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Investing in alternative construction materials as a sustainable path towards the reduction of global CO2 emissions A comparative case study of industrialized.

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Presentation on theme: "Investing in alternative construction materials as a sustainable path towards the reduction of global CO2 emissions A comparative case study of industrialized."— Presentation transcript:

1 Investing in alternative construction materials as a sustainable path towards the reduction of global CO2 emissions A comparative case study of industrialized bamboo and low carbon content cement Dr. Edwin Zea Escamilla Centre for Corporate Responsibility and University of Zurich Construction Task Force INBAR Prof.Dr. Guillaume Habert, Msc. Giulia Celentano Chair of Sustainable construction, ETH Zurich, Switzerland Dr. Hector Archilla Santos BRE Centre for Innovative Construction Materials, Bath University, Great Britain Dr. Yudiesky Cancio Diaz, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Universidad Central de las Villas, Cuba 7-9 March 2017 Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor, Indonesia CCRS SBRE


3 Background – Global population
Population growth 50% urban population GDP growth (mainly urban areas) Resource demand Extraction of construction minerals CO2 emissions (400ppm) CCRS SBRE

4 Background – Paris Agreement
The Paris Agreement sets out 29 Articles that cover: Climate change mitigation and adaptation Financing Technology development and transfer, Capacity building Transparency of action and support, Facilitating implementation and compliance. Insight Climate change mitigation – Article 5: “Parties should take action to conserve and enhance….sinks and reservoirs of greenhouse gases….as referred to in Article 4, paragraph 1(d), of the Convention, including forests.” CCRS SBRE

5 Data and Methods

6 Data and Methods-- LCA LCA is a well established methodology (ISO /44) used to assess environmental impact of products and services, and had been used for over 25 years on buildings. LCA from cradle to gate Functional unit: Maximum production out-put of a factory IPCC2013 as environmental impact evaluation method Carbon sequestration and storage were accounted SIMApro v8 and EcoInvent 3.3 with characterized datasets Data was sourced from the LC3 project and collaboration with experts. Life Cycle Assessment CCRS SBRE

7 Data and Methods– Social Return of investment
Land Use Jobs per MUSD Initial Investment # of Buildings per MUSD Time for Return of Investment Avoided Emission per MUSD SRI is based upon traditional cost- benefit analysis. Assigning monetary values to social and environmental returns. It provides an opportunity to demonstrate wider value creation. Initially developed as an investment tool, it uses a familiar, conventional managerial approach[1]. [1] Rotheroe, N. and A. Richards (2007). "Social return on investment and social enterprise: transparent accountability for sustainable development." Social Enterprise Journal 3(1): CCRS SBRE

8 Data and Methods– Data inputs

9 Results

10 Results – Economy 136 MUSD 1Mt ~4.3 years ~5.8 years ~3.9 years
Production Capacity / Factory per Year Initial Investment / Factory Years for return of Investment 136 MUSD 1Mt ~4.3 years ~5.8 years ~3.9 years Ordinary Portland Cement Low Carbon Content Cement 7 MUSD 0.08Mt 4 MUSD 0.01Mt Engineered Bamboo CCRS SBRE

11 Results – Society Initial Investment / Factory # Buildings per MUSD # Potential jobs per MUSD 136 MUSD 81 2 126 11 42 118 Ordinary Portland Cement Low Carbon Content Cement 7 MUSD Engineered Bamboo 4 MUSD CCRS SBRE

12 Results – Environment CCRS SBRE

13 Results – Environment 136 MUSD 880 6740 6280 44 -18490 -74
Initial Investment / Factory mtCO2 eq balance per year tCO2 eq emissions per MUSD 136 MUSD 880 6740 44 6280 -74 -18490 Ordinary Portland Cement Low Carbon Content Cement 7 MUSD Engineered Bamboo 4 MUSD CCRS SBRE

14 Discussion

15 Discussion – Maximum investment
Initial Investment / Factory mtCO2eq balance per year Land use / raw material km2 136 MUSD 880 0.08 -74 9 -2500 321 Ordinary Portland Cement Engineered Bamboo 7 MUSD Engineered Bamboo (max. investment) CCRS SBRE

16 Conclusions

17 Conclusions The studied alternative construction materials offer a positive social return of investment, specially industrialized bamboo While LC3 is able to significantly reduce the levels of CO2 emission compared to OPC Industrialized bamboo is able to mitigate emissions with the CO2 being captured in plantation and stored in buildings Investment in industrialized bamboo rebound in positive effects that go beyond the system boundaries of this study but that can be considered as USP for industrialized bamboo Further discussion and engagement is required from the civil society and the scientific community to better account and credit CO2 emissions or its avoidance e.g. Polluter Pays Principle The land-demand for the establishment of bamboo plantations needs to be addressed from the Paris agreement perspective (Article 5) Synergies need to be established among the alternative construction materials in to increase the benefits from each and secure a sustainable pathway toward the reduction of global CO2 emissions from the urban environment CCRS SBRE

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