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The UWA Oceans Institute

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1 The UWA Oceans Institute
Delivering solutions for global ocean challenges Professor Erika Techera Director, Oceans Institute Professor of Law The University of Western Australia

2 Overview Planning Day follow up Open Day Marketing and Promotion
Events Strategies and Plans

3 Planning Day SWOT Analysis Research Themes Capabilities Education plan
Engagement strategy Adjuncts and partners


5 Big Ideas Renewable Energy Marine Extremes Ocean Infrastructure
CORE, existing track record, Beyond wave energy and engineering Marine Extremes Focus on IO, existing COE (East Coast), trade-offs or win-win situations between coastal vulnerability and Blue Economy, identify priority areas for global donor funding for mitigation adaptation, resilience, community values and preferences related to coastal/natural hazards Ocean Infrastructure Novel offshore facilities, innovation in coastal infrastructure, develop new design (not over design) Ecological Restoration Work in Mauritius, partnership with BGPA, potential COE in 2020, established restoration networks in Australasia +Global, planning in an Oceanographic Context Aquaculture Lobster, Business Planning – Market expansion, supply chain, Investment, Provenance tracking for food security in the supply chain – Blockchain Technology, Site selection – application of Oceanography, Social licence to operate, Intervention/restoration Deep Sea Mining Interest in High Seas/Area Mining, Benthic + fisheries impact assessment, Restoration of impacted sites Plastic Pollution Cross disciplinary research/medical/health, food security, oceanography, conservation, environmental preservation, potential for creating alternatives (both eco-friendly and sustainable) and commercialisation/engineering such alternative products. It would involve a large number of collaborations across many disciplines Next Steps Priorities, teams

6 Research themes and capabilities
Energy from the oceans Fisheries, food security and aquaculture Maritime security, safety, and defence Marine conservation, climate impacts and management Coasts and communities Capabilities Maritime histories, coastal communities and ocean values Marine species, ecosystems and management Ocean engineering, innovation and enterprise Human health, bio-medicine and water quality Ocean dynamics, hazards and coastal processes Ocean observation, numerical modeling and climate impacts Oceans governance, economics and business strategy

7 Education Plan Formal education Executive education Training
Master of Ocean Leadership Master of Renewable Energy Master of Oceanography?? Executive education Short courses CPD Training Technical courses Next Steps Funding sources, priorities, teams, modes

8 Engagement Strategy Scope Groups Vehicles
International and regional – IO focus National State and Local Groups Government Research institutions Peak bodies Civil society groups Vehicles Dialogue Series Joint Public Lecture Series with IAS Ocean Community Student showcase Social media and website Annual event?

9 Open Day UWA Open Day What do we want in future events?
Centrifuge tours Stand in the Clough Building Promotional materials in each Faculty What do we want in future events? In The Zone Open Afternoon – Sunday 1st October Tours Knowledge Café Student showcase Expressions of interest?

10 Events Public lectures series IAS – August, October, November
Japan LawAsia conference - September Research Week events - September In The Zone Open Day - October Robson & Robertson Awards - October ZJU Oceans College workshop - October Matariki Network Workshop – December Christmas Party - December IOMRC events

11 Marketing and promotion
Website In development High level brochures About UWA OI UWA OI Facilities UWA OI Capabilities UWA OI Strategic Plan UWA OI Research Strategy 2018?

12 Strategies and Plans Ocean Graduate School Strategic Plan
Endorsed by Senate 28 August Strategic Plan To UWA Exec – 5 September Build Leadership positions Mid September following EOI Research theme teams Mid September Engagement planning Mid October Education initiatives November

13 Empowerment Room bookings Important contacts Finance Other matters? Important contacts Finance PGs etc Other matters? Non-urgent building maintenance Urgent Building Maintenance/Issues – Michael Harris, Programmed Ground floor, IOMRC / Visitor access and parking – Glenda Dalby, IOMRC Reception Ongoing swipe card building access (via UWA Security) Security Emergency number 2222 Parking/Security Office 3020 IT Service Delivery Centre - ABLE 1523 IT Service Delivery Centre - EMS 1999 IT Service Delivery Centre - HMS 7325 IT Service Delivery Centre - Science 2999

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