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Colonial Baptist Church

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1 Colonial Baptist Church
Church History

2 Introduction In one phrase, describe “Colonial Baptist Church”

3 Pre-CBC Church History
1st Great Awakening (1730s-40s)

4 Pre-CBC Church History
American Revolution (1770s-80s) Anglicans & Baptists in Virginia 2nd Great Awakening Cane Ridge, Kentucky vs. New England 1st vs. 2nd Awakenings Revivalism & Public Responses


6 The “Mother” Church of CBC
“Glade Creek Church” (est. 1829) Log Cabin Church: Webster Road, Blue Ridge 3 Groups: Baptists, Lutherans, and Dunkards (German Baptist Brethren) Baptists: English descent (early 1600s) Lutherans: German descent/Martin Luther’s followers Dunkards: German descent/Anabaptists “Antebellum Era”

7 The Civil War A “Theological Crisis” A Denominational Crisis
Dunkards: Pacifistic (did not believe in fighting wars); sometimes perceived as possible threats for the North. Glade Creek Baptist Church was used as a hospital during the war. A Denominational Crisis Major denominations split into definitive “Northern” and “Southern” groups (example: Southern Baptist Convention; United Methodist Church, South) A Racial Effect Pre-Civil War: Black and white congregations worshiped in the same churches (though black Christians, slave or free, were subjected to sitting in the back). Strawberry Baptist Association = [1865] 2,863 white; 390 black members. [1875] 39 black members (1 in Glade Creek) Post-Civil War: Black and white denominations formed separate denominations/churches.

8 Source: The Early Trails of the Baptists: A History of the Strawberry Baptist Association, 1776-1976

9 Colonial’s Origins Church Split: “In 1934 a canvas vote was taken to build a new building and the church became [the 2nd] Glade Creek Baptist Church.” Why? Mother Church’s Aftermath: 1st Glade Creek Baptist and Glade Creek Lutheran Church CBC’s Building: A new building was dedicated in 1937. Strawberry Association of Southern Baptists (est. in 1776)

10 Early History First Pastor: G. H. Broyles (until retirement in 1941)—why is this year significant? Second Pastor: Elbert M. Yeatts ( ) Name Change: Glade Creek Baptist changed its name to “Colonial Baptist Church” in 1951 (the other Glade Creek Baptist in Blue Ridge still exists) CBC withdrew from the Strawberry Association in to become an independent Baptist church “Pastor Yeatts provided the church with consistent, solid leadership based on the Word of God. Under his pastorate, the church grew spiritually and physically.” [from CBC’s “History” page]


12 Missions-Minded Pastors
Don Eade: Pastor from 1985 to 1994 (called to the mission field) Garvin Dykes: Pastor from 1995 to 1999 (also called to the mission field)

13 Recent History Rev. Brad Griese (pastored from 1999 to the early 2000s) “50 By Faith” Rev. John Dooley (served CBC in “various staff positions” since 1991)—Became Senior Pastor in December of 2005 Rev. Joel Wegner—Youth pastor at CBC since 1997 Rev. Marvin Wegner—Associate pastor at CBC since 2007

14 Self-Evaluation 1) Children & Youth Ministries 3) Worship
Upward Soccer Fall Festival 3) Worship Kids 4 Truth Youth Group (Word of Life) Adult Bible Fellowship/Sunday School Tots Church/Jr. Church 2) Missions & Outreach Music Ministry Preaching What is the “purpose” of Colonial Baptist Church’s existence? Missionary Staff Mission Trips Colonial Bible Time (our version of “VBS”)

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