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Insights and Observations

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Presentation on theme: "Insights and Observations"— Presentation transcript:

1 Insights and Observations
The Trump Presidency: What to Expect Insights and Observations February 15, 2017

2 Lessons from the campaign trail
Outlook Working People American Interests “Fair” Deals Style Driven by Instincts Bully Pulpit Bold Positions

3 Post-election: Transition office
Establishment Unsteady Early Start Laser Focus on Hiring Disciplined Structure Mirrored Management Style Policy Teams Landing/Beachhead Teams Executive Advisors/New York

4 Counselor to the President
Trump Administration Mike Pence Vice President Donald Trump President Stephen Miller Senior Advisor Reince Priebus Chief of Staff Steve Bannon Chief Strategist Kellyanne Conway Counselor to the President

5 Trump Administration: cabinet
Rick Perry Energy Gen. John Kelly (Ret.) Homeland Security Gen. James Mattis (Ret.) Defense Elaine Chao Transportation Wilbur Ross Commerce Rex Tillerson State Dave Shulkin VA Rep. Ryan Zinke Interior Andrew Puzder Labor Ben Carson HUD Steven Mnuchin Treasury Rep. Tom Price HHS Betsy DeVos Education Sen. Jeff Sessions Attorney General

6 Agency Focus: EPA Scott Pruitt – OK AG Selective Enforcement
14 lawsuits v. EPA Selective Enforcement Rulemaking to Follow Staff 15,000 to 10,000 or fewer Funding > 35% cut likely proposed

7 Agency Focus: DOt Elaine Chao
Former Sec. of Labor Married to Sen. Majority Leader McConnell Most experienced, well-regarded Cabinet member Capitol Hill, Outside groups

8 Early Policy actions: "Promises" Kept
Regulatory Freeze Withdrawal from TPP Keystone XL and Dakota Access Pipelines Construction of American Pipelines Expedited Environmental Reviews for “High-Priority” Infrastructure Projects Border Wall + More Agents

9 Early Policy Actions – more
2 for 1 Regulations Sanctuary Cities Temp. Travel & Refugee Ban 5-yr Lobby Ban for Admin. Officials Reorganization of the National Security Council Plan to Defeat ISIS

10 Agenda - 1st 100 Days Health Care Defense Supplemental Funding Trade
Obamacare Repeal Started “Replacement” Timing/Process Fluid Engagement by President Needed to Drive Process Defense Supplemental Funding Trade Congressional Review Act Obama Admin Regs

11 AGENDA – 1st 200 Days Health Care – Replacement
Comprehensive Tax Reform Lower Rates, Simplification, Border Tax Infrastructure Package FY 2017 Funding

12 Recommendations Engage to Minimize Risks and Maximize Opportunities
e.g., pipelines and concrete made in U.S. Outside the Box Thinking Tie proposals to U.S. jobs, economy, American interests Seize the Opportunity



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