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Gamification. Philipp Busch.

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Presentation on theme: "Gamification. Philipp Busch."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gamification. Philipp Busch

2 Outcomes Understand the concept of Gamification
Be aware of Gamification around you Experience Gamification on your own

3 Overview Map LEVEL 4: Advanced Gamification LEVEL 3:
Gamification Parcours LEVEL 2: Examples LEVEL 1: Gamification VS Serious Games

4 Gamification Definition Oxford Advanced Learner‘s Dictionary:
“the use of elements of game-playing in another activity, usually in order to make that activity more interesting.”

5 Gamification It‘s not about playing games. Its about learning from games. The extraction of game elements and game thinking to solve real world problems Transforming extrinsic into intrinsic motivation Make something fun that was not fun before

6 Gamification

7 Serious Games Definition Financial times
“Serious games are games designed for a purpose beyond pure entertainment. They use the motivation levers of game design – such as competition, curiosity, collaboration, individual challenge – and game media, including board games through physical representation or video games, through avatars and 3D immersion, to enhance the motivation of participants to engage in complex or boring tasks.”

8 Serious Games The fun and entertainment of the player is not the only purpose of the game Games and Simulations with a „higher“ purpose

9 Gamification and Serious Games
Reality Game with „higher“ target Reality combined with game elements

10 Overview Map LEVEL 4: Advanced Gamification LEVEL 3:
Gamification Parcours LEVEL 2: Examples LEVEL 1: Gamification VS Serious Games

11 Volkswagen Fun Theory Youtube..

12 Gamification or Serious Game?

13 Adidas IT Security Training
Mittlerweile ist eine neue Version auf Basis der Unreal Engine 3 erschienen. Die ursprünglich veranschlagten Kosten von 7 Millionen US-Dollar wurden inzwischen deutlich übertroffen. Die Entwicklung kostete bis zum Dezember 2009 bereits 32,8 Millionen US-Dollar und wurde vom Verteidigungsministerium der Vereinigten Staaten finanziert.[4][5] Der Betreiber der Server ist die US Military Academy in West Point.

14 Gamification or Serious Game?

15 Examples: Employee Engagement
Windows Textboxes Aufgabe: Lese die Boxen Lokalisierung von Windows: Internes Gamification System Competetition gegen andere Büros Mach dein Unternehmen besser

16 Gamification or Serious Game?
Games Serious Games Gamification Reality

17 Example Crowd Sourcing
Collective Systems Gibst du das gleiche ein wie zwei andere Personen? Google hats gekauft. Conclusio: Die Leute müssen nicht unbedingt wissen für was sie spielen

18 Gamification or Serious Game?

19 Example Behaviour Change
Zombies Run!

20 Gamification or Serious Game?

21 Example Behaviour Change (?)

22 Gamification or Serious Game?

23 Another example..

24 Gamification or Serious Game?

25 Examples: Marketing

26 Example GIZ Gamification: MOOC Quality 4 Digital Learning

27 GIZ Gamification: Hackathon in Addis Abeba 2015

28 GIZ Gamification: Hackathon in Addis Abeba 2015
Froggy Fred: A mobile app for Financial Education and Microfinance Be the Boss: Problem Solving Using Design Thinking Zega Citizen Builder: Be a better citizen Top Bird: Game focused on Entrepreneurship Education AfriOne: Solving Tribalism Tension

29 Example GIZ Gamification: Labour Market Access Program Cairo

30 Overview Map LEVEL 4: Advanced Gamification LEVEL 3:
Gamification Parcours LEVEL 2: Examples LEVEL 1: Gamification VS Serious Games

31 Gamification Parcours
Split up in teams Don‘t split up within the team Gamification Parcours: 20 mins Internet is forbidden Don‘t punsh your opponents Dive into it! Experiment! HAVE FUN! 

32 Overview Map LEVEL 4: Advanced Gamification LEVEL 3:
Gamification Parcours LEVEL 2: Examples LEVEL 1: Gamification VS Serious Games

33 Gamification Tools

34 Gamification Tools Dynamics (Grammar) Mechanics (Verbs) Components

35 Tools Dynamics: 1. Constraints 2. Emotions 3. Narrative 4. Progression
5. Relationships Framing: Constraints: Limiting peoples freedom, Meaningful Choices

36 Tools Mechanics: 1. Challenges 2. Chance 3. Competition 4. Cooperation
5. Feedback 6. Resource Acquisition 7. Rewards 8. Transactions 9. Turns 10. Win states

37 Tools Components: 1. Achievements 2. Avatare 3. Badges 4. Boss Fights
5. Collections 6. Combats 7. Content Unlocking 8. Gifting 9. Leaderbords 10. Level 11. Points 12. Quests 13.Social Graph 14. Teams 15. Virtual Goods Virtual Asset Market: 7 Milliarden in 2010 13 Milliarden in 2016

38 Gamification is more than PBL‘s

39 Psychology behind it: Octalysis Framework

40 Change the POV! Business Objectives Iterative Process Gamified System
User Action Gamified System 2.0 User Action Gamified System 3.0

41 Overview Map LEVEL 4: Advanced Gamification LEVEL 3:
Gamification Parcours LEVEL 2: Examples LEVEL 1: Gamification VS Serious Games

42 Gamification VS Serious Games
Wrap it up Gamification: Reality combined with game elements Serious Games: Games with higher target LEVEL 1: Gamification VS Serious Games

43 Wrap it up Examples LEVEL 2: Examples

44 Gamification Parcours
Wrap it up Parcours: Hands on! LEVEL 3: Gamification Parcours

45 Advanced Gamification
Wrap it up LEVEL 4: Advanced Gamification Gamification = Applied Psychology

46 And the winner is..

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