an outsider to the relationship does not see the individual roles: What they see is “Love Relationship” GLORY! My Lord and My Lady  GENESIS! What happened? The happy couple became the unhappy couple because they failed to function in their roles! In the garden, The tempter came to Eve (alone) What should she have done?

10 She should have run to Adam (relational protection) INSTEAD:
W She should have run to Adam (relational protection) INSTEAD: She functioned in independence… (deceived) Then, stepped into the position of lead --- Encouraging him to follow her lead--- Adam Should have in turn run to God with their new found problem (relational protection) Adam followed her lead, (functioned in rebellion)

11 Through his willful disobedience:
Adam (not Eve) plunged the whole world into sin and rebellion and separation from God! NOTE: There has been confusion, perversion, and rebellion against God’s ordained design ever since! The Abuse of Women Ever Since! The Abusive Women Ever Since! I. The Abuse of Women

12 “It was the woman who was in the transgression” NOTE:
Women have been spiritually abused, suppressed, and oppressed in the name of God ever since… (I Tim 2:14) “It was the woman who was in the transgression” NOTE: If you really understand the Bible, it was not Eve that plunged the world into sin and death… but Adam Cf. I Cor 15:22 “In Eve, all died?” “In ADAM, all died!”

13 Historical Context (Two “religious” people groups) Jewish
A woman was not a person, but a possession! “To instruct a woman is to cast pearls before swine!” Women were allowed no part in the synagogue worship. (Kept in a gallery where they not seen)

14 It was forbidden for a woman to teach in a school.
Jewish man’s morning prayer: “I thank Thee O God, that I was not made a Gentile, a slave, or a woman!” Rabbi Jose ben Johannan “Talk not much with a woman…” “Everyone that talks much with a woman causes evil to himself, and desists from the works of the Law, and his end is that he inherits Gehenna!”

15 It was NOT great to be a Jewish woman!
A strict Rabbi would never greet a woman on the street, not even his own wife, daughter, sister, or mother! “Her work is to send her children to the synagogue; to attend to domestic concerns; to leave her husband free to study in the schools; to keep house for him until he returns!” It was NOT great to be a Jewish woman! 2. Gentile World (for women)  Two-Fold Women were used as “priestesses” in the sexual mystery religions… (prostitutes in sexual worship)

16 Respectable women lived a confined life…
Had her own quarters into which no one but her husband came. She did not appear at meals. She never appeared at any time on the street alone. Never went to any public assembly! A Gentile woman was either a “sexual playtoy” or a domestic servant provided with room and board for having and raising a man’s children!

17 Wherever there is oppression… … there is sure to be rebellion!!!
NOTE: Wherever there is oppression… … there is sure to be rebellion!!! The human spirit was not designed for bondage, but freedom! Freedom: Does not mean “doing” whatever I want to do… BUT “Being” what I was designed to be!

18 Functioning as God intended us to function
W Functioning as God intended us to function As an experiencer and expresser of the life of God within our distinct and unique creation as a male or female child of God! To “male domination” (something man was NEVER designed to do) There has come “female liberation” (something woman was NEVER designed to do) 2. The “Abusive Women” NOTE: The modern feminist movement is nothing new!

19 Ancient feminists movements…
W Ancient feminists movements… Corinth – Women dressing like men, Men’s haircuts Hunting, Disrupting the public assembly! Ephesus – Women dressing indiscreetly, leading, contentious and disruptive lives (I Tim 2), calling attention to themselves Cf. II Tim 3 laden with sin, filled with lust, listening to “traitors” Cf. I Tim 5 living in pleasure, idle, talebearers, busybodies

20 Playing the role of follower… Failing to lead spiritually….
Men (I Tim 2) Playing the role of follower… Failing to lead spiritually…. contentious, divisive, hot tempered division Throughout history, there has been male oppression of women, women rebellion against male oppression, thus failing to fulfill their role of honor and respect, and the failure of men to fulfill their role of loving and protecting shepherd! Three Observations!

21 There is an ongoing Satanic plot to get mankind to
W Three Observations: There is an ongoing Satanic plot to get mankind to abandon their God ordained roles (Hollywood Agenda  The Feminine Warrior) 2. There is an almost universally held belief system that women are in their essence usurper/controllers! (and that men are either despots or dupes) “Great fodder for comedians and sitcoms” There are far too many people that believe the above perversions were part of “the curse” from Genesis 3.

22 Because of the sin of Eve, women were cursed by God:
“The Curse” Because of the sin of Eve, women were cursed by God: 1. With pain in childbirth 2. Sinful desire to usurp the authority of husbands Cf. Gen 3 Woman was deceived and led her husband to sin Man followed the lead of his bride willfully sinned! Man and woman hid from God (FEAR) God asked ADAM if he had eaten from the “forbidden tree” Man  “The woman, which YOU gave me…”

23 God then asked Eve, “What have you done?”
Eve, “The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat” THE BLAME GAME BEGAN… v. 14  God curses the serpent 1. On your belly, dust you shall eat 2. Enmity between serpent seed / woman seed v. 16  God “curses” the woman 1. Pain multiplied in childbirth 2. Sinful desire “for” her husband  ??? cf. Gen 4:7 – desire  rule / master

24 You have to rule over sin, or sin will rule over you…
Leupold “Sin is likened to a wild beast crouching at the door. As promptly as a beast would seize a man going out the door, sin will leap upon one and hurt him… striving to get at thee, is not a mild, passing thing, a tame leopard or some harmless pet. Rather, it thirsts for your blood!” You have to rule over sin, or sin will rule over you… Gen. 3:16 – In the same way… “The woman will try to rule over you, so you have to rule over her!” (Isn’t that a great picture of human relationships?)

25 Proof? (that there is this curse) Women’s liberation movements…
Women are always trying usurp and control men! Question? Aren’t all people trying to usurp and control others? Isn’t the common and supreme element of “the flesh” that all men have to usurp and control others? Would Father’s Word stress just the woman, not the man? Would Father really curse his daughter with desire to rebel?

26 v. 16  God “curses” the woman 1. Pain multiplied in childbirth
2. Sinful desire “for” her husband  ??? cf. Gen 4:7 – desire  rule / master v  God curses the ground 1. Thorns and thistles v. 17, 19  God curses the man 1. Labor and sweat (the “rest” of God is gone!) Why did the woman get “two curses”? The word “curse” is NOT in the text for man / woman!!!

27 God DOES NOT curse His kids! EVER! God cursed the serpent!
W NOTE: God DOES NOT curse His kids! EVER! God cursed the serpent! God cursed the ground! NOWHERE DID GOD CURSE THE WOMAN OR MAN!!! God did “discipline” them… With perpetual reminders of how hard life is and is going to be when man chooses his own way instead of God’s way! “It is hard to kick against the goad!” (Saul before Paul)

28 There is NO CURSE on the woman at all!!! NOTE:
Context is VERY important! Lexicography is VERY important! Moses wrote “desire” in Gen. 3:16 “Desire” in 4:7 obviously means rule / master --- Therefore: Desire in 3:16 must also mean rule / master in 3:16 Just as man must keep sin from mastering him, so man must keep woman from mastering him!

29 Hermeneutics (Science of interpreting Bible) Rule:
W NOT NECESSARILY… Hermeneutics (Science of interpreting Bible) Rule: Never use an obscure verse to help interpret or support another verse… Use support verses that are very clear and easy to understand… Ge. 4:7 - Proksch “the most difficult verse in the chapter, yea, in all Genesis.”

30 W “Every attempt to extract a meaning from the verse is more or less a tour de force.” Gen. 4:7 is a difficult verse and should not be used as a proof text for what appears to also be a difficult verse… Questions? What then is Gen. 3:16b really saying when it says, “Your desire shall be for him, and he shall rule over you.” Is there a clear verse that could be used as a proof text to help us understand and appropriate “desire” in Gen. 3:16?

31 “I am my beloved’s, and his desire is for me.”
W Cf. Song of Solomon 7:10 “I am my beloved’s, and his desire is for me.” Desire = Context = healthy, beautiful sexual desire in the marriage relationship What would happen to Gen. 3:16 if we interpreted it NOT as the desire to usurp or master, but instead as the normal, beautiful and healthy sexual desire of a woman for her husband… Follow the flow of thought in Genesis with “desire” not meaning rule, but sexual desire…

32 Reminder of the heart of God toward His kids who fail… Cf. John 21
Peter commissioned to lead and feed God’s sheep! 3x Fail! (Three denials) What does Jesus do? 3x Reminder of failure… But only for the purpose of THREE TIMES AFFIRMATION! Feed my sheep!

33 In spite of what you have done… NOTHING HAS CHANGED!
Language: In spite of what you have done… NOTHING HAS CHANGED! YOU ARE STILL MY GUY! Own the heart and mind of God toward his kids… Let those words reverberate in your mind as you turn to Gen. 3… NOTHING HAS CHANGED BETWEEN US!

34 Woman caught alone and succumbs to deception
Cf. Gen 3 Woman caught alone and succumbs to deception She then assumes the role of leading Adam Adam chooses to follow Eve He willfully disobeys plunging man  sin and death! God confronts the man and woman Man blames the woman (coward) God tells the woman, you get PAIN in childbirth! This is so bad, women DIE in childbirth!

35 Here comes “the coward”… … who just blamed you for the fall!

36 Yes Isha, (my lady) you made a very bad choice…
W CF. John 21 You are still my kids… Nothing has changed… Cf. Gen 3 Yes Isha, (my lady) you made a very bad choice… Yes, Ish, (my lord) you made a worse choice… Yes, Isha, you are going to suffer some reminders… Yes, he was a real jerk… But you are still my kids… Nothing has changed… You are still going to desire his love, and he is still going to be your protection relationally

37 instead perverted those roles… THIS IS OUR GOD!
W Gen. 3… Far from being a curse Is actually a reaffirmation of masculine and feminine role in spite of how they had failed to maintain and instead perverted those roles… THIS IS OUR GOD! He is One Who “restores” When we come to a passage like I Tim 2:8-15… … that looks harsh … that sounds demeaning or suppressive

And seek to study it in light of its inherent goodness So that we can arrive at the correct and appropriate interpretation, and then, appropriate its inherent goodness so that we can live in its proper and powerful reality before God! Next week…

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