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Anti-Bullying Workshop

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1 Anti-Bullying Workshop

2 “ The repetitive, intentional hurting of one person or group by another person or group, where the relationship involves an imbalance of power.’’ (Anti-bullying Alliance) What is Bullying?





7 How does bullying differ from teasing/falling out between friends or other types of aggressive behaviour? For behaviour to be classified as bullying, it needs to involve repeated actions that are designed to cause hurt. Not having friends or not being popular isn’t necessarily a sign that a person is being bullied. Sometimes even good friends can fall out or disagree with each other.

8 The school council agreed that falling out with someone is upsetting BUT IT IS NOT THE SAME as bullying. Friendship issues could be: Having an argument with a friend because you want to do or play something different. Disagreeing with a friend over something. For example arguing over which is the best football team or who your favourite Disney princess is. Bumping into someone or pushing them by accident. Saying something unkind to a friend when you have a disagreement with them.

9 Adults in the school will always look into and help resolve any friendship issues so that everyone gets along with each other and feels happy at school.

10 What do Carmountside do to tackle bullying
What do Carmountside do to tackle bullying? At Carmountside, we use a variety of methods to support children in preventing and understanding the consequences of bullying:   Class assemblies PSHE and citizenship lessons SMSC Anti bullying week Safer Internet Day Playing games Role play / simulations Stories, poems, media Poster campaigns Play situations Writing Behaviour problems solving scenarios Circle time School council meetings Collaboration with other schools Participating in drawing up agreed whole school rules


12 Actions to Tackle Bullying   Prevention is better than cure so at Carmountside we will be vigilant for signs of bullying and always take reports of incidents seriously. We will use the curriculum whenever possible to reinforce the ethos of the school and help pupils to develop strategies to combat bullying-type behaviour.

13 All reported incidents of bullying will be investigated and taken seriously by staff members. A record will be kept of incidents. The Class teacher will be responsible for this and will be required to report any incidents on CPOMS which will alert the Headteacher, Assistant Headteachers and the Family Support Lead If bullying includes racist or homophobic abuse then it should be reported to the Headteacher to be recorded in the Racial/Homophobic Incident Book.  

14 Upon discovery of an incident of bullying, we will discuss with the children the issues appropriate to the incident and to their age and level of understanding. If the incident is not too serious, a problem-solving approach may help. The adult will remain neutral and deliberately avoid direct, closed questioning which may be interpreted as accusatory or interrogational in style. Each pupil must be given an opportunity to talk and the discussion should remain focused on finding a solution to the problem and stopping the bullying recurring. All incidents of bullying will be discussed with all relevant staff and parents of the children involved, in order that everyone can be vigilant and that further incidents by the same child(ren) may be prevented from happening in the future. Incidents of bullying will be discussed with the Governing Body.  

15 The School will follow the Behaviour Policy when dealing with any bullying and implement sanctions as appropriate. We will also support any children displaying bullying behaviour. Many people who bully have low self-esteem, and bullying can be a way of coping with this. In some cases, people who bully are also being bullied themselves.

16 We believe that one case of bullying is one case too many and we believe it is essential to constantly review our policies and procedures to ensure we are in a position to strengthen our approach to this issue.

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