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La Clochette Mettez en anglais:

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Presentation on theme: "La Clochette Mettez en anglais:"— Presentation transcript:

1 La Clochette Mettez en anglais:
Moby was feeling nervous. He didn’t know who had put the journal in his locker. It was snowing. Everyone looked at Moby. Everyone was looking at Moby.

2 La Clochette Mettez en anglais:
Moby se sentait nerveux. Il ne savait pas qui avait mis le journal dans son casier. Il neigeait. Tout le monde a regardé Moby. Tout le monde regardait Moby.

3 Re-read your writing & the rubric, complete the self eval on the rubric, then answer these questions on the back. Did you write more, less, or about the same amount? How do you feel about your writing? What has improved in your writing since the previous timed assessment? What is one thing you can focus on in our next writing assignment to continue improving?

4 Finish the story! Il savait – he knew Il y avait – there was C’était – it was Il faisait / ils faisaient – he/they were doing Il faisait (chaud, froid) – it was hot, cold Pensait de – was thinking about Parlaient de – were talking about Lui a dit – said to him/her Tout d’un coup– all of a sudden Je m’en fiche!! – I really don’t care!!

5 Faire du Théâtre Grading (1-5, 5 being « parfait ») Do they sound natural or like a robot ? Did they use the appropriate emotion/tone? Did their actions go well with what was being said? Give them one POSITIVE suggestion to work on

6 La Saint Valentin Cher/chère (dear) Tu es mon ange / mon trésor Je t’aime / je t’adore Je pense à toi **mon petit chou** Je te donne mon cœur Bisous (this is how you sign the card, it means « kisses »)

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