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Problem Orientation An Unsatisfactory Situation

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1 Problem Orientation An Unsatisfactory Situation
E.g. an increasing number of danish kids are getting fat An Un-Utilized Potential -The homepage of AAU is old fashioned Unknown Impacts - We want to investigate if and how IT and new technology can be used to improve kids habits towards doing regular exercising

2 Different type of problems – different strategies for problem analysis
An unsatisfactory Situation Bottom-up analysis – from practise to technology WHO and WHY questions are dominating An Un-Utilized Potential Top down analysis – from technology to practise WHAT-IF questions are dominating Unknown Impacts Theoretical analysis – from technology and within WHAT questions are dominating

3 Problem-based project-work - a model
Initial problem of the project – what makes you wonder? Analysis of the initial problem : central themes and elements of the problem. Problem statement based on the analysis Statement of the question(s) which will be addressed in the project. Project limitations Project design Addressing the problemstatement Methods Theories Empirical work Finding a solution? Creating new knowledge Conclusions Answering the question of the problem statement. Placing the question into other perspectives

4 Process-oriented project-work - a model
Establishing the group as a team Clarifying strengths and weaknesses of the group members, group visions, and expectations What increases and decreases motivation for the work and the team? Defining individual and collective learning objectives Establishing structures for knowledge sharing and process evaluation First evaluation of work process – do we reach our objectives? Do we work towards collective goals? Do we share motivation? Do we share knowledge? How can we strengthen the process? Focus on evaluation of the project content and process: Sharing knowledge Motivation Collective goals Team collaboration Do we need to change strategies or structures? Reflections on the project and team process Did we reach our objectives? Why – why not? What do we wish to do different in our next project?

5 Problem analysis - WHY? Me My wife Water What to do to get to my wife?

6 Problem analysis – HOW? 1) Post It brain storm
1) All group members write key words on PostIt stickers and place the stickers on the board. 2) All group members read the stickers and participate in (re-)structuring them into a relevant structure 3) All group members participate in assessing and choosing project activities, based on the structure

7 Problem analysis – HOW? 2) The 6 W model Why? What? Problem Whom?
Where? How? When? Some times the students find it difficult to start analysing, so we help them by suggesting two tools already at the basic year, and i will present them for you, so that you also know. …….Demonstrate by using post it laps The first model can open a problem and the second one is very good for structuring a brain storm. The strength is that you get a chance to think for your self, you gets a good structure even though it might take some time and finally you can see if more than one has thought of the same (more laps)

8 6W analysis Who What Where When Why How Who is causing the problem?
Who says this is a problem? Who are impacted by this problem? Etc. What will happen if this problem is not solved? What are the symptoms? What are the impacts? Etc. Where does this problem occur? Where does this problem have an impact? Etc. When Why How When does this problem occur? When did this problem first start occurring? Etc. Why is this problem occurring? Why? Etc. How should the process or system work? How are people currently handling the problem? Etc. POPBL AAU - August 2012

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