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Chhattisgarh Tribal Development Programme

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1 Chhattisgarh Tribal Development Programme
(Joint venture of IFAD, GoI and GoCG) GoI IFAD GoCG

2 Surguja Programme Area Sr. District Block 1. Surguja Lundra Shankargarh Kusmi Udaipur Mainpat 2. Jashpur Bagisha Manora Patthalgaon 3. Raigarh Dharmjaigarh Jashpur Raigarh In Pilot phase Programme is being Implemented in 9 blocks of 3 districts in Chhattisgarh State. Pilot Phase is of 3 Years and Scaling-up Phase is of 5 Years. 114 villages have been selected in Pilot Phase and in Scaling-up Phase, there would be total 650 villages Target Unit is entire Households of the selected villages In 650 villages about 51,000 Households would be benefited

3 Situation analyses The tribal communities spread over in the vast geographical area have some common problems. Even as the economic growth accelerates in the urban and semi-urban areas. The remote rural regions are comparatively underdeveloped. Severity of problems may vary from place to place but most tribal areas are considerably under-developed with the population phasing arrange of interlocked problems. The major problems area affecting the tribal populations are- Low family income poor income from other sources Poor literacy rate Poor health condition Malnutrition Childhood diseases Infectious diseases under nutrition and women health migration

4 Objective of the Programme
"The objective of the Programme is to develop and implement a replicable model that ensures household food security and improvement in the livelihood systems and quality of life of the Tribal Population based on sustainable and equitable use of natural resources "

5 A Presentation on Impacts of Improved Natural Resource Management

6 Analytical framework for integrated natural resource management

7 Attachment to the programme
Participatory approach in planning of natural resources has increased the attachment of villagers to the program. After planning, implementation by themselves has also brought belongingness for the project in villagers. Understanding of program concept as well as adaptation has increased as management of natural resources affect their daily life. Formation of Program Executive Committee (PEC) and watershed development Committee (WDC) for planning implementation and monitoring has changed their role accepter to the manager of natural resources which brought a sense of responsibility in villagers.

Increase in percentage of cultivable land after leveling of land and building of farm bunds. Security for atleast one crop after the adaptation of water harvesting techniques Adaptation of second crop through the diversion of perennial water sources towards cultivable land by canal Vegetable cultivation by Self help group of women after making of well and canal

9 FORESTRY ACTIVITIES Awareness for the protection of forest has been increased after the formation of Community forest management committee (CFM) Awareness for the protection of new plantation has been increased as it is based on their need of fuel and timber Erosion of soil has been reduced after the increase in vegetative cover Utilization of waste land after the new plantation and protection by community itself

Increase in yield after the use of improved seed and togetherness of indigenous and modern technique through FFS Improvement in soil fertility after the use of bio fertilizers and legume diversification Increase in household income Increase in number of cropping cycle per year Increase in awareness for research based cropping pattern

11 OVERALL IMPACT Increasing Productivity Household Food Security
Employment Opportunity Improved Economic Status Reduction in Migration Awareness generation Increase in forest cover Increased irrigation facility Technology transfer Reduction in soil erosion Increase in use of water Increase in household income Health and nutrition Better Quality of life

12 Land Improvement (Bunding)
Dabhri Construction Canal Construction Land Improvement (Bunding) Pond

13 Thanks !

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