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Demographic Snapshot of Austin’s African American Community

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1 Demographic Snapshot of Austin’s African American Community
City Council work session June 21, 2016 Ryan Robinson City Demographer Planning and Zoning Department 1 1

2 Housing Affordability
Executive Summary The African American community in central Texas is better off in many ways than it was ten years ago but large, stubborn socioeconomic disparities continue to persist. A return to positive population growth within the City and a continuation of modest growth for metropolitan Austin. And yet, greater Austin is not getting a significant piece of the big current growth stream of African American households flowing into the South. Housing Affordability Achieving significant growth of African American households in the future is dependent on attracting families with children back into the City--and yet, collapsing housing affordability across the City will make this difficult. 2 2

3 Issue Sections Population change and spatial distribution.
Quality of Life indicators. National Migration Patterns. Housing affordability. 3 3

4 Population Change and Spatial Distribution
The most recent Census data from 2014 indicate a gain of almost 8,000 African Americans since 2010 within the City of Austin and an almost 20,000 increase at the metropolitan-level. More than half of all African Americans inside metropolitan Austin now live outside the City of Austin. 4 4

5 Overall share continues to fall but the total number of African Americans within the City has risen.


7 Williamson Travis Bastrop Hays Caldwell

8 This is what we thought was happening from our 2005 perspective,
but we were wrong… Share of Total Population Total African American Population Total number of African Americans in Austin has increased over time, but the share of total population from African Americans has decreased.














22 Quality of Life Data Indicators
Although Austin’s African American community does relatively well in national comparisons with other African American communities, large, stubborn socioeconomic disparities continue to persist. 22 22

23 􀂃 whether the quality of life in Austin for Hispanics is markedly
different from the quality of life experienced by Hispanics in other cities, the state and the nation as a whole. 􀂃 and whether the quality of life experienced by Austin Hispanics is significantly different from the quality of life experienced by the rest of the City as a whole.

24 􀂃 whether the quality of life in Austin for Hispanics is markedly
different from the quality of life experienced by Hispanics in other cities, the state and the nation as a whole. 􀂃 and whether the quality of life experienced by Austin Hispanics is significantly different from the quality of life experienced by the rest of the City as a whole.

25 Cities within the Selected Set of Peer and near-Peer Cities, plus the state of Texas and the US
Seattle Minneapolis Portland Milwaukee Detroit Columbus Sacramento Baltimore Denver Indianapolis San Francisco Las Vegas Washington DC San Jose Nashville Raleigh Oklahoma City Charlotte San Diego Phoenix Memphis Ft Worth Dallas Atlanta Jacksonville El Paso Austin Houston San Antonio Corpus

26 24th

27 5th


29 20th


31 7th lowest rate




35 National Migration Patterns
Austin is not getting a significant piece of the big current growth stream of African American households flowing into the South. 35 35





40 Housing Affordability
Achieving significant growth of African American households in the future is dependent on attracting families with children back into the City. But collapsing housing affordability across the City will make this difficult. 40 40




44 Conclusions and Next Steps
The City of Austin’s African American community is back in a growth mode--but housing affordability will continue to be a serious challenge for substantial future growth. Leveling socioeconomic disparities will be based largely on increasing access to quality education. The African American Quality of Life Advisory Commission is currently finalizing its budget request to Council, which will focus on these issues: Health, Criminal Justice and Education. 44 44

45 Housing Affordability
Achieving significant growth of African American households in the future is dependent on attracting families with children back into the City--and yet, collapsing housing affordability across the City will make this difficult. Questions and Follow-up please contact: Ryan Robinson City Demographer Planning and Zoning Department 45 45

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