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Reference Document Document de référence

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1 Reference Document Document de référence
Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat  © Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada. This information is released under an Open Government Licence - Canada.  Disclaimer: This resource has been deemed to have business value but is not an official publication of the Government of Canada. It is provided in the original language and format in which it was created.    Document de référence Secrétariat du Conseil du Trésor du Canada © Sa Majesté la Reine du chef du Canada. Les présents renseignements sont communiqués selon les termes de la Licence du gouvernement ouvert — Canada.  Avis de non-responsabilité: On a jugé que les présents renseignements possèdent une valeur opérationnelle, mais il est possible qu’ils soient inexacts car ils sont périmés. Ils sont fournis dans la langue originale et le format dans lesquels ils ont été créés. Open Government Canada Gouvernement ouvert Canada

2 TBS Information Management Presentation to OAG Liaison Community of Practice

3 What is Information Management?
Each day, government employees create and receive vast amounts of information in a wide variety of forms. Information is critical to the delivery of government programs and services, decision making, and accountability. Information management (IM) is the discipline that defines and supports the effective management of information, from inception and planning to long-term preservation or disposal.

4 Tips on What to Keep Information Management: A Transformation
Information created, sent or received Yes: What category of information resources? No: May be deleted Is there an ATIP request or litigation? Does it relate to corporate business? Information resources of business value Information of limited business value Retain information resources Does it involve financial or legal matters, or have policy, program or procedural implications? Does it provide a record of why or how decisions or actions were taken? Does it provide information needed to account for activities to Parliament? Does it request an opinion on an activity of interest to the Department? Does it provide comments on an activity that requires administrative action? Is it used to initiate or continue a departmental activity? Is it subject to an ATIP request? Employees often ask whether draft documents should be kept. If the drafts contain substantive changes that demonstrate the evolution of the document, they should be kept. If the answer to any of these questions is yes, keep it!

5 Disposition Process Library and Archives Canada (LAC)
The Library and Archives of Canada Act stipulates that information of business value shall be managed according to approved retention and disposition schedules. Examples of retention periods (must be set according to business requirements, unless specified in an act or policy): Policy records: 20 years Operational records: 10 years Financial administrative records: 6 years General administrative records: 2 to 5 years Information resources of enduring value are transferred to LAC for permanent retention. Placing documents in GCDocs Enterprise ensures that LAC guidelines will be applied. This is achieved by means of the inheritance model in the Enterprise folder structure. When documents are saved to the shared drives, there is no mechanism for applying LAC R&D schedules.

6 Transformation at TBS - Roadmap
STAGE 1 Roles and Responsibilities STAGE 2 Assess, Inventory and Plan STAGE 3 Learn, Sort and Destroy STAGE 4 Scan and Transfer STAGE 5 Adopting Good Habits STAGE 6 Last Check STAGE 7 Using New Tools and Ready to Move Stages of Information Clean-Up Campaign Fall 2013 Fall 2014 Information Architecture Shared Drives ETI 90 Elgin and Second Location Move Your Digital Documents (Early 2014 to Fall 2014) Implementation of new information architecture Migration of electronic documents to GCDocs Moving away from use of shared drives Move Your (Spring to Fall 2014) Implementation of ETI 2-GB Outlook limit (including , calendar, contacts and tasks) Move Your Physical Documents (Summer 2014 to Fall 2014) Transfer physical records to Corporate Information Centre Proper disposal of all corporate records Move Your Two Boxes (2015 and 2016) Move with two boxes of belongings and all information stored digitally in GCDocs GCPedia - TBS Information Clean-up Campaign

7 Shared Drive Clean-Up Do’s Don’ts Delete duplicate documents
Delete documents already saved in GCDocs Delete personal documents, including videos, music and photos Create meaningful names for folders and documents Use a shortcut instead of copying the same document in several folders Use shared drives for information created in applications that are not integrated with GCDocs Delete empty folders Use short but meaningful names for sub-folders Insert the version number in the name of the document if there are several versions Add “FinalVersion” at the end of a document name when it is the approved final version Use the same language in the name as in the document Be consistent when naming documents Don’ts Don’t store convenience copies or reference copies Don’t store s (.pst files) Don’t store personal information Don’t use your name, acronyms or abbreviations when naming folders and documents Don’t store the same document in several folders Don’t store database files (MS Access) in GCDocs Don’t keep casual communications Don’t move documents or your folder structure from the shared drive to GCDocs before consulting your IM representative

8 Email Clean-Up: Dispose of…
Personal messages Casual conversations For your information (FYI) only Confirmation of meetings and boardroom bookings Read receipts Outlook task requests and updates Messages that contain no administrative, operational, fiscal or legal value Messages needed for a limited time only String of s except the last one or those with attachments Calendar items over one year old s that include duplicates of attachments Your copy of messages sent to all staff or multiple addresses Unsolicited advertising Most of your is likely for reference.

9 Email Clean-Up: Save in GCDocs…
s documenting business actions: Example: providing advice on the application of a policy s documenting records of decisions or providing evidence of accountability: Example: to follow up on actions decided during a meeting that took place Approval of direction for an action: Example: Reply from manager approving an action to a question previously sent requesting direction Authorization for business transactions: Example: approving a staffing action The “Sent Items” folder is where most s have business value.

10 Paper Clean-Up: Dispose of…
Documents with an RDIMS or a GCDocs reference number Print-outs of Internet information Printed s Printed Outlook calendars Diskettes, CDs, DVDs and USB sticks that contain textual documents All copies of administrative documents such as training forms, budget, résumes, answers to ATIP requests, etc. (excluding contracts) Publications (ISBN and ISSN) Incomplete or partial documents (i.e., missing pages) Documents that have no date (includes documents that mention only a time period, e.g., 2009–2010 review) Illegible handwritten notes Convenience copies of Treasury Board Submissions and accompanying Submission detail Drafts that contain minor changes Copies of Cabinet documents (note that these should never be photocopied) Information gathered during conferences or training, including completion certificates Personal information and belongings

11 Paper Clean-Up: Send to the Corporate Information Centre…
Documents that have a “wet” signature Information coming into the Department in a non-electronic format

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