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Evolvable dialogue systems

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1 Evolvable dialogue systems
Milica Gašić Dialogue Systems Group

2 What constitutes a spoken dialogue system?
Understanding the user Deciding what to say back Conducting a conversation beyond simple voice commands or question answering

3 What breaks a spoken dialogue system?
Speech recognition errors Not keeping track of what happened previously Need to hand-craft a large number of rules Poor decisions User's request is not supported ...

4 Machine learning Allows learning from data
Automates the development process Uses sophisticated statistical models

5 Machine learning for dialogue modelling

6 Data Abundant data / unlabeled data / out-of-domain data
Limited data / labeled data / in-domain data Noisy data

7 Machine learning methods
Supervised learning Unsupervised learning Reinforcement learning

8 Architecture Tree-base architecture (VoiceXML) Modular architecture
End-2-end neural network architecture

9 Prediction What constitutes a good dialogue?
How to evaluate dialogue systems? Which measures to use?

10 Why Machine Learning for dialogue modelling?
Cheaper development / avoids handcrafting Robust to errors / models that propagate uncertainty Improves with the time of use / support adaptation According to Darwin's Origin of Species: “It is not the most intellectual of the species that survives; it is not the strongest that survives; but the species that survives is the one that is able best to adapt and adjust to the changing environment in which it finds itself.”

11 Language Understanding
Dialogue management Can I have Korean food? Speech Recognition Language Understanding inform(food=Korean) Belief tracker Policy Optimisation Dialogue Management Knowledge Base A system that allows human computer interaction using speech as the primary medium. Instant and human-like acquisition of information. Speech Synthesis Language Generation inform(name=“Little Seoul”, food=Korean) Little Seoul is a nice Korean restaurant

12 What is adaptation? Testing in different conditions to training
Using a small amount of in-domain data to retrain a system In dialogue modelling Different noise conditions Different user Different domain

13 Problem: Dialogue systems adaptation – new domain
Data: Small amount of in-domain data Model: Method: reinforcement learning, Gaussian processes, Bayesian committee machine, multi-agent learning Architecture: distributed, committee model Predictions: Faster convergence

14 Machine Learning Theory: Reinforcement learning
observations ot Dialogue system reward rt belief states bt action at

15 Machine Learning Theory: Reinforcement learning
observations ot Dialogue system reward rt belief states bt action at Policy

16 Reinforcement learning in practice

17 Machine Learning Theory: Gaussian process

18 Machine Learning Theory: Gaussian process

19 Machine Learning Theory: Gaussian process

20 Machine Learning Theory: Gaussian process

21 Machine Learning Theory: Gaussian process

22 Q-function as a Gaussian process

23 Gaussian process Reinforcement learning
observations ot Dialogue system reward rt Estimate Q-function action at

24 Other suitable models Desirable properties Uncertainty estimate
Incorporation of the prior knowledge Other possible estimators include Bayesian Neural Networks Need sufficient training data The unsertanty estimates can be obtained using dropout, vatiational inference aproach, recent developments for batch gradient based MCMC. Dropout – remove some hidden untis randomly Variational approach – use another probility distibution to approximate the posterior over parameters Batch versions of MCMC – We use MCMC to approximate the posterior but not the whole training set but in batch

25 Problem 1: Build dialogue systems from limited data
Limited training data available for new domain(s) Solution: Use distributed architecture to train a model from disperse data Essential ingredients: Gaussian process prior

26 Distributed dialogue management
DH +DR MV MV MV MR MH DR DH restaurant restaurant restaurant restaurant restaurant DH DR DL restaurant DH DR DL MR DH DR DL MR DH DR DL MR DH DR DL MR DH DR DL MR MR hotel MH hotel ML laptops MH hotel ML laptops MH hotel ML laptops MH hotel ML laptops MH hotel ML laptops MH ML laptops Committee Model Committee Model Committee Model Committee Model Committee Model Committee Model

27 Results Gašić et al, Distributed dialogue policies for multi-domain statistical dialogue management, ICASSP, 2015

28 Problem 2: Domain knowledge is not shared
Estimates of Q-function in different domains do not share knowledge Solution: Reuse knowledge obtained in one domain for another domain Essential ingredients: Bayesian committee machine

29 Committee of dialogue managers
DR MR DH MH ML DL Committee Model restaurant restaurant restaurant restaurant restaurant DH DR DL restaurant DH DR DL MR DH DR DL MR DH DR DL MR DH DR DL MR DH DR DL MR MR hotel MH hotel ML laptops MH hotel ML laptops MH hotel ML laptops MH hotel ML laptops MH hotel ML laptops MH ML laptops Committee Model Committee Model Committee Model Committee Model Committee Model Committee Model

30 Results

31 Results Gašić et al, Policy Committee for adaptation in multi-domain spoken dialogue systems, ASRU, 2015

32 Problem 3: Learning from out-of-domain data
Estimates of Q-function do not learn from out-of-domain data Solution: Perform learning using both in-domain and out-of-domain data Essential ingredients: Multi-agent learning

33 Multi-agent learning DR MR DH MH ML DL Committee Model

34 Multi-agent results Gašić et al, Multi-agent learning in multi-domain spoken dialogue systems, NIPS SLUI workshop, 2015 , 2015

35 Summary: Adaptation Learning from limited data for a new domain
Model for new domain uses knowledge from models for other domains Model for new domain learns from out-of-domain dialogues

36 Evolution roadmap I feel sad… I’ve got a cold what do I do?
Dialogue depth (complexity) Tell me a joke. Single domain systems Extended systems Multi-domain systems Open domain systems What is influenza? Dialogue breadth (coverage)

37 Properties of natural conversation
Less task focused, but more open-ended Beyond speech recognition – incorporates sentiment, gesture and emotion Long-term conversation Incremental operation

38 Conclusions Machine learning enables building evolving dialogue systems Gaussian processes in combination with reinforcement learning allow domain adaptation From here we can Model more natural conversation And address new challenging tasks

39 Dialogue Systems Group
Steve Young Lina Rojas Barahona Stefan Ultes Tsung-Hsien Wen Pei-Hao Su Nikola Mrkšić Pawel Budzianowski

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