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Marietta High School Counseling Department

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1 Marietta High School Counseling Department
Title Page Marietta High School Counseling Department

2 But never fear, MHS counselors are here to help!
Helping your child to take the next step into their future can make you feel like this…. But never fear, MHS counselors are here to help!

3 MHS Counselors and Staff Counselors serve students based upon the first letter of the students’ last name. A—Co Joann Kinlaw Cr-Haw Chenedra Garnigan Hax-McF Nancy Hill McG-R Marlon Prather S-Z Betsy Alpert PLC Julie Smith College & Career Center Coordinator: Sheila Colquitt

4 TOPICS OF DISCUSSION Graduation Requirements Testing
Post-Secondary Options Move on When Ready Georgia’s Hope Scholarship Program Naviance

The requirements below represent minimal courses needed for high school graduation. Some academic programs of study or diploma options require additional units of credit beyond the minimal requirements listed. For example, IB Diploma requires a minimum of 27.5 credits. Subject Units Required Courses English 4 1 unit of American Literature or AP Language Math Courses vary Science 1 unit Physical Science or Physics 1 unit of Biology 1 unit of Chemistry or Environmental Science or AP Science  4th Science may be used to meet both elective and science requirements Social Studies 3 1 unit World History 1 unit U.S. History ½ unit Economics ½ unit American Government or Civics CTAE, Foreign Language, Fine Arts This area can be a combination Health/Personal Fitness 1  .5 unit each Electives Total 23


7 Which is appropriate for your student?
Post Secondary Options Can Include Traditional 4-year schools 2 year colleges for associates degree or to transfer to a 4-year college/university Technical Colleges Professional Training Programs Military Work Which is appropriate for your student?

8 Factors to Consider When Choosing a College
Major or Program of study Location and Environment Includes housing opportunities In-state vs. Out-of-state Public vs. Private Size of School Extra-curricular activities offered

9 How Do I Learn More About Schools?
Research Meet with College Reps when they visit MHS Sign up in Room B117 On-site campus visits Open houses sponsored by colleges Internet if password is lost, students can reset, see their advisor, or contact Mrs. McCormick, the school registrar. Attend college fairs in the area

10 How Do Colleges Choose Who Will Be Accepted?
High school academic record and course rigor (GPA/Class Rank) Colleges typically use different GPA calculations than MHS Many use only Core GPA (English, Math, Science, Social Studies & Foreign Language) May or may not give “weight” to Honors, AP/IB classes SAT/ACT scores Essays Recommendations Special Abilities Service to school or community Extracurricular activities Interview Neatness and accuracy of application

11 Don’t put all your eggs in one basket!
Students need to apply to more than one school Typically students apply to 3-5 schools Dream Schools – may not get in, but is their top choice Reach Schools—student stands a good chance of admission Safety School – backup plan in case they need it

12 MOWR Move on When Ready Move on When Ready (MOWR) Program is available to high school students in grades 9-12. Earn dual credit Students must meet admission requirements of college/university their interested in attending. Requirements vary for each Post secondary institution. Please research your MOWR prospective colleges/universities for requirements and deadlines.

13 When Should I take the SAT/ACT
During/after taking Algebra II or the equivalent Spring of junior year for most students Take both the SAT & ACT to decide which test is right for you All colleges will accept either the SAT/ACT Many seniors test again the fall of senior year, but plan ahead to meet application deadlines, especially if you apply early

14 Test Reminders SAT Reasoning and Subject Tests
Mar 11, 2017 May 2, 2017 June 3, 2017 ACT Feb 11, 2017 April 8, 2017 June 10, 2017 Accuplacer March 1 & 2 Sign up in Room B117 ASVAB

15 Remember… Colleges/Universities require SAT/ACT scores to come directly from the testing agency!


17 How Do I Find $$ for College?
Scholarship Link on MHS Counseling Web Page-- Naviance Research Colleges and Financial Aid Offices FAFSA and CSS Profile Websites -- -- for special state and federal grants. --Others on Scholarships Link on MHS Counseling Web Page

18 Scholarship Search Services
We follow the guidelines set forth by the Georgia Student Finance Commission (GSFC) and recommend that you DO NOT use a scholarship search service. The same resources that you will be charged in excess of $500 are available for free.

19 HOPE Scholarship Rigor Requirements
The class of 2018, in order to be eligible to receive the HOPE scholarship, must receive at least four credits in courses from the following categories, prior to graduating from high school: Advanced math, such as advanced algebra and trigonometry, math III, or an equivalent or higher course taken at an eligible high school or taken for degree level credit at an eligible postsecondary institution Advanced science, such as chemistry, physics, biology II, or an equivalent or higher course taken at an eligible high school or taken for degree level credit at an eligible postsecondary institution; Advanced foreign language courses taken at an eligible high school or taken for degree level credit at an eligible postsecondary institution; Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, or dual credit enrollment courses in core subjects (English, math, science, social studies, or foreign language)

20 Georgia’s HOPE Program
Zell Miller Scholarship— Must earn a 3.7 cumulative GPA on a 4.0 scale in all English, math, science, social studies and foreign language coursework attempted between grades 9-12 and at least a 1200 on the Math and Reading/Verbal portions of the SAT in one test administration or score at least a 26 composite score on the ACT OR Graduate as the Valedictorian or Salutatorian and meet the requirements of the HOPE Scholarship

21 HOPE Scholarship-- Must earn a 3.0 cumulative GPA on a 4.0 scale for all English, math, science, social studies, and foreign language coursework in the high school curriculum HOPE Grant—available to students who are seeking a technical certificate or diploma, regardless of student’s high school grade point average or gradation date.

22 All three HOPE programs will require students to:
Be a legal resident of Georgia Be registered with Selective Service, if male Be in compliance with the Georgia Drug-Free Post-secondary Education Act of 1990 Meet HOPE’s US citizenship or eligible non- citizen requirements Attend an eligible Georgia school To see the full list of program requirements, visit

23 How to Check Your Current HOPE GPA
Go to From Home Page, go to “Your HOPE GPA” in right panel Create your account Follow directions to get your HOPE GPA.

24 Miscellaneous

25 Are You Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch?
Why Should You Apply? Fee Waivers for SAT/ACT Fee Waivers for College Applications Scholarship Opportunities Reduced Rate Summer School Assistance with paying for IB/AP Exams Federal Funding for Marietta High

26 NAVIANCE Naviance (Family Connection) is a comprehensive website for students and parent to use as a tool to organize personal data, complete a personality inventory, maintain a list of prospective colleges and track the application process. Features: College Search Scholarship Search Apply to colleges & universities Sign up to meet with college reps when they’re visiting high school Personality profile

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