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Early Cold War Foreign Policy

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1 Early Cold War Foreign Policy

2 Early Origins of the Cold War
Before WW II Political differences US refused recognition until 1933 US angry at Non-Aggression Pact During WW II Uneasy alliance 2nd. Front: disagreement

3 Breakup of Germany Germany was controlled by England, France, Soviet and US West Germany = US, Fr ,Eng East Germany = under the Soviets Berlin (inside EG) = split between the 4


5 Tension Over Germany 4 Zones of Occupation Soviet goals US & Br. goals

6 Tension Over Eastern Europe
Yalta promise is not kept “Elections”: ’46-’48 Communist leaders in East Europe Soviet’s security needs: US & Br. frustration



9 Development of the Containment Policy (remember lessons of “appeasement”)
Created by: Sec. of State Geo. Marshall, Undersecretary Dean Achson, Soviet expert/ diplomat Geo. Kennan Kennan’s article: US must be vigilant, have a firm, patient commitment, act as a counter-weight to Soviet expansion

10 New Foreign Policy Containment
US must be willing to be involved in international peacekeeping US must prevent the spread of communism George Kennan

11 Containment in Greece & Turkey (Truman Doctrine) 1947
$400 million military & economic aid Truman Doctrine assistance “to people resisting subjugation by armed minorities & outside forces”



14 More Help Marshall Plan To rebuild Europe
Fight hunger, poverty, desperation, and chaos $13 billion in aid is given to Europe Improve economies so communism does not spread


16 Spying and Preparation
1947: National Security Act: Dep’t of Defense National Security Council CIA

17 Germany is the Center of Conflict

18 Germany After the War

19 Berlin after the War

20 Berlin Blockade


22 Berlin Airlift Soviets blockade all entrances intoWest Berlin
Want to force US and Allies out of West Berlin US, Britain, France airlift supplies in Clothing, coal, medicine, and more June 24, 1948 – May 12, 1949 Soviets end blockade



25 North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NATO Signed in 1949 Collective security Act together in common defense An attack on 1 is an attack on all Soviets counter with Warsaw Pact


27 China falls to Communist China is no longer the “anchor”
dictator Mao Zedong. China 1949 China is no longer the “anchor” of democracy in Asia. Mao Zedong

28 Events which frighten the US
1949 – Soviets successful explode an atomic bomb 1949 – China falls to Communism Will cost Truman…who allowed China to go communists…THE DEMOCRATS!

29 Defining American Policy
1950: Review US foreign policy….NSC-68: US cannot rely on other nations Stop communism where ever it occurs Increased military presence (and spending)

30 Korean War

31 CHINA U.S.S.R. China Enters the War!! Nov. 1950 Inchon Landing
Farthest UN Advance Nov. 1950 July 1953 Truce Line is Established North Korea June 1950 Inchon Landing Sept.15, 1950

32 Korean War Divided at 38th parallel: North: Communist, South: nationalist June 25, 1950: No. Korea invades So. Truman called special session in UN Soviet boycott (over China) leads Security Council to authorize force US troops make up most of the force led by Gen. Douglas MacArthur

33 “There is no substitute for victory.”
-General Douglas MacArthur





38 Demarcation Line Railway stops one mile south of the DMZ
Known as the 38th Parallel. A 2 ½-mile-wide, 151-mile-long zone guarded by nearly two million troops on both sides.

39 Korean War (cont.) Congress supports but no “declared” war (“police action”) Fighting finally stabilized at 38th p. MacArthur: “invade China, bomb them-do whatever is necessary” Truman’s warning to Mac: Truman recalls MacArthur for insubordination Armistice; containment

40 Cold War at Home America’s 2nd Red Scare

41 COLD WAR AT HOME Fear of Communism led some Americans to take actions that violated the civil rights of others. Led to 2nd RED SCARE. HUAC (House of Un-American Activities Committee) – investigated potential communists Loyalty oaths – Truman made all govt employees take them. 200 Dismissed, 2000 resign

42 The Hollywood 10 YouTube - Hollywood 'Red' Probe Begins, 1947/10/20 (1947) Refuse to testify before HUAC and are blacklisted

43 Frederic March (Actor)
Who’s next? Is it you, who will have to look around nervously before you can say what’s on your mind? This reaches into every American city and town. Index of Blacklisted Actors Frederic March (Actor) March, 1947 I’M NO COMMUNIST

44 2nd Red Scare (cont.) 1948Alger Hiss case: Whittaker Chambers HUAC
Pumpkin papers Whitaker Chambers former Communist Party member accuses Alger Hiss a high ranking official of being a Soviet Agent-Hiss is convicted of perjury for denying that he gave classified documents to Chambers to relay to the Soviet Union

45 Senator Richard Nixon Communist Hunter

46 Julius and Ethel Rosenberg
June 1953-executed for conspiring to pass atomic bomb secrets to the Soviet Union


48 McCarthyism Sen. from Wisconsin YouTube - Joseph McCarthy on Democrats
1950 – claimed he had a list of 205 communist, most in State Department Many accusations…no evidence Ruins people’s careers 2nd Red Scare

49 McCarthy v. US Army McCarthy accuses some in army of being communists
Televised investigations Americans see McCarthy as a bully Loses support YouTube - Army-McCarthy Hearings


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