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BAS/BCM Guidelines: General Guidelines

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1 BAS/BCM Guidelines: General Guidelines
Description: The purpose of this module is to acquaint the user with the governing policies associated with the Office of the BAS/BCM Records. This Module will help familiarize the advisor with the processes of collecting an application, creating a degree plan, accepting a graduation application, and other degree requirements.

2 WBU Mission: University Core Values: Commitment to Student Learning
 Wayland Baptist University exists to educate students in an academically challenging, learning-focused and distinctively Christian environment for professional success and service to God and humankind. University Core Values:  The following core values are at the heart of the degree planning process: Commitment to Student Learning Excellence and Innovation Service to Our Communities Integrity, Diversity, Trust, and Respect Personal, Professional and Spiritual Development Stewardship of Our Resources Planning and Accountability This is a reminder of the Wayland mission and university core values. These should be considered with every task performed and every decision made within the university.

3 Learning Outcomes: Upon the completion of this training module, the user will be able to identify, understand, and apply the rules found within the Office of BAS/BCM Records Guideline Handbook. This module will ensure the proper governance of the university’s programs and ensure that our student population is being advised correctly. After reviewing this module, the advisor should be able to speak with a potential student about applying, creating a degree plan, ensuring that all degree requirements are met, and aiding in the process of graduation.

All degree plans must be requested by the student via the Request for Degree Plan or Change of Degree form. A student may not apply for graduation unless a degree plan has been issued. If a degree plan is not requested and an official degree plan is not on file before the deadline for Application for Graduation, a student may not obtain a diploma for that posting date. In order for an official degree plan to be on file, the BAS/BCM Records office must be notified no later than six working weeks before the deadline for Application for Graduation. This will allow the evaluator to verify the official degree plan in the six-week time period established for new degree plan requests. AAS degrees will no longer be posted to transcripts only. The AAS will be processed just like any other degree. If a student wants the AAS degree posted, he/she must submit a Request for Degree Plan no later than six working weeks before the deadline for Application for Graduation and must apply for a posting date for the AAS to receive the diploma and posting to transcript at the same time. If a degree plan is not requested and an official degree plan is not on file before deadline for Application for Graduation (for any degree-BAS, BCM, or AAS), a student may not apply for that posting date. Advisors need to be aware of the necessary steps a student must take in order to apply for graduation. Students should be made fully aware of the degrees offered by each campus and the deadlines for requesting or changing a degree.

Non-degree seeking students may not change to degree seeking and graduate with the next scheduled posting date. The following items are required to prepare a degree plan: Request for Degree Plan must be filled out and signed by the student. No written work may be reviewed until the completed form and all official transcripts are received in the appropriate office. The degree plan is prepared by the advisor. The degree plan will be captured in the students file in ImageNow within two weeks of the student’s Permit to Enter date. When the evaluator has approved the official degree plan it will be checked back into the file in ImageNow. BAS/BCM Records office personnel will not formulate an official degree plan. Other documentation that may be evaluated and added later: Work experience Test scores Certificates/prior learning Military experience (updates) Transcripts on any college work taken after permitting and matriculation at Wayland. Once a student has completed the request for degree plan and has turned in all of their official documents, the degree plan will then be created at the campus level. Once it is complete, it will then be forwarded to the BAS/BCM Records for auditing. An official degree plan will be loaded by the BAS/BCM Records no later than six weeks after the student has been officially permitted to the University.

6 Governing Policies DEGREE REQUIREMENTS:
Degree requirements are based on a minimum of 124 semester hours of credit as follows: GENERAL EDUCATION – 43 semester hours Includes UNIV 1101 Foundations of University Life & GRAD 0001 Senior Seminar. MAJOR/SPECIALIZATION – 36 semester hours A student may have no more than: 2 majors – All majors must remain at 36 semester hours with the exception of Human Services and Applied Science. 1 major and 1 minor – The Human Services and Applied Science major is lowered to 30 semester hours. The minor is 18 semester hours. A second major or a minor is optional. Students are only required to select one major/specialization. Students who need RSWR 3345 for a degree requirement should take the course as soon as it is feasible in the students’ enrollment with Wayland, based on prerequisite being met. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT – 24 semester hours Credit used in this portion of the degree plan must add depth and breadth to the major. Here is a breakdown of our degree requirements.

7 Governing Policies DEGREE REQUIREMENTS:
EXPERIENTIAL PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT – 12 semester hours ELECTIVES – 9 semester hours Not required for students with a second major or a minor NOTE: The number of elective hours is subject to change based upon the degree requirements necessary for graduation. Elective hours may be adjusted based upon the major/specialization requested by an individual student. Example: 124-hour minimum, upper level requirements, etc. RESIDENCY REQUIREMENTS – Successful completion of 31 semester hours with Wayland. This does not include Wayland Advanced Standing Exams. NON-JUNIOR COLLEGE HOURS – Minimum of 52 non-junior college semester hours. UPPER LEVEL CUMULATIVE HOURS – Minimum of 36 cumulative upper level credit semester hours on the degree plan (cumulative may be academic coursework, test, assessed credit or EPD). UPPER LEVEL ACADEMIC HOURS – Minimum of 21 semester hours academic (university course hours) junior/senior, or upper level hours. EPD (work experience), military/PLA work, CLEP/DANTES or any other test scores, including Advanced Standing Exams, will not be accepted as upper-level academic hours. This slide explains some additional degree requirements.

8 Governing Policies DEGREE REQUIREMENTS:
Meet core requirements for each major/specialization and minor. Beginning with the catalog thru catalog (April 17, 2007), each major core includes RSWR 3345 Research Writing Methods. Beginning in the catalog ,the second semester of English a student transfers in determines if RSWR 3345 is still used in the major (see General Education section) Students who need RSWR 3345 for a degree requirement should take the course as soon as it is feasible in the students’ enrollment with Wayland, based on prerequisite being met. No remedial courses will be transferred. The Coordinator of BAS/BCM Records will determine whether a course is remedial. Wayland Academic Achievement courses may not be used in the elective area or in Professional Development beginning in the catalog. When a business course is taken without having the specified prerequisite equivalent additional hours will be added to the program. This provides important information about RSWR situations you might encounter based on the second semester English course taken by a student. This also serves as a reminder that we cannot accept remedial courses. If you are not familiar with our course descriptions, be aware that some courses require a prerequisite.

Minimum of 60 semester hours of letter grades WBU cumulative GPA of 3.50 or better Total of WBU courses and all transfer courses GPA of 3.50 or better Certificate of Distinction: 3.99 – 4.0 CUM LAUDE REQUIREMENTS: Minimum of 60 Wayland semester hours Cum Laude: 3.50 – 3.69 Magna Cum Laude: 3.70 – 3.89 Summa Cum Laude: 3.90 – 4.00 A student’s final cumulative GPA calculated for honors will reflect only coursework used to complete the degree beginning with the academic year (September posting date). Advisors should calculate the possibility of a student receiving honors. The final calculation is conducted by the Office of the BAS/BCM Records. However, your calculations are very important in making sure that everyone who qualifies for honors receives them.

10 Governing Policies CATALOG DATES:
Students must meet the requirements in the catalog which is in effect on the date of first enrollment shown on transcript in which academic hours are shown. A student may change to a subsequent catalog, but must meet all requirements in effect for that catalog. The catalog states that all degree requirements must be met under the specific catalog in which a student is graduating. When a student opts to change or must change because of catalog expiration, requirements may also change. This may affect the student’s degree plan regarding requirements and transferable hours. Advisors should be aware of the changes affecting the student’s degree plan and counsel accordingly. A student’s catalog year will need to be changed if it is more than 6 years behind the current catalog. The advisor and evaluator should look at how many hours the student lacks to complete the degree . The advisor must counsel the student, and if necessary fill out a change of degree form with the new catalog date completed on the form that is signed by the student. The form should be printed to ImageNow. The student will be moved to the requested catalog year’s degree plan, and all requirements for that catalog must be met. Notification of this change and an updated degree plan will be captured in ImageNow by the advisor. Once a student has been moved up in a catalog they CANNOT go back to a previous catalog. Students will be permitted into the University under a particular catalog year. The degree plan the student is given will be held to all of the standards/rules of that catalog year. The catalog year will only be changed if the student is more than 6 years behind the current catalog, the student’s catalog has expired, or the student requests to move into a different catalog year (note: students cannot request to go back into a previous catalog year).

11 Governing Policies CATALOG DATES:
The beginning date of each catalog is August 1st. The expiration date is the August posting date for Plainview campus. Entered Catalog 08/01/2003 – 07/31/ – 04 (Expires as of 08/01/2010) 08/01/2004 – 07/31/ – 05 (Expires as of 08/01/2011) 08/01/2005 – 07/31/ – 06 (Expires as of 08/01/2012) 08/01/2006 – 07/31/ – 07 (Expires as of 08/01/2013) 08/01/2007 – 07/31/ – 08 (Expires as of 08/01/2014) 08/01/2008 – 07/31/ – 09 (Expires as of 08/01/2015) 08/01/2009 – 07/31/ – 10 (Expires as of 08/01/2016) 08/01/2010 – 07/31/ – 11 (Expires as of 08/01/2017) This is in your guidelines and will help you know what catalog is still active and when it will expire. This helps you in advising returning students who wish to change catalogs because it lets you know how many years until that catalog expires. Catalogs expire on August 1 of each year but a student who is using the August posting date does not have to change catalogs.

Credit is initially applied to the degree plan using the following hierarchy: WBU courses Courses from a four-year college or university Courses from a two-year junior/community college (including CCAF) Test credit Assessed credit A student who repeats a course (even from another institution, if it is an equivalent) receives credit for the most recent course, even if the latter grade is lower. The Wayland GPA is affected by WBU courses only. Advisors need to be aware of the hierarchy of applying credit to degree plans as depicted on this slide. This hierarchy is to be followed any time transfer credit is applied to a degree plan.

13 Governing Policies NON-JUNIOR COLLEGE HOURS:
All credit from sources other than a junior college is classified as “non-junior” credit. NOTE: Seminary extension and all seminary coursework taken at Southern Baptist Seminaries are considered junior college credit and will be reviewed individually. Courses taken with the Defense Language Institute are considered junior college credit.  ACTIVITY/ENSEMBLE-COURSE LIMITATIONS: Of the 124 hours required for a degree, only 4 semester hours of Music ensemble credit and 4 semester hours of Exercise and Sport Science activity credit may count toward the degree. If the fourth hour of EXSS is needed, it can only be used in the elective block. If a student’s specialization is in Music studies or Physical Education Studies, then up to 6 hours of Music ensemble or activity courses may be accepted in the specialization. These are different types of transfer credit that are defined and limited.

14 Governing Policies DUAL COUNTING OF COURSES:
A course may appear more than once on the degree plan. No dual counting will be allowed which will: Reduce the total hours applied to degree requirements below 124. Reduce the total Wayland hours below the residency requirement. Reduce the total upper level academic hours below 21 hours. In “97 & following catalogs: reduce the total cumulative upper level hours below 36”. A total of 12 semester hours (4 courses maximum) may be dual counted. Dual counting may be used from major to major or major to minor, but is limited to three courses (up to 9 hours) from major to major, and two courses (up to 6 hours) from major to minor. Dual counting from major to the professional development block will be allowed. If more hours are requested to be dualed, the Coordinator of BAS-BCM Records must give approval. Advisors must ensure that the rules for dual counting courses are followed correctly when any courses are dual counted on a student’s degree plan. If the policy is not followed correctly, the degree plan is likely to lack the necessary credit hours required for a student to graduate. Advisors need to act with caution when dual counting courses. There can be a great benefit to the student when the process of dual counting courses is used correctly.

15 Governing Policies CODES USED ON DEGREE PLAN:
COG – Indicates the course is a cognate (see COGNATE COURSES) DUAL – Indicates a course appearing on a degree plan more than once DIVD – Indicates hours in a course that have been divided TECH – Indicates technical/applied courses in General Education (6-hour limit in BAS and 3-hour limit in AAS). Any course with a prefix other than the required course (example: MGMT 3310 for the COMS 2303 requirement) is considered technical.  COGNATE COURSES: A cognate course is defined as being closely related to the major/specialization and is used only if all major/specialization requirements are met. Every specialization must have at least 18 cognate-free semester hours (at least 15 if a student has a double major or a minor and if the major can be reduced). A total of six hours of cognates may be used toward a major; three hours may be used toward an Associate of Applied Science degree. No cognates may be used in a minor. Cognates may only be used in Human Service and Applied Science majors. Here are some commonly used abbreviations along with their definitions as well as the definition of cognate courses and how to use them.

16 Governing Policies INDIRECT EQUIVALENT:
An indirect equivalent course is defined as a course in transfer that satisfies the common components for one of Wayland’s upper-level course requirements, but does not satisfy the upper-level portion of the requirement. An additional upper-level subject-related course would be required at the or junior-senior level to satisfy the upper-level portion of the course that the lower-level course in transfer did not meet. This is the definition of indirect equivalent and its role on the degree plan.

17 Governing Policies MAJOR:
A grade of “D” will not be accepted in transfer into a student’s major, minor, or specialization – beginning with the catalog. The following majors are available within the BAS program: Business Administration Human Services Justice Administration Applied Science – specialization required CTED (formerly VOED Education) – specialization required Management Early Childhood Development This is a list of the majors that are available under the BAS degree.

18 Governing Policies MAJOR:
A total of 36 semester hours is required in the major. These 36 hours may come from junior and senior colleges, CCAF, military service schools, DANTES, CLEP, prior learning assessment, or post- secondary schools. Please refer to major requirements for course placement. Under no circumstances will EPD, CLEP/DANTES or any other test scores be counted toward upper-level academic hours. These are the rules regarding the requirements of the major.

19 Governing Policies MAJOR:
A specialization within the major is not required except for Applied Science and Career and Technology Development, but is available to students who wish to specialize in a specific area. In order to have a specialization, 18 hours of credit specifically related to an area of specialization must be included within the specialization block (Example: A student may major in Business Administration with a specialization in Management Information Systems, 18 hours of MISM must be included within the specialization.). Cognate hours may not be used to fulfill this requirement. Possible specializations within each major are listed in the sections on majors. All core requirements must be met and placed in the major(s) block on the degree plan. See English area for explanation on RSWR 3345, in General Education Section. A specialization is required for the majors of Applied Science and Career and Technology Development. Advisors need to ensure that students are aware of the specializations and correctly identify the specialization of their choice on the request for degree plan.

20 Governing Policies SECOND MAJOR: (OPTIONAL)
A grade of “D” will not be accepted in transfer into a student’s major, minor, or specialization – beginning with the catalog. Majors and minors that are closely related will not be approved for use on the same degree plan. Examples include: AS/Allied Health and AS/Nursing Studies Justice Administration major and AS/Law Enforcement minor AS/Computer Information Systems major and AS/Programming minor Consists of at least 36 semester hours with the exception of the Human Services and Applied Science degree majors, which can be lowered to 30 hours. Core requirements must be met including upper level requirements. Upper level (junior/senior level) courses can apply toward the requirements of 36 cumulative upper-level and 21 academic upper-level semester hours. Under no circumstances will EPD, CLEP/DANTES or any other test scores be counted toward upper-level academic semester hours. Additional electives are not required. Students who need RSWR 3345 for a degree requirement should take the course as soon as feasible in the students’ enrollment with Wayland, based on prerequisite being met. These are the rules regarding a second major. Advisors should counsel students on the option of applying a second major to their degree plan when appropriate. Students will be held to the degree requirements of the additional credit hours. Advisors need to be aware of which majors allow for a second major and which majors do not.

21 Governing Policies MINOR: (OPTIONAL)
A grade of “D” will not be accepted in transfer into a student’s major, minor, or specialization – beginning with the catalog. Minimum of 18 semester hours of pure course work – no cognates allowed No practicum in a minor Additional electives are not required. MINORS AVAILABLE: RELIGION: Christian Leadership: (does not qualify for the Ministerial Scholarship) RLGN 1301 – Old Testament History RLGN 1302 – New Testament History Plus 12 semester hours from Religion or Religious Education to total 18 semester hours Religion: (qualifies for the Ministerial Scholarship) RLGN 4302 – Christian Theology RLGN/PHIL 4314 – Biblical Interpretation Plus 12 hours from Religion related courses Ministerial Scholarships require: RLED 1301 – Introduction to Baptist Ministry RLED/RLGN 3309 – Spiritual Formation RLGN/RLED 4361 – Supervised Ministry (part of 18 hours) These are the rules regarding a second minor. Advisors need to counsel students on the options of adding a minor to their degree plan when appropriate. There are a limited number of minors available and advisors need to be aware of these options as well as the additional coursework that will be required as a result of adding a minor.

MINORS AVAILABLE: BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION: Students must take courses from the listing below. Business-related courses are not acceptable to substitute for the core list indicated below. From one six-hour set: ACCT 2305 – Principles of Accounting I ACCT 2306 – Principles of Accounting II OR ACCT 3307 – Financial Accounting ACCT 3308 – Managerial Accounting (See catalog) Credit may not be awarded toward degree for both ACCT 2305 and ACCT Credit may not be awarded toward degree for both ACCT 2306 and ACCT 3308. From one set: ECON 2307 – Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 2308 – Principles of Microeconomics ECON 4346 – Survey of Economics (See catalog) Credit will not be awarded for ECON 2307 and ECON Credit will not be awarded for ECON 2308 and ECON 4346. Plus Business hours to total 18 hours These are the required courses for a minor in Business Administration.

Any Nine (9) hours of the following: PSYC/SOCI 4310 – Social Psychology SOCI/JUAD 3304 – Social Problems SOCI/JUAD 3320 – Cultural Diversity SOCI/JUAD 3322 – Introduction to Social Work Plus Human Services electives to total 18 hours These are the required courses for a minor in Human Services.

APPLIED SCIENCE: Students who have 18 semester hours in a Professional/Vocational/Technical area and want a minor may select Applied Science. AS/Corporate Training & Development – 9 semester hours from the lists in the Applied Science major area. At least 6 of the 9 hours must come from list number one. AS/Health Services – 18 semester hours of Health Administration courses. Electives are not required and some major/specialization can be lowered to 30 hours. Cognates may not be used. Ethics (not considered a cognate) can be used in the following minors (as part of the minor): Religion Human Services Applied Science Exception: Business Ethics will not work in Religion or Human Services minors. This is the information you need to know if a students wants a minor in Applied Science.

25 Governing Policies MINOR: (OPTIONAL) MINORS AVAILABLE: Other Wayland Minors are available – see respective catalog for requirements. Example: Management/Marketing Minor MGMT 3304 – Principles of Management MKTG 3312 – Principles of Marketing 12 hours approved Management or Marketing electives. Traditional minors are also available to your students. You must follow the catalog for the requirements.

The Professional Development component consists of 24 semester hours selected to provide depth or breadth to the major and to provide substantive developmental knowledge for the student’s career or personal goals. Please make sure that you are using courses related to the major in this section. Unrelated courses should be used in the general electives block. As stated above ,a concerted effort should be made to use selected semester hours to provide depth and breadth to the major.  EXPERIENTIAL PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: The Experiential Professional Development component consists of 12 semester hours designed to provide practical experience as an integral part of the student’s career development and experiential learning. EPD or extra course work may fulfill this requirement. Academic internships/practicum/externships (i.e. CCAF practicum and Wayland practicum which relate to the major) may be used in the major when necessary. Advisors should check with their respective evaluator before placing practicum/internship on the degree plan to make sure hours in question are relevant to the major. A maximum of 12 semester hours may be used regardless of the major or majors toward which the hours would be applied. Transcripted practicum/internships/externships that cannot go in the major take precedence over work experience. When applying credit to the professional development area of the degree plan, advisors need to ensure that the credit being applied is closely related to the major and provides depth to the overall degree plan. When applying credit to the experiential professional development area of the degree plan, advisors need to be aware that there is a hierarchy to the credit granted. Advisors must also ensure that the proper documentation is received from the student in order to be granted the 12 semester hours of practical experience.

27 Governing Policies  COURSE LOAD: A normal class load on an external campus is 9 hours per semester. For enrollment of more than 15 semester hours in a term of 11 weeks or less the student must petition the Executive Director/campus dean for approval. This letter will be sent to Plainview to be part of the students’ record. Virtual Campus course loads follow the same hour limits. Here is the standard course load for both External Campus and Virtual Campus students.

28 Governing Policies ELECTIVES: COURSE ORDER:
The purpose of the electives section is to meet the requirements of the degree which are not listed elsewhere on the degree plan. This could be to meet the minimum 124 semester hours required for the degree, or to meet other minimum requirements such as Wayland resident hours, upper-level cumulative hours, non-junior hours, etc. These may include any approved courses/credits, whether academic, technical, test, or assessed depending on individual needs to complete degree plan requirements.  COURSE ORDER: Students may not take a course that is considered a level below any course for which they have already received credit. Example: If a student has already received credit for MATH 1304, then he/she may not take MATH 1300 All prerequisites must be taken first. Advisors should be aware that the electives section should be used to meet the requirements of the degree plan which are not listed elsewhere on the degree plan. Elective credit may come in a variety of approved courses/credits. Advisors must also ensure that students take courses in the proper sequence This rule extends to examination credit as well.

29 Common Mistakes: Transferring in Lower Level credit hours and not adjusting the number of required Upper Level credit hours. Transferring in courses from another institution that have not been approved through the University’s courses evaluated list or by the evaluator. Allowing students to take duplicate courses. Be very cautious registering students for courses without their official transcript/certificate in hand. Many students take the incorrect course in their first term of enrollment. Advisor’s granting credit from colleges/universities that are not accredited. Allowing for too many transfer credits, i.e. 31 residency hours are required, 52 non-junior hours are required. This is a list of some common mistakes.

30 Summary Review:  This training module focused on the governing policies and processes as outlined in the BAS/BCM Guidelines. After review of this module, advisors should have a clear understanding of the application process including requesting a degree plan, creating a degree plan, the requirements regarding the major/minors of the degree plan, and the proper course load/order for each student. In summary, this training module focused on the governing policies and processes as outlined in the BAS/BCM guidelines. After review of this module, advisors should have a clear understanding of the application process including requesting a degree plan, creating a degree plan, the requirements regarding the major/minors of the degree plan, and the proper course load/order for each student.

31 Training Record In order to receive credit for – BAS/BCM Guidelines: General Guidelines, please click the link below. All information must be complete in order to receive credit. You may return to this module at any time for a review. After filling out the training completion form, you will need to close out this slideshow. Thank you for taking your time to listen to Training Module 1.1 – Undergraduate Records and the University Vision, Mission, and Core Values. In order to receive credit for this module, please click on the button marked “Complete Training”. A internet browser will open and you will be asked to enter your first and last name, , your employee ID/PIN, and select which campus or department for which you are associated. Failure to complete the form will not provide you with credit for the module. If you would like, you may return to this module at any time for review. We thank you for your service to Wayland Baptist University and dedication to her for future generations. Complete Training

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