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Poland Warsaw.

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1 Poland Warsaw

2 Partners:


4 The problem: insufficient “European identity” and engagement in the European civil society issues among the prisoners, ex-convicts and youth threatened with crime, manifested by: increased political radicalism, low understanding of "European project" and its economy and low rate of exercising the rights and freedoms: acquiring qualifications, work and living in other countries etc. lack of instruments and practice for strengthening European identification of prisoners, ex-convicts and youth threatened with crime in the institutions and organizations working in the penitentiary sector (Prison Service, NGOs, centers for youth education, training centers, etc.).

5 The aim: Strengthening European identity among the prisoners, ex-convicts and youth threatened with crime (at least 324 prisoners and 80 students/pupils or young convicts ) and increasing their engagement in the European civil society issues. This will be achieved through specialized training and creative workshops for various stakeholders involved in the penitentiary sector (volunteers – 80 people, representatives of NGOs – 45, Prison Service – 45). They will develop and exchange the techniques, instruments and practicse at European level, than use their expertise while working (multiplier effect).

6 The results : 1. For the prisoners, ex-convicts and youth threatened with crime : increased knowledge and understanding of EU project among prisoners, increase in positive attitudes towards EU, strengthened European identity and civic engagement (proved by the activities initiated by prisoners and ex-convicts during the workshops with volunteers), better life quality, “experience of inclusion”, better control of life. 2. For institutions and stakeholders of penitentiary sector: raised competency of personnel, extended reach and influence (by reaching new target group -prisoners, ex-convicts and youth), specialized training materials, creative scenarios (Euro-box) and good practices for further exploitation.

7 Leader of the project – Collegium Civitas
Collegium is a modern non-state university located in the heart of Warsaw. It was established in 1997 under the auspices of five Institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Experience and commitment of its founders and faculty members have earned it a reputation of the best place to study international, social and political science in Polish and English. Collegium Civitas is entitled to award BA, MA and PhD in a rich variety of programmes. CC has received accreditations from the National Accreditation Commission and the University Accreditation Commission at the Conference of Rectors of Polish Universities. CC is an official member of many international associations and organisations, e.g. the International Sociological Association, the International Society of Political Psychology, the International Political Science Association. At CC the following centres conduct their research: Centre for Security Studies, Centre for Research on Terrorism,Research Centre on the Future.

8 As the leader, Collegium Civitas will perform the following tasks:
1. Organising and holding the Preparatory Meeting, including: Collaboration with the Partners on the final scope of training programmes and materials 2. Coordinating the development of curricula and training materials, editing and translating materials prepared by the Partners 3. Providing domain experts, who will conduct training courses for volunteers, seminars for NGOs and Prison Service in Poland and partner countries 4. Coordinating and monitoring the implementation of workshops for prisoners and meetings with the youth 5. Coordinating the development of final products 6. Co-organising the final conference 7. Project management: progress monitoring, organising meetings and partner consultations Collegium Civitas will be responsible for the achievement of results and products within all actions.

9 Polish Partner of the project – Slawek Fundation, Krzysztof Łagodziński
Slawek Foundation offer assistance from 17 years to young and adult people who leave prisons or detention centres and to their families in difficult life situations which may cause quick return to criminal activity and the addicted and their families, in particular during detoxification treatment of a family member. Main activities: documents and accommodation, vocational guidance, writing formal letters and contact with institutions, personal intercession of Foundation representatives and their contact with institutions prove to be an enormous help to ex-prisoners and their families, assistance of Psychologist and Pedagogue, assistance of Lawyer and Mediator, problem-solving groups in order to support social (re)integration, involve young adult ex-criminals in the aftercare, workshops and training, professional computer and English courses, Guardian Angel programme, Testimony programme, Storybook Dads, Mienia Art, Return to freedom Coalition programme.

10 Role of Slawek Fundation in the Project:
1. Collaboration with the Partners on the final scope of training programmes and materials 2. Collabor. with the leader on the development of Poland-related training materials 3. Providing domain experts, who will run tutorials/seminars as part of training courses for volunteers, seminars for NGOs and Prison Service in Poland and partner countries 4. Organising administration and logistics of training courses, seminars, youth meetings and workshops for prisoners (invitations, catering and rooms to be provided by the Partner - contribution) 5. Holding workshops for prisoners and meetings with the youth 6. Collabor. with the Partners on the development of final products (collecting good practices) 7. Co-organising the mock workshop, the performance and the exhibition or the concert at the final conference 8. Organising administration and logistics at the final conference 9. Progress monitoring, participation in Partner meetings and consult.

11 The workshops will primarily focus on key issues concer
The workshops will primarily focus on key issues concer. the future of the EU, namely: The project will involve various working methods, depending on the target group: 1. Training: teaching volunteers and prisoners through action and simulation, with the use of video camera for feedback. 2. Seminars for inspiring conversation in classes: NGOs, PS. 3. Ex-convict testimonies for inspiring students or young offenders. 4. Creative workshops using daily activities enjoyed by prisoners: a. Art classes, e.g. graffiti, comic strips, “EU map” layout b. Drama classes c. IT workshop as a response to data security threats (many prisons equipped their computer rooms with EU funds) d. Photography and film workshop e. Radio broadcast on the EU via prison broadcasting centre f. Performance: e.g. EU-themed paper lanterns 5. An exhibition or a concert dedicated to freedom in the EU as well as a mock workshop for the participants as the premium event at the final conference, which allows a direct workshop experience.


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