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Unit 3 Compensating Mechanisms Defenses Against Disease

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1 Unit 3 Compensating Mechanisms Defenses Against Disease
Pathophysiology-Unit 2-Compensating Mechanisms Unit 3 Compensating Mechanisms Defenses Against Disease Pathophysiology - Borders

2 A sneeze propels thousands of microscopic droplets out of the nose and mouth at a rate of 200 miles per hour! There may be as many as 100,000 bacteria released during a single sneeze; viruses are also spread in this manner. Figure: 32-CO Title: Defenses Against Disease Caption: A sneeze propels thousands of microscopic droplets out of the nose and mouth at a rate of 200 miles per hour! There may be as many as 100,000 bacteria released during a single sneeze; viruses are also spread in this manner. SVideo-Slow Motion Sneezing

3 Basic mechanisms of defense

4 Parasites Organisms that live and reproduce on or within other life forms, doing harm in the process Microbes : viruses, bacteria, fungi, and protists Since 1980s, several viruses have emerged as threats to people, HIV, Ebola virus, hantavirus and West Nile virus and SARS Cold virus strains and constantly mutating strains of influenza virus Bacteria: Deadly strains of the common intestinal bacterium E. coli and respiratory bacterium Streptococcus pyrogens (flesh-eating bacteria)

5 Three forms of protection against disease
NONSPECIFIC EXTERNAL BARRIERS Skin Mucous membranes if barriers are penetrated the body responds with Three forms of protection against disease NONSPECIFIC INTERNAL DEFENSES Phagocytic and natural killer cells Inflammation Fever Figure: 32-1 main Title: Levels of defense against infection if nonspecific defenses are insufficient, the body responds with Both nonspecific defenses operate regardless of the exact nature of the invader, repelling, killing, or neutralizing the threat SPECIFIC IMMUNE RESPONSE Cell-mediated immunity Humoral immunity

6 Nonspecific External Barriers
Prevent most disease-causing microbes from entering the body Primarily anatomical structures and secretions Skin, hair, cilia, tears, saliva, and mucus Skin and mucous membranes of the respiratory system, digestive system, urogenital tracts

7 Skin and its Secretions
Outermost layer of skin- dry, dead cells Microbes landing on the skin do not obtain the water and nutrients they need to survive Skin cells are constantly sloughed off and replaced Bacteria and fungi that can gain a foothold on the skin will usually be shed Secretions from sweat glands, sebaceous glands, and wax-secreting glands contain natural antibiotics

8 Mucous Membranes Eye, line the digestive, respiratory and urogenital tracts The mucus and tears secreted contain antibacterial enzymes– lysozymes Destroy bacterial cell walls Mucus physically traps microbes (nose and mouth) Cilia on the membranes lining the respiratory tract sweep up the mucus, microbes until it is coughed or sneezed out of the body, or swallowed

9 Mucous Membranes In stomach, extreme acidity and protein-digesting enzymes kill the invaders. In intestine – inhabited by bacteria that are harmless Secrete substances that destroy invading foreign bacteria or fungi In the urinary tract, slight acidity of urine In vagina, acidic secretions and mucus


11 Nonspecific Internal Defenses
Three main categories leukocytes Phagocytic cells- engulf and directly destroy microbes Natural killing cells– destroy cells of the body that have been infected by viruses Inflammatory response Simultaneously recruits phagoctic cells and natural killer cells and walls off the injured area, isolating the infected tissue from the rest of the body Fever Slows down microbial reproduction and enhances the body’s own fighting abilities

12 Phagocytic White Blood Cells
Macrophages and neutrophils Patrol the body’s tissues through the circulatory system Ingest dead and dying cells, cellular debris, and microbes by phagocytosis (Figure 32-3) Act as housekeepers to scavenging dead and dying cells Act as antigen-presenting cells

13 Figure: 32-3 Title: The attack of the macrophages Caption: (a) A phagocyte reaches for a rod-shaped bacteria. (b) This macrophage has stuffed itself with bacteria, which are visible through a hole in its plasma membrane.

14 Natural Killer Cells Strike at the body’s own cells
cancerous or virus infected cells Recognizing these cells by any abnormal molecules on their surface Secrete enzymes that attack the infected or cancerous cell Secrete proteins that open up holes in its membrane

15 Inflammation Causes mucous membranes to become leaky and injured tissues to become warm, red, and swollen It attracts phagocytic cells to the area, promotes blood clotting, causes pain that stimulates protective behaviors mechanism Histamine is released from mast cells Relaxes the smooth muscle and causing increased blood flow and make capillary walls "leaky“ –drive watery fluid filtered from the blood through capillary walls into the region around the wound

16 Inflammation Mechanism
Chemicals released by wounded cells and mast cells and microbes attract macrophages and neutrophils to the area Cytokines released by macrophages supplement histamine in making the capillaries leaky, attract more WBCs to the area and facilitate the cells’ movement through the capillary walls Blood clots isolate the injury site Pain, alert the injured person to protect the area from further damage

17 1 Tissue damage carries bacteria into wound.
2 Wounded cells release chemicals that stimulate mast cells. Figure: 32-4 Title: The inflammatory response Caption: Question Why can white blood cells, but not red blood cells, leave a capillary? 3 Mast cells release histamine. 4 Histamine increases capillary blood flow and permeability. 5 Phagocytes leave capillaries and ingest bacteria and dead cells.

18 Fever combats large-scale infections
Onset of fever is controlled by the hypothalamus, (body’s thermostat) Macrophagesendogenous pyrogens (fire-maker)raises the thermostat’s set point in hypothalamus↑fat metabolism↑, constriction of surface blood vessels, and heat-producing behaviors (shivering) Other cytokines  [Fe]blood ↓  growth of bacteria↓

19 Fever Enhances the body’s normal defenses
Increases the activity of phagocytic WBCs that attack microbes Immune cells multiply more rapidly Produce more antibodies harms invading microbes 102Fo, force bacteria to reproduce more slowly ad to require more iron for reproduction

20 Fever Interferon Cytokine
Synthesized and released by some type of cells infected by viruses Travel to other cells and increases their resistance to viral attack

21 Immune response Immune cells selectively destroy the particular toxin or microbe remember the invader Allowing a faster response it if reappears in the future Immune system Lymphocytes --Produce the immune response, the chemical antibodies Chemical antibodies Organs in which the lymphocytes are produced and reside are collectively termed

22 Key cellular player Table: 32-T1 Title: The Body's Cellular Armory

23 B cells and T cells Arise from lymphocyte precusor cells in the bone marrow Some are released into the bloodstream and travel to the thymus to complete their differentiation into T (thymus) cells B (bone) cells differentiate in the bone marrow

24 Immune responses produce by B cells and T cells
Three steps: Recognize the invader Lauch an attack Retain a memory of the invader to ward off future infections

25 Foreign Invaders exhibit Characteristic Antigens
Large, complex molecules serve as antigen Proteins, Polysaccharides, glycoproteins Invading microbe Toxin Location of antigens Located on the surfaces of invading microbes or cancer cells Viral or bacterial antigens are also exposed on the plasma membranes of macrophages that engulf them May be dissolved in the blood or extracellular fluid Snake venom

26 Antibodies and T-Cell Receptors Recognize and Bind to Foreign Antigens
Key to the immune cells to recognize antigens Antibodies – produced by B cells Remain attached to the surfaces of the B cells that produce them Become dissolved in the blood stream T-cell receptors – produced by T cells

27 Antibody structure light chain heavy chain variable regions
antigen antigen light chain heavy chain Particular shape Electrical charge Specific Figure: 32-5 Title: Antibody structure Caption: Antibodies are proteins composed of two pairs of peptide chains (light chains and heavy chains) arranged like the letter Y. Constant regions on both chains form the stem of the Y; variable regions on the two chains form a specific binding site at the end of each arm of the Y. Different antibodies have different variable regions, forming unique binding sites. Question Why do antibody molecules have both constant and variable regions? variable regions constant regions

28 Cells of the immune system launch an attack
Two types of attack Humoral immunity B cells Circulating antibodies they secrete into the bloodstream Attack invaders before they can enter body cells Cell-mediated immunity Cytotoxic T cells Attack invaders that have made their way into body cells Helper T cells

29 Helper T cells Stimulate both humoral and cell-mediated immunity
Have T-cell receptors for microbial antigens Presented on the plasma membranes of macrophages that have engulfed the invaders Or on the surfaces of infected cells Binding of the receptor with antigens Release cytokines that stimulate cell division and differentiation in both the B cells and cytotoxic T cells

30 Cell-mediated immunity
T cells Helper T cells, Cytotoxic T cells Memory T cells Helper T cells bind antigens on the surfaces of infected or cancerous cells produce cytokines stimulate T-cell division and differentiation cytotoxic T cells Cytotoxic T cells release proteins that disrupt the infected cell’s plasma membrane

31 CELL-MEDIATED IMMUNITY memory cytotoxic T cell
HUMORAL IMMUNITY HELPER T CELLS CELL-MEDIATED IMMUNITY virus viral antigen macrophage infected cell antibody B cell helper T cell cytotoxic T cell Figure: 32-11 Title: A summary of humoral and cell-mediated immune responses memory helper T cell memory cytotoxic T cell plasma cell memory B cell cytotoxic T cell infected cell Targets: invaders outside cells (viruses, bacteria, fungi, protists, toxins) Simulates both humoral and cell-mediated immunity by releasing cytokines Targets: defective body cells (infected cells, cancer cells), transplants

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