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Spring Policy Review March 2017

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1 Spring Policy Review March 2017
Purpose: Students understand our Rules & Expectations in order to make informed, good choices this Spring and participate in all events! Encourage students to TAKE A STAND and be leaders, practice empathy, respect all Expect you to respectfully listen silently, responsibility take notes & ask questions, safely stay seated

2 Anticipation Guide: Turn in for raffle
1. What did each letter in “ABC” stand for in a NY Times’ article about success in middle school? 2. T/F: If someone is teasing you, you have the power to say stop and report to an adult if it continues. This is not snitching, rather it is self-advocacy. 3. T/F: If you encourage someone to fight, there are NO consequences. 4. What do at least three letters of the THINK before you post acronym stand for? 5. T/F Suspension or expulsion can occur at school or on the way to school or from school to home.

3 NY Times’s “ABCs for success”
Attendance: be on time, sit at desk before the bell Behavior: respectful language, be safe with words, body & technology on and off campus Class: Come prepared, try your best, focus on learning, no 3 Fs

4 Know the school rules & expectations
Student electronics must be turned off and away (reflection, parent pick up, daily check in/out) Clothing should not distract from the learning environment (you’ll be asked to change) Leave toys, speakers, a lot of money( 20), & non school items at home (taken, parent pick up)

5 In the Locker Room & PE Class
Dress in your uniform everyday 5 minutes to dress & be on number Lock belongings in your own locker Be safe with your words & body in the locker room, report disrespect & unsafe behavior immediately Be responsible and keep all electronics off & away Pantsing = automatic referral, teacher will call parent, office assigns serious consequence

6 At breakfast & lunch Line up safely to buy, keep hands to self
Eat only in lunch court & throw out trash in can All students in lunch court or black top unless they have ID sticker to library or pass to room, all students leaving lunch area travel through main hallway Use school appropriate language Keep hands to selves & phone away/never film & post or share, you don’t want to be part of a defamation lawsuit Water is for drinking, not throwing

7 Our We Are One/No Bully Policy
If you feel disrespected, harassed, bullied, threatened, incited to fight, pushed, yelled at, teased You are not the problem You have a right to feel safe and secure You have the power tell the person to, “STOP, I don’t like how you’re speaking to me.”

8 Take a Stand! Bystanders witnesses danger and do/say nothing to stop it. Research shows when bystanders become UPSTANDERS, and tell the person to stop, they can often stop bullying within 10 seconds

9 Think before you post or share & if someone is unkind online THINK first
Do not respond Tell a trusted adult Save evidence Block sender Report to the app or office

10 When you see someone in danger...
If you see someone being pushed, incited or encouraged to fight, threatened, cursed at, name called, using racial, sexual or homophobic slurs, talking about self harm, teased, tell them to stop and/or... Tell a trusted adult immediately, it is not snitching. It’s being an self advocate or upstander. If you encourage or incite violence you will have consequences.

11 Be responsible around the clock
Suspension or expulsion may occur for incidents on school grounds, going to, or coming from school, during lunch, during a school activity, on another campus.

12 Don’t bring prohibited/banned items
These have serious consequences including suspension or expulsion Alcohol, products with alcohol Drugs or Drug Paraphernalia: vape pens, weed, edibles Firework or poppers, NEVER pull fire alarm $432 Gang symbols on self, clothing, backpacks etc Graffiti on school or personal items Knives Matches/Lighters Permanent markers Selling any items on campus: candy, drugs, NO large sums of money! Weapons: real or fake, big or small, found or given to you to hold

13 What to do if you see a prohibited item
Don’t say anything to anyone Tell a trusted adult immediately Ask to touch it or offer to hold it Tell other students about it, but not an adult

14 You have the power to make good choices
Focus on your learning, ask questions Hang with friends who help you make good choices A deep breath can help Ask for help Thank you!! Questions?

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