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How do we include students in decision making?

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Presentation on theme: "How do we include students in decision making?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How do we include students in decision making?

2 Andrea Bailey – Associate Dean of Students for the School of Health and Social Care
Jaime-Lee Cunningham – President of the Students’ Union Lyn Devine and Kate Rowe – Student Engagement Coordinators (Voice)

3 Icebreaker Student Voice
In pairs, take three minutes to think of 3 words that describe the student voice

4 The principles of student engagement
Making theory a reality On your tables you will have copies of the University’s Student Engagement Strategic Vision; this policy sets out the foundation of student engagement at Staffordshire University in 11 key principles: Student Engagement Strategic Vision A Shared Culture/Ethos 2. Transition, Induction and Refreshment 3. Student Representation 4. Appropriate Mechanisms 5. Monitoring of Effectiveness

5 The Principles of student engagement
Making theory a reality Student Engagement Strategic Vision 6. Accessibility and Opportunities for All 7.Training, Support and Development for Students and Staff 8. Guidance on Roles and Responsibilities 9. Promotion of Opportunities and Benefits 10. Action and Feedback 11. Celebration, Reward and Sharing of Successes and Good Practice

6 The Principles of student engagement
Making theory a reality Activity In pairs/groups, choose three of the principles set out in the strategy. Explore three ways that these principles can be implemented in your Department, School or at an institutional level.

7 Making theory a reality
Case studies of best practice Computer Games Design Volunteer Advocacy Scheme A group of Academic Representatives worked jointly with their Module Leader to completely re-create their module descriptor. As a result, the curriculum is more student-friendly, students feel at ease with the assessment and feedback process and consequently feel able to learn and develop in their course. The Students’ Union in partnership with the Law School, and the Staffordshire University Legal Advice Clinic have created a volunteer scheme based within our Advice Centre. Students currently volunteering with SULAC have been given access to specialist training and are supervised by our team of advisors.

8 Making theory a reality
Case studies of best practice Student Academic Partnerships Global Games Jam Students will produce collaborative projects to improve the Student Digital Experience at Staffordshire University. This project is only possible because of the support provided by Academics and Support staff in the University who advise and guide students in the completion of each digital project which benefits the student community at Staffs. The Global Games Jam is an internationally important event which Staffs have hosted for a number of years. For the first time in the history of the GGJ, this event was completely led by our students. This event would not have been possible with the support from the University, Academic Staff, and the Students’ Union working in Partnership with students to create this opportunity for students, alumni, and industry experts.

9 Student Voice Pledge As part of our commitment to the Student Voice, we would like each member of staff and student in the session to make a pledge as a result of this Conference. This can be anything at all, from a tiny change to your daily routine or a new project, or opportunity that could make an impact to the student voice. Write your pledge on the card provided, line up for a quick photo, and your pledge will be part of our Student Voice hub on the Students’ Union website.

10 Any Questions? Thank you for listening

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